Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 1231 Despicable bum bastard! 1 more

As soon as Tianqisheng said this, the audience was in an uproar. Although many clan arrogances had heard about it, Tianqisheng fell in love with Ye Qianli, who was already a married woman, but that was all heard.

Today, Tian Qisheng himself said so, which really confirmed his hobby, he likes married women! But Ye Qianli is not an ordinary married woman, she is not only talented! She is also very beautiful.

Moreover, Ye Qianli's beauty is still a kind of majestic and majestic beauty, which makes it difficult for people to have a dirty heart. Only a powerful arrogance like Tian Qisheng dares to covet her.

But as soon as Tianqisheng said this, there was a "wow" at the scene, and Ye Qianli pinned the man behind him, and sneered, "To be honest, I have never seen such a person as Tianqisheng. ! Brazen prying corner thing."

Tian Qisheng's complexion changed slightly, but Ying Huan'er reprimanded sharply, "Ye Qianli, you know what kind of bastard you are! Brother Qi Sheng is infatuated with you. Nacho? You're really shameless."

"Shut up!" Jin Feng was almost out of breath when she heard that, she had never seen such a person with unrighteous views.

But Liao Zongming said in a shrill voice from the side, "Hey! I don't know who it is, Ying Huan'er, right? I heard that when my young lady first arrived in Taikoo City, you shamelessly wanted to rob my young lady. husband.

Now that you, Qisheng brother, are shamelessly robbing my young lady, why do you two match up so well? They are all lowly little three things, in our Wangtian City! People like you should soak the pig cage. "

These words are extremely harsh! Very pale, Tian Qisheng's face turned black to charcoal, Ying Huan'er was also choked to the point of being speechless, her face turned blue and white.

Ye Qianli also sneered and said, "Zong Ming, you don't know that such a shameless person has so many clan arrogances following him. I really don't know that people from the world have the same hobby."

Everyone in the Tiandihui was choked up and their faces were colorful, but Tianqisheng is such a capable person! But he said with a doting wry smile, "Sister Qianli, why do you bother to be so sarcastic to me, I'm just sincere to you, and if you talk about Xiaosan, I'm afraid he is the one who robbed you."

Having said that, Sheng Tianqi looked at Rong Mo firmly, the latter seemed expressionless and cold! He seemed to stay out of the matter, but in fact he had a strong killing intent, but he was held tightly by his little wife all the time, trying to prevent him from having an attack, which made him panic and very unhappy.

However, Tian Qisheng's words contain a lot of information! Many people at the scene were whispering again, wondering what the words meant.

Ye Qianli, however, was too lazy to play Tai Chi with this Heavenly Strange Sage, and only asked coldly, "The heaven and the earth will come in a mighty way, but those who want to stop me from eradicating the void world, want to join forces with this void world to attack me?!"

"Why not? If you..." Ying Huan'er was about to say, that's what they meant!

But Ye Qianli snapped back and said, "Tsk! I thought that as the pride of the top twenty super clans, I was somewhat proud of myself, but I didn't expect that I was also a bum like nothingness, and I wanted to take advantage of others. It's a dangerous feat, but I think highly of the Tiandihui, but that's all."

"Don't talk nonsense, you little woman!" Tianjiao of the other clans of Tiandihui lost face. After all, they are not from the Tian clan, and they are also distinguished heroes in the clan. How can you bear it?

"Could I be wrong? Didn't you come here with Tianqi Sheng to take advantage of the fire and bully my mere saint and little lady? That's just me, a woman, making a wild guess.

Then, please watch from the Tiandihui, and when the president of the guild has wiped out the bastards in the void, I will fight with you and the guild leader—Tian Qisheng. "Ye Qianli's words were suppressed and beaten repeatedly, so that if Tiandihui made a move, it would be mean and obscene!

Although the Tiandihui does many despicable and nasty things, but usually they do it secretly, not to mention that Tianqisheng wants to save face, and he is quite disdainful of the world of nothingness, so he has already sighed and said, "Qianli, why do you do this? How could I bully you?"

"Ridiculous! I don't know who attacked my mother and son in Xueyuan?" Ye Qianli sneered, not wanting to say any more unnecessary words, and said decisively, "My Limenghui has something to do, so please ask Tiandihui to stand aside. "

"Some things are just a last resort. Since you are determined to do so, I will not argue with you. After you settle the matter at hand, I will fight with you, so that you can have an explanation to the world." Tian Qisheng said Well, I took someone to stand aside.

But the meaning of his words was very vicious, he actually said that Ye Qianli fought with him just to give an explanation to the world, afraid that people would say that she abandoned her husband and son in order to cling to Tianshi.

If an ordinary man listens to this sowing discord, he must doubt whether his own wife has any unwritten agreement with this Tian Qisheng?

So as soon as Tianqisheng said this, the faces of Liao Zongming and others became gloomy, but before the people at the scene could react, Tianqisheng who had just retreated to the side found that Rong Mo was holding his long-coveted Son, stand beside him! ?

"!" Seeing this, everyone shrank their pupils!

But Rong Mo said coldly, "Zhuzi is nothing more than my wife's puppet." He didn't say it loudly, but everyone present could hear it.

Tian Qisheng's face immediately turned ugly, and even appeared distorted, but Rong Mo didn't look at him and hugged Xiao Yi'er and continued, "Li'er, beat him up quickly, go home. "

"Hit! Back!" Xiao Yi'er immediately echoed his father's cry, but he said while staring at Tianqi Sheng, and made a "hiss" sound of saliva, as if he had been coveting Tianqi Sheng for a long time.

But before Tianqisheng changed his face again or did something, Ye Qianli over there quickly issued an order, "Jinfeng, Longyingyun, Zhu Yunwen, Younu, Kunzhan, Yuenu, each of you will bring someone to help you!" The Taiyi battle formation defeated the enemy."

"Yes!" The six Jinfeng people led the order to stand up, followed by forty people each, and formed a supporting formation with more than 130 people from the Taiyi tribe to supplement the Taiyi battle formation to prevent wars. There were mistakes in the formation being attacked.

"Admonition!" The twelve half-step domain masters of the void realm who had been prepared for a long time gave the order immediately, their expressions were quite dignified, but a stern look flashed in their eyes.

At this moment, the battle formation in the void world that has been arranged long ago! It was divided into two formations, one inner formation and one outer formation. The outer formation was still like a giant beast that swallowed the sky, capable of killing all directions; but the inner formation emitted a faint, void-like destructive power, which made Ye Qianli's pupils shrink slightly. .

However, she already had a countermeasure and ordered, "Qianfang, Taiyifeng! You two follow me to break through the inner formation." After saying this, she had already dragged the Yanyue long knife, and went straight to the weird inner formation.

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