Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 1240 The Death of the Last Clone! 1 more

Right on the top of Tianqisheng's training room, the shadow that just "floats" in, has retreated again because of his gaze, but it has not dissipated, and is still dormant motionless! Not a single breath of energy escaped.

Such a dormancy! In just half an hour, Sage Tianqi had completely immersed himself in the healing process, and the misty light emitted all over his body, combined with Tian's unique kingly aura, continuously circulated in his body to relieve the engulfment of taboo swallowing patterns damage and slowly force it out.

Tian Zhaobei also guarded quietly, and seemed to be thinking about something dazedly, but he still didn't realize that the shadow had sneaked into Tianqisheng's training room again.

But this time, Saint Tianqi found nothing! Even when the shadow was approaching him, he didn't feel the danger, because this shadow was more patient and cunning than before, and even concealed his murderous intentions very well.


When Tian Qisheng vomited out another mouthful of blood, Yin Ying sacrificed a demon knife. The demon knife was black and red, with a sinister aura, and he slashed out! It was faster than thunder and lightning, and the timing was good.

So Tianqi Sheng didn't have time to let out a scream! He was killed, so dead that he couldn't rest in peace. He didn't know until his death that his intuition at that moment before was actually true. It's a pity that he didn't pay attention to it.


"Uncle..." On his deathbed, Tian Qisheng wanted to call him uncle, but he couldn't make any sound at all, and he died completely! Died in despair and disbelief.

I think he is the youngest domain master in Wanyu, who could have dominated the Hongmeng cultivation field, but because he was defeated by Ye Qianli, he was assassinated and even died! He still doesn't know who killed him.

He actually wanted to die so aggrieved! ? No, it shouldn't be like this, it shouldn't be like this, this shouldn't be his Tianqisheng's life, his life has just begun, how could he end up here! ?

Saint Tianqi died with regret! I can't die...

But at the moment when he was dying, he could feel it! There was a cold hand clasped on his celestial spirit cap, absorbing his strength and devouring the two inheritances of Misty Cave Mansion.

Obviously, the person who killed him was also the inheritor of Piaomiao Cave Mansion, but who was it? Tian Qisheng doesn't know, and he never will know.

"..." At the moment when the power dissipated, Sheng Tianqi's unrepentant corpse was directly swallowed by the shadow, leaving no residue behind.

The scary thing is, during the shadow attack! Tian Zhaobei still has nothing to check, because he can still sense that Tian Qi Sheng is in the training room, but he doesn't know it! What he perceives are all illusions given by the murderer.

When everything was tidied up, when Ying Ying left, he still left a touch of Tian Qi Sheng's aura in the training room, confusing Tian Zhaobei and making him continue to guard without knowing anything.

When it was dark and dawn again, when the Qi mechanism dissipated, Tian Zhaobei realized something was wrong and asked, "Qi Sheng, what's wrong with you? Why is your vitality getting weaker and weaker?"

"..." The only thing that responded to him in the training room was silence.

This made Tianzhaobei suddenly feel uncomfortable and rushed in, but unfortunately he didn't see anything. In the training room, except for the remnants of Tianqi Shengsheng, there was nothing left! ?

Tianzhaobei was dumbfounded! He couldn't figure it out at all, what happened? How can a living person disappear if he says he can't see him! ?

"Qi Sheng..." Tian Zhaobei called out in disbelief, and couldn't help shouting, "Qi Sheng!"

Shocked, Tian Qiyu and other members of the Tian Clan rushed up one after another, only to find that Tian Qisheng had "disappeared", and asked in shock, "Uncle, what's going on?"

"Quickly investigate! Strange Stranger may have been robbed." Tianzhaobei ordered calmly, but he had a very bad premonition in his heart, but he couldn't imagine that Strangest Stranger was actually in his "eyelid disciple" "Down", has been killed to nothing left.


At the same time, Ye Qianli was also retreating in the Li League, and the battle with Tian Qisheng also gave her a lot of gains, especially the evolution of the Nine Heavens Profound Fire! It benefited her a lot.

The evolution of Jiutian Xuanhuo was completed in the battle with Tianqisheng, otherwise she would not be able to win so beautifully, you know, she didn't have much confidence in winning beforehand.

In addition, Ye Qianli also found out! The unique technique on the jade bowl happened to be the unique technique of the fire god Zhu Rong's lineage. She didn't look at it carefully before, but only knew it was unique technique. Only now did she know that the jade bowl was tailor-made for her by the old man in white.


While Ye Qianli was studying this unique skill, the whole body was raging with anger, like a phoenix born from the ashes, its aura became more and more explosive!

Jin Feng and the others in several nearby training rooms were so startled that they didn't want to practice, and they were all curious! Ye Qianli is practicing some unique skills again, why is there such a big movement? Even the training room in Taikoo City couldn't seal her training breath.

Rong Mo knew that Ye Qianli was practicing Zhu Rong's unique knowledge, but he was not a broken-hearted person, and he didn't talk to Jin Feng and others much, so he would not take the initiative to explain their doubts.

What's more...

"Hmph!" Xiao Yi'er is still losing his temper with his father at this moment, he has been in a bad mood recently, because he lost a big meal, and his father didn't coax him, making him even more angry.

Now his mother is still retreating, his father actually leaves him alone, he is also practicing himself, so don't play with him! Pissed him off.

"Father!" Xiao Yi'er, after feeling sullen, found that his father didn't care about him, so he went to beat his father's leg, with an expression of "the baby is not happy, the baby wants to coax".

Rong Mo glanced at him angrily, but picked up the annoying kid, and the unhappy little one let out an arrogant "hum" and wanted to hit his father on the shoulder.

Rong Mo: "..."

"Hahaha..." The clone of the Dragon Emperor who appeared from the void saw this scene, and laughed aloud out of amusement, but was stared coldly by Rong Mo, so that he subconsciously didn't dare to laugh anymore.

right! Just dare not.

"Cough..." The Dragon Emperor avatar who touched his nose only felt that this kid's glance! There was a bit of his master's imposing manner, which made him "shocked the dragon's body" and dared not make any mistakes.

But this kid is obviously a young boy, at least with him! Compared with the master he followed back then, he was really young, only in his twenties.

So tender!


"What's the relationship between you and my master?" Dragon Emperor's avatar asked seriously, he seemed to think it! This person is definitely related to his master, and it is very likely to be related by blood, but his master has no younger brother, right? Even if there is, it's not so tender.

Besides, how could a master who was born and raised by nature have a younger brother? So what happened to this little brother? How can there be an aura similar to that of the master, and how can it be the same as the master, without being controlled by the forbidden power! ?

And this little brother's cub has the same physique as his master! ?

"His son."

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