Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 1158 Absolutely Iron Fist! 3 ask for a monthly ticket

While Ye Qianli shouted anxiously, she summoned the little girl of the divine flower, who immediately pounced on Gong Liuyun, and the vines of the divine flower sprouted from her body, stabilizing Gong Liuyun's vitality.


The silver needles in Ye Qianli's hand, which scattered silently, also quickly pierced into Gong Liuyun's various acupuncture points, and there was a steady stream of endless power! It has been slowly injected into Gong Liuyun's body along with the silver needle.

But for a moment! Gong Liuyun, who was almost holding his breath, was stabilized, and Jinfeng was amazed to see it, you know! Even the Nirvana of their Jinfeng clan is not as strong as Ye Qianli's medical skills.

Although they are all "prompted" when they are on the verge of death, the Phoenix Nirvana is a narrow escape! The journey was also very difficult, and the time was particularly long, how could it be as "easy" as Ye Qianli, who said he could save people from life! Just saved the person.

But Hua Qianfang who came with her felt very unusual. After all, even if she was not in this world of cultivation, Ye Qianli was already a person who could compete with the king of Hades in the age of science and technology.

Now that she has supernatural powers in her hands, coupled with her previous technical ability, how could she not be able to save a person who is just suffering from heart failure! People who consume too much.


"Cough!" The rescued Gong Liuyun said anxiously the first moment he regained consciousness, "Hurry up, save Zong Ming...quick..."

That said! Gong Liuyun tried his best to point in the direction of the labyrinth, he knew that Liao Zongming was fleeing in that direction with someone carrying him on his back, and he also knew that there were two people from the Renjiehui who must be chasing Liao Zongming and the others.

"Okay! I'll go right away, Qianfang, please watch." After Ye Qianli asked Hua Qianfang to replace her, she rushed towards Rong Mo and hugged him.

And Rong Mo, who knew she was treating him as a "traveler", caught him naturally, and hugged two leopards, one big and one small, at the speed of a domain master! Teleported to the direction of the maze.


But at that time!

"Brother! It's not that I want to abandon you, I really can't run anymore, but don't worry, I will help you lure those bastards away, you can 'rest' here, I hope you will not be attacked by monsters,... "

While rambling, he quickly "buried" Liao Zongming to Chen Junjie, and also put a rotten animal carcass on the loose soil to cover up Liao Zongming's aura.

After doing all this, Chen Junjie's pale face was completely darkened! He almost didn't fall down, but he gritted his teeth and still held on! And quickly wiped off the blood that flowed out of his seven orifices and almost fell to the ground.

Then, after swallowing a elixir, he quickly fled from the spot. There was only a strong smell of rotting corpses, and there was no aura of Liao Zongming at all.


Chen Junjie, who had run away, spat out the blood that had been suffocating in his heart for a long time! His own aura was exposed more clearly, and then he ran desperately towards the maze.

run all the way! Chen Junjie, who kept bleeding from his seven orifices all the way, could not be more miserable, but the elixir he swallowed before has the effect of burning potential, so he can still run for a while.

But seeing this scene in the eyes of those scattered passers-by who saw him, they knew that Chen Junjie had run out of fuel and was about to die! not to mention……

"Where is it! Chase quickly—" Behind Chen Junjie! Brother Zhan Lie, who was assigned by Zhuo Yue to chase after Chen Junjie, had already seen Chen Junjie.

And Chen Junjie, who heard this shout, rushed forward with all his might! Then his eyes went dark, and he couldn't hold on any longer and fell into the rocky ground.

Brother Yan Lie then caught the unconscious Chen Junjie, but what surprised the two of them was, wasn't Chen Junjie still carrying a person? Why is it gone.


"It doesn't matter! I don't know who that person is. Let's take Chen Junjie back and return to his command." Yan Lie thought that their mission was to capture Chen Junjie, and it was best to get news about Ye Qianli from him.

But now that Chen Junjie is dying, there is no way to ask questions, so he can only bring him back to Renjiehui, so Brother Zhanlie tied Chen Junjie up.

It's just that they just finished tying people up and haven't left the scene yet! They couldn't leave, because Rong Mo had already appeared in front of them with his big and small leopards in his arms.

And Ye Qianli, who had already landed on the ground, walked towards them! Brother Zhan Lie, who had remembered Ye Qianli's appearance from the reward painting, recognized the person who came.

Immediately, Yan Lie grabbed Chen Junjie's Tianling Gai with his palm, and shouted, "Don't come here! Otherwise, I'll kill him."

Having said that, there is still a powerful diamond power! It has overflowed from the palm of Yan Lie, and if Ye Qianli dares to approach, he will explode Chen Junjie's head.

But Ye Qianli is not threatened at all! Still approaching Brother Zhanlie, he shouted coldly, "Let him go!"

Seeing Yan Lie, he yelled with a gloomy expression, "Say it again! Get back immediately, or I will really kill him!"

But the answer to Yan Lie was——



Ye Qianli raised her hands between her hands, and sacrificed ten ways! The third-order god-killing pattern, and her cold and heartless shout, "Release me immediately! Otherwise, I will let you die without reincarnation."

The dead breath of the god-killing pattern! Brother Yan Lie couldn't calm down and turned pale with fright, not to mention Ye Qianli, a pervert who inscribed ten words in a fit of anger! The Ten Paths of Punishing Gods and Gods.

These god-killing patterns not only blocked all the escape routes of the brothers Zhan Lie, but also approached them very close! Let them have a feeling that they will be wiped out at any moment, and they will definitely be wiped out.

but for a moment...

Yan Lie said timidly, "We can release him, but you still have a red-haired companion who has been captured by our people and brought back to Renjiehui. If you want to save that person, remember to come to Renjiehui right away! Yes, after we release people, you cannot kill us."

"Yes." Ye Qianli agreed very simply.

But Yan Lie said worriedly, "You swear! As long as we let people go, you will never embarrass us, and you must go to our meeting of outstanding people immediately."

"Yes! I, Ye Qianli, swear, I will let you go and go to the Heroes' Club." Ye Qianli swore without any nonsense.

Hearing this, Yan Lie said to his younger brother Yan Xiong, "Let him go."

"Brother, this..." Yan Xiong was a little worried.

But Yan Lie said in a low voice, "Our brothers' lives are more important than this person's life! Anyway, Ye Qianli promised to go to the Renjie meeting immediately, and both of us have done meritorious service! Let him go."

Then Yan Xiong let go, and returned Chen Junjie to Ye Qianli, but was caught by Rong Mo, and Yan Lie immediately grabbed Yan Xiong's hand and fled the scene.

That's not even counting...

"Ye Qianli! Don't forget to come to the Renjie Society within an hour, otherwise I will kill the red-haired brother, and you will be unstable because of breaking your oath." Yan Lie's roar was far away while going! Still screaming so loudly that many people heard it.


ps: The chrysanthemum in this seat is going to be disabled! Quickly vote for the monthly ticket to defend the ranking of the monthly ticket list, or I will abuse Da Lier! hum~

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