Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 1198 Burning to the point of inhumanity! 1 more

As soon as Chen Junjie heard this, he knew that the visitor was really bad, so he turned to the holy cloud and said, "Since your Excellency wants to challenge the leader of the Limenghui, it would be disrespectful to detain me as a disciple of the Limenghui. I can help you!" Send a message, but how about releasing me, Junior Sister Ning?"

"No, that woman Ye Qianli is a coward. If there is no hostage, if she doesn't come, what should I do? Take her away." Sheng Yun said.

"Pfft..." A passer-by sneered, thinking that this group of people in black must have just entered the Hongmeng cultivation field, so they would call Ye Qianli a courageless woman.

However, the person who made the joke was not low-level, and he was hiding in the crowd. Although Sheng Yun heard it, he couldn't tell who it was, so he could only gloomyly glanced at the onlookers, and said, "Let's go."

"Yes! Brother Shengyun." A group of men in black were about to attack, but Ning Tian'er wanted to resist, but was stopped by Chen Junjie, "Junior Sister Tian'er, don't be impulsive, I'll go back to the meeting to ask for help, you wait! Don't Impulse, these people are stronger than us."

"Hmph!" Ning Tian'er didn't whip his whip, but Chen Junjie still said to Sheng Yun and the others, "I'll go back to the meeting to spread the word, don't embarrass my junior sister Tian'er, she is the descendant of the Tian's in-law Ning. "

"What do you mean by that? Could it be that our Senior Brother Sheng Yun is still afraid of the mere Tian family's in-laws?" the skinny and wretched man shouted immediately, and Sheng Yun's face was really ugly!

But Chen Junjie has already explained, "I don't mean that, what I mean is that the twenty super clans have been friendly for generations, and their ancestors have served the king of the ten thousand domains, and the younger generations should be harmonious. If it is not necessary, it is better not to embarrass each other too much good."

"Get out!" Sheng Yun scolded, as if he didn't care about it at all, Chen Junjie didn't say anything more, and only told Ning Tian'er not to be impulsive.

Ning Tian'er held back his anger, but did not make a move. Seeing this, Chen Junjie immediately rushed towards the meeting place, but before he left, the man in black laughed and said, "I don't think this Limenghui is very good. A director , it’s so bad!”

"Junior Brother Lin, since the Limenghui was created by that woman Ye Qianli, of course it's not very good. Does it matter? But this chick is pretty good, very fresh." The skinny and wretched man was still approaching Ning Tian'er while talking. Then, he reached out to touch her face.

Ning Tian'er immediately whipped her whip and yelled back, "Get out!" Although she was only a novice saint, she was very skilled at whipping. When the whip was pulled out, there was a tyrannical aura of heaven and earth, which immediately condensed on her whip, turning into a hideous long snake! Straight to kill the skinny and wretched man.

In an instant—


Caught off guard! The skinny and wretched man who was too close to Ning Tian'er was hit by the long whip on the spot. Even though he immediately launched his defense, his face was still blooming, and he screamed in pain on the spot.

"court death!"

Sheng Yun cut it out with a sword while scolding him! Cut off Ning Tian'er's long whip, and also released Wushuang sword energy, sending Ning Tian'er flying on the spot.

"Pfft!" Ning Tian'er, who was too low-level, was severely injured by the sword energy and immediately vomited blood, but she still stared fearlessly at Sheng Yun and the others and said, "When our president comes, you will all die!"

"I'll kill your cousin first!" The skinny and wretched man with a blooming face became furious, and he drew his sword to chop Ning Tian'er who had been severely injured.

But as soon as he drew his sword, he was stopped by a fellow in black and said, "This woman can't be killed. If she is killed, then Ye Qianli won't come. What should I do?"

"Hmph!" The skinny and wretched man inserted his sword back, but stared at Ning Tian'er gloomyly and said, "When your president comes, it's your time of death!"

"Bah!" Ning Tian'er spat blood at him, her disdain clearly written on her face, and the skinny and wretched man's face became even more gloomy with anger, but he said with a smile, "But before she comes, I will Let your life be worse than death first!"

Having said that, this person has already stepped up to Ning Tian'er, and carried her on his shoulders again. His intention could not be more obvious, and some passers-by immediately couldn't stand it and said, "This is all from the realm of nothingness." People? Are you so wretched, bullying a little girl collectively."

"What does it have to do with you!" The skinny and wretched man immediately shouted.

"Hey, it has nothing to do with us, but I didn't expect that the people in the void world are so dirty. I used to admire Shengfan very much, but now it seems..."

"Who are you! How dare you talk in vain about my Senior Brother Shengfan?" The skinny and wretched man snapped ferociously, but he was very arrogant, and Ning Tian'er, who was being carried by him, took the opportunity to kick him! But he quickly buckled it.

"Tsk! The people in the Nihility Realm are so crazy, it seems that the trial ground of our twenty super clans has become his Nihility Realm's territory."

"That's right, the Nihility Realm is amazing, is Sheng Fan amazing? He can't even make it into the top three of the Primordial Mist List, what's wrong with your Nihility Realm?"

Many passers-by were very upset. The skinny and wretched man condemned him. They are all from various super clans. Who has no background! Tianjiao, who can come to Hongmeng Xiuchang, is really not afraid of nothingness.

Sheng Yun was so angry that his face became even more gloomy, and the sword intent all over his body suddenly raged, and he said, "Do you all want to court death!?"

"Tch!" The passers-by dismissed in disdain, and naturally they would not fight Sheng Yun, a man with obvious combat prowess, for the sake of Ning Tian'er, whom he didn't know.

"Senior brother Sheng Yun, they are too rude, so what if they all kill them?" The skinny and wretched man urged.

"Okay! You also restrain yourself a bit. Do you think that this place is in the realm of nothingness? The Hongmeng Xiuchang gathered the talents of the twenty super clans, and there are many strong people of the same generation as me." Sheng Yun said with some self-knowledge.

"Senior brother Sheng Yun is right, but this bitch can always teach him a lesson, right?" The skinny and wretched man even patted Ning Tian'er's delicate buttocks while speaking.

Ning Tian'er immediately cursed in embarrassment, "Shameless! Obscene! If you dare, kill me!"

"Want to die? You want to be beautiful. I said that I will make your life worse than death first." The skinny and wretched man sneered viciously. Seeing that Sheng Yun had nodded, he wanted to carry Ning Tian'er into a nearby dilapidated building. In the house, do dirty things.

"Let me go!" Ning Tian'er's complexion changed drastically, she was about to be carried into that filthy broken house, she gritted her teeth and wanted to explode herself!

But she has an idea! However, Sheng Yun slapped her on the back of the waist with a sword, severely wounding her to the point where she couldn't mobilize any strength, and she vomited blood again and again.

"Don't let her die!" Sheng Yun scolded.

"Yes! Senior brother, don't worry, junior brother will watch her." The skinny and wretched man immediately promised, and flashed into the house, but at the moment he was about to flash into the house! There was a wisp of scorching fire that fell from the sky and burned towards him, and in an instant——

"Hey!" The scorching fire burned on the thin and wretched man's body like a tarsal bone, causing him to scream out in pain on the spot.

But there was a loud and clear voice of angry reprimand, which had followed Kong Tread and shouted, "Go to hell!"

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