Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 1227 Get out and die! 3 more

"What else do you want?!" The tone of the white-clothed old man was not very good, Ye Qianli quickly explained, "The junior would like to ask you, what about the people who are traveling with the junior? They..."

"They have already gone out, I will send you and him together." After saying that, the old man in white swept Ye Qianli away with a wave of his sleeve.

However, although he was impatient throughout the whole process, he had fulfilled Ye Qianli's request, so when he sent the person out, there was nothing wrong with it! He has sent her into Rong Mo's arms.

"Pfft!" Human Sovereign couldn't help laughing, only thought that the old man guarding the castle was a bit interesting, he didn't send him anywhere, but sent him into the arms of his husband.

It was still squeezed, and Xiao Yi'er, who was lying in Rong Mo's arms, made the latter yell in surprise, "Cool?"

"Pfft!" Jinfeng joked with a smile, "Qianli, you really have a unique position to appear in, you're so sure about throwing yourself into your arms, how did you do it?"

Ye Qianli: "..." She was full of black lines and wanted to get out of the arms of her highness, but Rong Mo didn't let go, so she could only pinch his chest silently.

But Rong Mo pulled her into his arms even harder! Shouting "ah" to Xiao Yi'er, he kicked his father with his calf.

"Hmm." Ye Batian also snorted, and Rong Mo loosened the arm around Ye Qianli's waist, just like he came in before, still holding Ren'er's hand.

Only now did Ye Qianli see that they had "returned" outside the Nirvana Ancient Road, and were standing in the entrance hall, but the aura of each of them was no longer what it was then, and had become much stronger.

"Qianli, did you gain anything in the inner city?" Zhu Yunwen asked, because they all came out very quickly, even Rong Mo and Xiao Yier waited here for a long time, but Ye Qianli was dumbfounded. for three days.

Jinfeng at this meeting also asked curiously, "Yes, Qianli, did you have another great opportunity to stay for three days before you can come out."

"Three days!?" Ye Qianli said in a daze, "So long? I just fought with the Vulcan God Zhu Rong inside, and then I was kicked out by an old man in white. He said I was too weak. Don't deserve one, let me come back later."

Speaking of this, Ye Qianli was still a little reconciled, but she didn't say that she got a jade bowl, which also contained the starlight of the Xingyu River.

After all, although all the people present were her close relatives and friends, they were people she could trust, but the starlight of the Xingyun River was too precious, and it would be better if one less person knew about it.

Furthermore, everyone present had already obtained the opportunity of Xingyunhe, so there was no need to know that she still had Xingyunhe's starlight on her.

But Jin Feng who got the answer said with emotion, "Since he asked you to come back later, it means that you can still come in the future, but it seems to us that it is not possible, and we were thrown out directly."

"That's right." Zhu Yunwen also looked at Ye Qianli enviously, then looked at the ancient royal city that seemed to be at the end of the universe, and said rather reluctantly, "I won't have a chance to go in in the future."

"But what I got today is already a great opportunity, it's a pity that it's cheaper than Xue Yin!" Long Yingyun was still thinking about Xue Yin.

"This is also his chance, let's go, let's talk about the future." Ye Qianli didn't take it too seriously, after all, she couldn't go in and kill people now.

"I won't go with you anymore." Ye Batian has his own affairs, and he has to deal with people in the void world, so he can only part with his daughter's family here.

"Father, can't you stay with us first, and then get angry when necessary?" Ye Qianli asked to stay, after all, she saw that his father's aura can also change, as he is now, who can recognize him, he is nothingness The mysterious domain master in the world?

"No, but I will hide in the dark, and I will tell you before I leave, don't worry about me, but you and Yi'er should be careful." Ye Batian didn't want to cause trouble, but also wanted to better protect his daughter, so he made up his mind The determined one told Rong Mo, "Take care of them."

"Father-in-law, don't worry." Rong Mo understood Ye Batian's thoughts, so he didn't hold back, but Xiao Yi'er, who had climbed back on his shoulder, suddenly stretched out his hand to his grandfather and called, "Grandpa!" He looked like he wanted to hug him .

Ye Batian was a little flattered, and quickly took the little one into his arms, it was quite clumsy! Looking cautiously, Ye Qianli's mood was very complicated.

"Yi'er, darling, you are willing to be hugged by grandpa." At this moment, Ye Batian only felt that the little dumpling in his arms was like a scorching sun, making his heart, body, and eyes hot. , making him subconsciously hold the child more carefully.

Parting is always difficult, but it will eventually be parted. Although Ye Batian is reluctant to let go, he can only send the little grandson in his arms back to the arms of his son-in-law, and he watches his daughter leave. After waiting for a long time, Fang left from the hall.


But when Ye Qianli and his party hurried back to Taikoo City, they heard some news that Longxuannv, who got a inheritance from Piaomiao Cave Mansion, had been killed by Saint Tianqi! And seized the inheritance.

In addition, I heard that Saint Tianqi also went to the Lianmian Snow Mountain behind Xueyuan, but he obviously didn't go to the right place, after all, Ye Qianli and others didn't see him all the way.

When Ye Qianli and his group returned to the meeting place of the Limenghui, they were a little relieved to see that the plaque of the Limenghui had not been smashed, but there was no one in the Limenghui, which seemed very deserted.

But as soon as Ye Qianli and the others appeared! There were several auras, from all directions of the Limenghui, gathered towards them, and then——

Figures of You Nu, Kun Zhan and others appeared in front of Ye Qianli one after another, and You Nu said with a smile, "I knew you, President, would come back soon."

"That's natural. We haven't taken revenge for being bullied by Limenghui. If I don't come back soon, I won't be able to sleep or eat." Ye Qianli also said with certainty.

"The president means that we are going to take revenge now!?" You Nu was very surprised, but she could also see that the aura of Ye Qianli and others had changed a lot, which shows that they are being hunted down At the same time, he also got a great opportunity.


"President..." You Nu said hesitantly, "There are only six people left in our Li League, including us, Kun Zhan, and others. Ying Huan'er led people to threaten and order the rest of us to withdraw from the League."

"Why is she everywhere?" Jin Feng was a little speechless, but Yue Nu said, "Yinggu brought her to join the Tiandihui, and they are all members of the Tiandihui now."

"I don't care about her, but the news of my return must be released. In addition, tell everyone in the Hongmeng training field that I, Ye Qianli, is the number one in the Hongmeng list! I want Zhan Tianqisheng and Xue Yin, let them all get out and die." Ye Qianli said sonorously.

Everyone's heart was shocked! They all looked at Ye Qianli with hot eyes...

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