Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 1225 Talk to the Ancient King City! 1 more

What happened just now! It all appeared because of the appearance of this existence, and only because he wanted to show up, so the ancient king city had such a big change?

Xue Yin was bewildered and couldn't figure it out at all, so he didn't think about it anymore. He just immersed himself in the cultivation of Xingyunhe and grasped the opportunity at hand.

But Ye Qianli, who entered the inner city, found that there was no one around her, her highness and Xiao Er were gone, and the Taiyi clan, Jinfeng and others were also gone.

"Magic box, what's going on?" Ye Qianli Chuannian asked the magic box, but the latter said in a bullet screen, "I don't know too well, let's go and see first."

"Didn't you come here?" Ye Qianli asked contemptuously.

The magic box immediately said unconvinced, "Then when I came here, there were still super cultivators everywhere. How can there be no ghost like this now? Can it be the same?!"

"Okay..." Ye Qianli was sure. This magic box she picked up for nothing really has a "long history". As for the others, she didn't ask much.

The magic box didn't realize that it had exposed its "age" and was still muttering, "This place is dead and silent now, and I don't know if there is any chance."

"Let's take a look." Ye Qianli walked in the deserted city, and could see that except for no living beings in the city, all other infrastructures were complete. There were even various treasures in the roadside stalls. It made her want to take it away by hand.


She can't take it away!

It seems that there is some kind of restriction in this city, and all these materials are restricted, so that people can only look at them and cannot take them away, which makes Ye Qianli feel depressed.

"So we came to the ancient king city for a day trip? We don't pay for consumption, but a tour of conscience?" Ye Qianli couldn't complain.

"Why are you in a hurry, go to the castle in the center of the city and see, what are these things good for? I don't know much..." The magic box complained that Ye Qianli's vision was too low.

Ye Qianli: "..." There are a lot of artifacts above Tier 5 on the street, and there are many magical healing pills, as well as various rare magical medicines, many of which are still extinct. Why is it not a good thing?

Even if she doesn't have much shortage of supplies now, she can't be reckless, right? If she can take away a batch, she won't need to refine alchemy in the future, how wonderful!

The prodigal son of the magic box, if he is not in charge of the family, he does not know that "firewood, rice, oil and salt are expensive", really...

Ye Qianli was slandering the magic box, but the latter suddenly barked out, "Not good! Get out of the way."

It's too late! then soon-


Just as Ye Qianli quickly moved away from the reminder of the magic box, she saw that the place where she was standing had been melted by the flames! There was a hole! ?

There is even billowing thick smoke "curling up" from the white jade-like city ground, seeing Ye Qianli's solemn face, she just feels that if she hadn't dodged this blow, she must be melted in that hole now up! No surprises.

Such a critical attack is simply terrifying!

Not only did it scare Ye Qianli, but it also alarmed the Emperor and the Dark Lord of the Abyss. They were already in Ye Qianli's sea of ​​consciousness, exclaiming in unison, "This is the power of Vulcan Zhu Rong!"

"!" Ye Qianli's face suddenly became extremely ugly because of the words of the two elders. After all, she had already seen a certain legendary Zhu Rong himself.

"Second idiot, you want to be cold..." The magic box was stunned, because Zhu Rong himself was standing in front of Ye Qianli, staring at her coldly! Obviously want to kill her.

Ye Qianli: "..." Guwangcheng is too unfriendly to her, can she go home? Zhu Rong's deity, this is a figure of the Three Sovereigns and Five Sovereigns.

Such an existence, unless her human emperor ancestors were not soul bodies, but healthy and healthy! The Human Sovereign who has his own physical body can still fight.


Ye Qianli read to the Emperor very seriously, "Ancestor of the Emperor, can you come out and have a chat with your 'brother', and then ask him to go?"

The Emperor: "..." Since when did he become brothers with Zhu Rong? Why didn't he know, but he had a few friendships with Zhu Rong.

Thinking of this, Human Sovereign still wanted to help and said, "Then you..."

It's a pity that the words of the Emperor hadn't finished yet, and the explosive musket in the hands of the fire god Zhu Rong had once again poked at Ye Qianli awe-inspiringly! Suddenly there was a prairie fire, and he slammed down on Ye Qianli.

"Zi!" The terrifying heat of the calcination turned the air into a liquid, making it locked! Ye Qianli, who could no longer dodge at all, changed his face drastically, and could only sweep out the peerless knife in the strongest fighting form.


The terrifying sword wind and whirling waves collided with Vulcan Zhu Rong's musket, creating a raging fighting frenzy, destroying the white jade buildings with a radius of hundreds of miles to "buzzing".

If Xue Yin was here, he would surely find that Ye Qianli, who had been sublimated by the Xingyun River, had increased her combat power many times. Her current knife clearly has the power to collapse the sky and crack the earth. strong.


But no matter how strong Ye Qianli's knife is! She was still pierced through the defense by Vulcan Zhu Rong's spear, and hit the hard city building hard on the spot, spitting out a lot of blood.

But compared to vomiting blood, Ye Qianli thinks! The violent breath of Vulcan's fire scorching into her body is the real killing move. It directly burns her meridians to sizzle, and she is about to be burned to slag.


There was a quiet purple mist, but at the moment Ye Qianli couldn't bear it, it suddenly emanated from the depths of her meridians and viscera, completely extinguishing the violent firepower of Vulcan.

"Run!" Human Sovereign immediately reminded him that he also fought side by side with Ye Qianli just now, so he naturally knew that Ye Qianli at this moment was not Zhu Rong's opponent at all, so keep fighting! There is no doubt that he must die.



The fire god Zhu Rong had once again flashed in front of Ye Qianli, locked on her, blocked all her ways, and put Ye Qianli, who had been severely injured, into a desperate situation.

The existence of the Three Emperors and Five Emperors is not something that Ye Qianli can defeat at all! She was lucky that she didn't die just now, but...

"Human Emperor." Fire God Zhu Rong recognized that there was an emperor's aura in Ye Qianli's body, and the latter had also floated out of the air and stood in front of Zhu Rong, protecting Ye Qianli behind him.

"Pfft——" Ye Qianli just spurted out a mouthful of scorching blood, which was the power of Vulcan forced out by the power of the source spirit in her body.

But she just spat out this mouthful of blood, but the pair of fire eyes of the Vulcan God Zhu Rong retracted, as if shaken, he said, "Yu Ling!"

But as soon as he made this sound, there was a flash of original blue lightning, which hit his celestial spirit cover at the moment he was stunned by the shock. Immediately afterwards——

"Bang!" The fire god Zhu Rong was extinguished by the chaotic source of thunder on the spot, turning into a ball of fire that was about to dissipate! The Human Sovereign quickly reminded, "Qianli, quickly let the Nine Heavens Profound Fire come out."

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