Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 1237: Strangling to the end is food for children! 1 more

Ye Qianli.

This name is like a steel needle! Fiercely, profoundly, and unstoppably pierced into the sea of ​​consciousness and hearts of everyone at the scene, it will never be forgotten.


Everyone in the Tiandihui was also confused, and many people looked at Ye Qianli with complicated eyes, especially Tian Zhaobei and Tian Qiyu, their emotions were even more complicated to the extreme.

Tianqisheng has always been their pride! For those who admire him, even an elder like Tian Zhaobei, he subconsciously respects Saint Tian Qi.

Because Tianqi Sheng has been creating the impossibility of Wanyu all along! He is only in his thirties, yet he has stepped into the domain master realm, and he is the youngest domain master in Wanyu's history.


"No, it's impossible..." Ying Huan'er couldn't believe it, everything she saw was true, but the weak Tian Qisheng, who was swallowing the pill at the moment, told her so truthfully, all this! It's true.

Her brother Qisheng, the most outstanding talent of Wanyu's younger generation, lost to Ye Qianli? ! How could this be, how could this be possible?

Ying Huan'er's heart was full of doubts and confusion, and Ying Gu also couldn't believe what she saw, but they couldn't say anything except muttering to themselves, so what else could they say?

Even Tian Qisheng is speechless! He can't fake those hypocritical admiration, after all, he can't wait to gouge out Ye Qianli's heart and destroy her.

The human clone is currently his strongest clone! But he was killed, he couldn't make another human body at all, and he was really dead when he died.

That's not even counting...

He is the majestic young master of the Tian family! The most outstanding hero of Wanyu's generation was actually defeated by a group of women, and he was still defeated by himself.

Such a defeat made him not only fall from the altar, but also questioned by countless people! Looking mockingly, the Hui family in the future! I am afraid that some people will use this to question his position as the young master.

And all this! All thanks to Ye Qianli.

This ignorant woman! Bitch!

Thinking of this, Tian Qisheng stared at Ye Qianli with a cold murderous intent, as if his wife had cuckolded him, which made Ye Qianli feel very disgusted.

But Ye Qianli said calmly, "I'm curious, how dare a waste like you say such disrespectful words to me, don't you think you are a toad who wants to eat swan meat?"

"You..." Tian Qisheng turned pale!

The faces of everyone in the Tian family were even more ugly, but Ye Qianli continued, "I am only a saint now, but I can already trample on you, the so-called domain master! I really don't know where your confidence comes from." , dare to come here to tease Mrs. Ben, falsely claiming that you are my true husband, let me give up my son, and fulfill your inheritance! You are also worthy!?"

In this case! Slapping Tian Qisheng's face like a slap made him feel extremely hot and painful, but he couldn't refute it, because compared to Ye Qianli who was high above him at the moment, he who was knocked off the altar was indeed like Very toad.

Of course, Tian Qisheng at this moment might be able to stand up and say, with the Tian clan behind him! The two domain kings of the Tian Clan, he stepped back and came back just around the corner, but how could he speak like this?

He is Tian Qi Sheng! It wasn't Dong Dacheng and Dong Dadong. If he brought up his family to speak out at this moment, it would only make him lose face even more. He knew that everything could only be based on the facts in the future.


I'm afraid he has no future!



The knife in Ye Qianli's hand lit up again, that ancient rune! The mysterious killing array once again performed a terrifying murderous intent, which shocked everyone in the audience!

Tian Qisheng even reprimanded with a cold gaze, "What are you going to do?"

"Of course I'll kill you!" After Ye Qianli said coldly, the knife in her hand was swept out across the air, and the wild knife intent of "I am the only one" was like a tornado and violently smashed towards the head and face of the strange saint.

Previously! Because of the appearance of King Yuan's divine sense, even though Ye Qianli finally extinguished that divine sense, Tian Qisheng was able to take the opportunity to escape from the battle circle.


All that needs to be said has been said! Of course Ye Qianli wanted to cut the weeds and root them out, not to mention she had to smash food for her children, so her slash was a full-strength slash that had already been prepared and planned.

for a while...

"Protect the Strange Sage!" Tian Zhaobei immediately roared, the people who wanted to organize the Tiandihui to block Ye Qianli's killing move, but they were quicker! How could Ye Qianli be faster?

Besides, all the members of the Li League, the two domain masters of the Taiyi clan, Rong Mo and Jiang Yu are not just pillars, how could they bother Ye Qianli? !


"Sage Strange!" Tian Zhaobei saw with his own eyes the moment Ye Qianli was strangled, he had already rushed towards the seriously injured Strange Tian, ​​and the latter might not be able to escape.

Jinfeng sneered and shouted, "In the past! You Tianzhaobei, Dong, and Qian's people crushed me! Otherwise, I will rescue Qianli, now! You can watch it too, this is called Feng Shui turns .”

"Bastard!" Tian Zhaobei's eyes were about to burst, but at this moment, the Tianqi Sage who was killed by Ye Qianli's cage shone with mysterious light from the divine rune.

When this talisman light appeared, he himself appeared in a state of slack. Those blade winds raging towards him couldn't penetrate the divine pattern talisman light that he emitted.

The magic box has also come out and said, "Second idiot, this is the sixth-order escaping god pattern!"

"Ye Qianli! You have humiliated me so far today, and I will pay you back ten times in the future, and you will regret what you did today." Tian Qisheng's gloomy words spread out at the same time as the magic box sent out his voice. empty out.

"Om!" Tian Qisheng himself had a hallucination before he finished speaking! He was about to disappear, but unfortunately it was just a sight, he couldn't disappear at all, because Rong Mo made a move.

"Death." When Rong Mo's cold voice of judgment rang out, there was an extremely evil taboo swallowing pattern, which had covered Saint Tianqi's body. The ashes were gone.

It's too late! then soon-

"call out!"

At the moment when Rong Moji destroyed the Heavenly Strange Saint himself, there was a misty divine light, which had turned into a meteor and fled towards the void.

"You pair of sluts! Kill my clone, destroy my real self, and I will crush you to ashes in the future—" Tianqi Sheng roared with extreme hatred, and when the meteor dispersed, it remained in the sky. In the void.

obviously! Tian Qisheng still used the golden cicada's plan to escape his earth clone, and although his earth clone was low in cultivation, it was fast! But for a moment, he has escaped to the clouds.

Rong Mo's eyes suddenly darkened to the extreme, and he secretly scolded his unscrupulous father once again in his heart, if his father's inheritance of "blind eyes" hadn't given this bastard a share, how could this person escape his taboo ?


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