Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 1195: Palm Secret Ban! Eat Silly Leopard 1 More


Rong Mo was still at the same time, not to mention bullying Ye Qianli, and there were many terrifying swallow patterns. At this moment, he rushed towards Ye Qianli like a "milk swallow returning to its nest", as if he was going to swallow Ye Qianli She devours.


The magic box is "blind" to look at, I just feel that it is going to be completely cold, it is very shameless to seize the ancient battlefield, but everyone at the scene saw it with a heart——


Although those taboo swallow patterns lingered around Ye Qianli's body, they didn't get close to her, as if they were separated by some force! And this power that separates them is naturally Rong Mo's restraint.

Ye Qianli knew, so although she was pressed to the ground, and even felt a slight suffocation, as if she was about to be suffocated, she knew that he would not suffocate her.

She just looked at him like that, looking at his extremely strange black and blue eyes, even though the way he looked at her was so strange, and his hands were so cold.

But she could still feel that he was restraining, he was "watching" her, it was her highness who was watching her, maybe he couldn't see clearly, but he was there.

He is still there!

Ye Qianli held it lightly, the cold sculpted hand clasped around her neck, quietly looking at his temperatureless eyes, waiting for him to fully wake up.


Liao Zongming and the others' hearts were hanging in their throats because of this, and no one in the cave dared to make a sound, for fear that someone who was not paying attention would get tattooed on their upper body! Dead Alice.

But as time slowly passed, You Tianjiao began to talk agitatedly, "What's going on? Is this person trying to trap us all here?!"

"Hush! He's been controlled by the forbidden forces. He should be struggling now. When he regains his senses, we may have hope to get out." The discerning Tianjiao warned.

But those restless Tianjiao criticized, "I don't think this is right. If it is really a forbidden power, no one can control it. I am afraid it is the secret inheritance of the King of Ten Thousand Realms."

"That's right! This person has obtained this power, but he is afraid that we will spread it and cause him trouble. If you want to kill us, let me tell you! We should join forces immediately and kill him!"

Tianjiao, who was a little vacillating, felt that there was such a possibility! It should be a shot, and that day Zhaobei even wanted to instigate with his eyes moving.

Tian Zhaobei knew that his nephew Tian Qisheng had thoughts about Ye Qianli, so Rong Moruo died here, or died of being besieged! Ye Qianli, a flower without an owner, naturally belongs to their holy son.

But Tianzhaobei only thought so! He didn't dare to do anything before he thought about what to do, and he quickly hid the evil in his heart.

Because the three Tianjiao who were provoking the scene just now to attack Rong Mo disappeared without a sound after they had finished speaking.

That's right...

It just disappeared.

Under the approach of a taboo swallow pattern, it "disappeared" without even making a scream. As for where it disappeared? Everyone knew with a clear heart that it was a lost soul, unable to go anywhere.


The scene was suddenly extremely silent, no one dared to make any sound, even breathing became extra cautious, no one dared to think anything bad about Rong Mo, and they all froze in the distance in extreme fear.

But Ye Qianli's breathing became extremely even and calm at this moment, because she could already see it! Her reflection has gradually appeared in the black and blue eyes of her highness who are still strange.

She just knew it! He was recovering, and he was really seeing her, which actually made Ye Qianli feel a little worried, and she slowly put it back into her stomach.

But she just let go of her heart, but Rong Mo slightly narrowed those evil eyes, and he also bullied her a little closer, lifting her let go of her heart again!

"Oh!" Rong Mo suddenly kissed the lips of the person in front of him under the eyes of everyone, and he

"..." |

The audience was stunned for a while, and felt as if they had come to a large-scale dog abuse scene, and Jiang Yu felt even more hot-eyed! On the spot, he secretly scolded Rong Mo for not knowing how to behave.


The person involved, Ye Qianli, was also dumbfounded! Very confused! Very confused, her Highness has always been a reserved person, so, so many people watched, he just, just kissed, kissed! ?

But before the dazed Ye Qianli could think about anything, her jaw was pinched and buckled by gravity! The pain was so painful that she was attacked without any surprise while she was breathing out! Slightly.

Rong Mo didn't just kiss, he also domineeringly entered between her lips and teeth, encroaching on her sweet and soft tongue, and sucking her sweet juice.

It was as if he had become sick from long-term thirst and urgently needed to be relieved; as if he had been hungry for a long time and was in urgent need of food; Rong Mo's kiss came abruptly, domineering, hasty and intense, as if he wanted to eat him in one bite in an instant. Ken give up.

Ye Qianli couldn't cope with him at all, his brain was so hot from his kisses, how could he take care of it, this was under the watchful eyes of everyone.

But she really doesn't need to take this into consideration, because the countless taboo dark lines have already "swamped" her and her highness densely.

It is impossible for others to see the two of them through the taboo dark lines, not to mention that besides Liao Zongming and others, no one in this meeting has the intention to pay attention to Ye Qianli and Rong Mo.

"There are no taboo dark lines on the passage, let's go!" Zhu Tianjiao, who found the passage was safe, immediately fled to the outside of the cave, where would he dare to stay?

"Let's go, let's go out too." Hua Qianfang pulled Liao Zongming up and said, but the latter refused to respond, "What about my little sister?"

"Are you stupid?" Hua Qianfang dragged this fellow away speechlessly, Rong Mo! He obviously regained consciousness, otherwise these taboo dark lines could be so "obedient" and serve as a "screen" for him?

Jin Feng was dragged away by Long Yingyun, Zhu Yunwen, Jiang Yu, and Gong Liuyun also retreated silently, even the middle-aged strong man disappeared silently.

However, the middle-aged strong man at this meeting is in a delicate mood, "Knowing that I am the Dragon Emperor, the child has the same physique as the master, and the child's father can also control the power of secret restraint, this family..."

After the middle-aged strong man finished murmuring in surprise, he completely disappeared from Xueyuan to see the little chubby dragon, but in his heart, he already had a bold guess.

And when everyone had dispersed, in the empty taboo cave, Rong Mo let go a little, and the little female leopard who had been kissed deeply by him had deep and deep eyes.

When Ye Qianli's eyes came into focus after recovering a little bit, what she saw was still a pair of eerie dark blue pupils, like quiet sapphires with magical power, which made people's hearts flustered and their heartbeats agitated.

Rao Ye Qianli, she needed to widen her eyes before trying her best to be able to calm down and want to say something, but she just opened her mouth, and her voice was robbed.

"Hmm..." Rong Mo's kiss had already fallen again, swallowing all her voice, and then hugged her tightly, and whispered to her, "Idiot."

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