Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 1229 Jiaojiao Li'er is the worst! 2 more

Last time, she only killed Shengyun, but let the other people in the void world go. It was because the void world hadn't completely provoked her, and she didn't want to implicate too many people.


"Since the void old dog wants my life, I will take the lives of his subordinates first!" Ye Qianli said coldly, but in her heart she was thinking of her empress mother, and Hades father who had to endure and dormant back.

Catch her parents! He also tried to wash away the memories of her parents, and raped her empress mother, the lord of the void realm! Ye Qianli had already marked him to death in her heart.

Coupled with the fact that Nihility Realm has made it clear that they want to "undeath" with her, of course she will no longer be kind. As a former military doctor, she knows very well that war is merciless.

As a military doctor! In addition to saving lives and healing the wounded, he also shoulders the mission of a soldier - to defend the country! And this kind of defense is usually to stop killing with killing! End war with war.

She never initiates wars, but it doesn't mean that she will only let others bully her. Although she doesn't want to hurt the innocent, it doesn't mean that! She is the Virgin, who will repay evil with kindness! love without border.

As for this kind of Ye Qianli, Hua Qianfang was familiar with her, and Rong Mo hugged her tightly in his arms after the meeting was over, obviously his heart ached.

"Leave Tianqisheng to me." Rong Mo said this before, but Ye Qianli disagreed, so he just followed her. He would never stop her from becoming stronger, he would only help her, help her, Tried her, but...

"He's the domain master, I'll fight." Rong Mo said this time with certainty, with an indisputable meaning, he didn't want his little leopard to shoulder too much, especially just now, he watched her kill decisively, but he couldn't tell Why, he felt distressed.

But Ye Qianli, who was being hugged by him, shook her head, making Rong Mo's heart sink, and she wanted to be "strong" once, but Ye Qianli said, "Your Highness is not overkill when dealing with Tian Qisheng? The Tian family still has many strong ones." Or, Your Highness will support me."

"I..." Rong Mo wanted to say that there was no conflict.

But Ye Qianli rubbed against his neck and said, "Your Highness is my last hole card, just like Heavenly Strange Saints, there is no need for me to play such a big hole card."

"..." Rong Mo stopped talking, and only hugged a certain little female leopard who was acting coquettishly in her arms, knowing that she wanted to hide him, and use it when Tianshi found fault.

But wouldn't he pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger? He can use his own skills to deal with Tian Qisheng, of course he will not draw out all his cards, Tian Qisheng and others are not qualified to let him draw their cards.

And Ye Qianli could guess his thoughts, so although he didn't speak, his thin lips tightly pressed together, and his arms around her waist, let her know that he was going to make a move.

"Your Highness..." Ye Qianli rubbed against her Highness's arms more and more gently, "Just give me a chance to practice, won't you?"

"..." Rong Mo still didn't speak.

"Your highness..." Ye Qianli poked her head out of her highness's arms, leaned forward and pressed her forehead against his, and said with her delicate lips pressed against his lips, "You can't let me show off, Is it really secure to be number one in Hongmeng?"

But it's okay if she doesn't say this, once she says this! There was anger in Rong Mo's eyes, he thought about the Hongmeng list, it was his black-hearted father who made things difficult for his little leopard, and made her be targeted early.

So Rong Mo simply stopped and said, "Beauty tricks are useless."

But Ye Qianli was close to his white jade-like ear, and she rubbed her whole body softly into his arms, her plain fingers gently hooked and slowly caressed his Adam's apple, and then she exhaled like orchids. said, "Your Highness..."

"..." Rong Mo's Adam's apple slipped slightly, his eyes sparkled a few flames because of the soft "Your Highness", he couldn't hear her like a cat, coquettish and charming in his arms called.

let him……

Let him finally be defeated in her "cave" of ecstasy, he can only follow her will, and his husband will be depressed! Really fell into the "beauty trap".


the next day.

Since the establishment of the Limenghui, the largest meeting was held, not only the new and old members of the Limenghui, but also many onlookers.

Although these people couldn't enter the venue, they were all waiting outside. They keenly felt that Ye Qianli might lead someone to kill Tiandihui and Xuemeng today.

Even Tianqisheng who got the news, and Xueyin who had already walked out of the ancient king city thought so, and they were ready to wait for Ye Qianli to throw herself into the trap.

But I don't know! Ye Qianli's target today is not them at all. She said bluntly at the first time the meeting was held, "I called you here today because I want to ask you to help me clear up the people in the void world and relieve future troubles."

"The people who wiped out the void? Didn't they go to the Tiandihui and Xuemeng?!" The Limenghui exploded immediately. They originally thought that today's meeting was to talk about the Tiandihui and Xuemeng.

For this reason, many members of the Limeng Guild murmured that even though the Tiandihui and the Xuemeng did not behave properly before, because of the Tian Clan and the Snow King, many Tianjiao clans were still unwilling to confront them.

In particular, when they joined the club recently, they agreed that they joined the Limeng Club for development, and they could live and die together for other things, but they would not participate in the fight against Tian Qi Sheng and Xue Yin.

Now, some hesitant new members couldn't help but ask with certainty, "President, what do you mean, you only need me to help you destroy the people in the void world?"

"Naturally! As we all know, I killed that holy cloud in the past because he killed the members of our Li League first, but I never implicated other innocent people because of this. Kill me!

Therefore, I reorganized the Limenghui, just to avenge the encirclement and suppression in the past, and cut off the possibility of being banned by multiple forces again. As for the battle with Tianqisheng and Xueyin, I think all the deacons who received you have It has been explained that it has nothing to do with you, it is my battle. "

Ye Qianli responded very calmly, making many new members clenched their fists in shame and said, "I was waiting too long, thinking... It's okay! The master of the void realm is too ugly to eat, and I still think it's him in the Primordial Cultivation Field." The family is open! If you want to crusade against those scum in the void world, I am willing to help you with all my strength!"


The Tianjiao chatted endlessly, but they were quite filled with righteous indignation. After all, the way of doing things like the master of the void world was the first in the Hongmeng Xiuchang. Many people like Dong sent people in to find a place, but even the military team sent come! Really only nothingness.

a moment later...

"What? The members of the Limenghui, including those from the Taiyi clan, have already come towards us under the leadership of Ye Qianli!?" The half-step domain masters of the void world were a little confused when they received the news. .

"That's right!" The reporter had just finished answering, and before he had time to explain, there was a roar of "buzzing rumbling" in the sky, and he had already stepped on the sky, mighty and mighty! Like a hurricane.

Limenghui! coming……

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