Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 1248 Thousands of troops lost to Prince Wei! 3 more

"If you don't shout to stop, she's dead; if you dare to strike, you're dead too." Rong Mo's cold voice, as if he was stating a fact, made Tian Zhaoyu's scalp go numb, and his heart turned upside down. monstrous waves.

Tian Zhaoyu asked himself that his momentum was so subtle that no one would notice it at all, but did the young man standing opposite him notice it? ?



Tian Zhaoyu didn't believe it, but he had to cautiously scold him, "Oh! What a big tone, do you think you are my elder brother, the king of my Northern Territory—King Yuan?"

"Husband..." Yuan Hanyi, who had just recovered from his breath, wanted to say something, so as to persuade her husband to avenge her, but Tian Zhaoyu slapped her backhand and said, "I told you to stop, why don't you listen?"

"Husband, I..." Yuan Hanyi looked at Tian Zhaoyu aggrievedly. If she knew that the other party was so strong, she would not make a move, but she didn't know.

Of course Tian Zhaoyu knew that his wife couldn't see it, after all, this young man was hiding it very deeply! If it weren't for his amazing insight, he wouldn't even be able to detect that this kid possesses unique skills.

If he guessed correctly! The talisman light I got just now is the light of taboo swallowing tattoos, such evil and terrifying power, no one in the world can control it, but I don't know how this kid can control it. Possibility is becoming possible.

While Tian Zhaoyu was pondering, Rong Mo said indifferently, "If you don't still need your teleportation array, you have nothing to say now."

Hearing that, Tian Zhaoyu's eyes flashed! Yuan Qingluo, who covered his face, screamed, "Uncle, I'm dead! This person has treated me lightly before, and now he is threatening Uncle, I..."

Yuan Qingluo, who was crying, actually slammed headfirst towards the nearby doorpost while speaking, with an astonishing momentum, as if he really wanted to die.

"Qing Luo!" Yuan Hanyi hugged his niece, and said sadly, "Forget it, I just didn't want to be bullied at the door, but unexpectedly I was bullied to this point, my majestic Mrs. Tianyinhou! I was abandoned at the door of my house, How can I have the face to live, so I will die with Qing Luo and you..."

As soon as this statement comes out! Before Yuan Hanyi could make the next move, Tian Zhaoyu shouted with an ugly expression, "Madam! You are disrespectful, step back."

While speaking, Tian Zhaoyu leaned over to help Yuan Hanyi, but he just leaned over, and before Ye Qianli and others could see the situation clearly, his hand had already turned into a giant palm! Captured Rong Mo.

The scheming Tian Zhaoyu launched a surprise attack on Rong Mo in order to make sure everything was safe! Or use all your strength to attack violently, the key is——

"Fuck! Half a step to the peak of the domain king, and only one step away from becoming the king." The magic box marveled at Tian Zhaoyu's strength, and Ye Qianli's face turned pale.

Even though she didn't see clearly, how did Tian Zhaoyu launch this blow! But she could tell that Tian Zhaoyu was much stronger than Yuan Hanyi, even stronger than Tai Yihong.

As the magic box said! On Tian Zhaoyu's body, there is already a trace of the fearful king suppression that only a domain king can have. Can His Royal Highness resist Tian Zhaoyu like this?

the answer is--


Because Tian Zhaoyu's palm was firmly blocked by a layer of black and blue light when it hit Rong Mo's face! A place three feet away from him.

"You..." Tian Zhaoyu's face changed drastically! His eyelids jumped even more, and he realized that he still underestimated the opponent. Although this young man's combat power was not as good as his brother's, it was not much worse! ?

But how is this possible! ? His elder brother is the king of the Northern Territory! He is the powerful domain king who commands the three thousand domains. How can this young man be so strong that he can be compared with his elder brother! ?

It's just...

It was completely beyond what Tian Zhaoyu could imagine, and he was stunned.


Yuan Hanyi at the scene, Yuan Qingluo who provoked trouble, and Tian Qiling who was used as a spearman were all completely stunned at this meeting! Especially Tian Qiling, he was so stunned that he couldn't understand what was going on! ?


Tian Zhaoyu was thrown to the ground by Rong Mo at the moment when everyone was stunned! The whole palace trembled when it was smashed, and the heavenly soldiers stationed in the forest behind the Hou's mansion were alarmed.


But Tian Zhaoyu, who was smashed to the ground, had already vomited a mouthful of blood! As if they had been severely injured, Yuan Hanyi and the others were completely stunned.

How strong is Tian Zhaoyu! They couldn't be more clear, especially Yuan Hanyi, she knew very well that her husband was just short of a chance to advance to a king-level figure.

Although it's a little short, it's just a difference in the sky, but it's under the king of the domain! She must be invincible, but in the end...the truth was told to her bloody! A young mid-level domain lord defeated her husband in just one face-to-face encounter.

This moment! Yuan Hanyi felt scared, even if she was crippled just now, she didn't feel scared yet, but at this moment! She was really scared.

But she wasn't afraid for long, and she wasn't so afraid anymore! Because the heavenly soldiers had floated over and surrounded the Hou's mansion, and attracted countless people from the city to watch, none of them knew what great event had happened.

"Cough." Tian Zhaoyu coughed up another mouthful of blood, then stood up again and stared at Rong Mo and said, "You are very strong, I am afraid it is the existence of some old monster who seized the house and rebuilt it, but you have offended my god. In the residence of the Marquis of Yin, we can only admit defeat."

Having said that, Tian Zhaoyu paused for a while, and then said mercifully, "Well, you swear your blood to serve me, and the rest of you will abolish your cultivation, and I will spare you from dying."

"Heh..." Rong Mo smiled lightly, very coldly! It was so cold that Tian Zhaoyu's heart stopped beating, and he just felt that there was something wrong with this child.

But that's what he thought! He couldn't think about it anymore, because there was a black rainbow, which was like a powerful explosive dragon, piercing towards him suddenly.

Before he could react, there was a terrifying destructive power, which had already shattered his defenses, raging into his limbs, bones, internal organs!

just for a split second...


"Bang!" Tian Zhaoyu's seventh-order god-pattern armor was completely smashed into slag at the same time as it was stimulated to a strong defense. Vulnerable!

That's not even counting...


Under the god pattern armor! Originally, there was still a trace of the divine sense of the super domain king—the king, but the divine sense of the king was wiped out before it could be released.


The Dragon Emperor suppressed his anger and roared out, not only piercing through Tian Zhaoyu! All his defenses were smashed, and he rushed out of the air! Fly all the heavenly soldiers from all directions.


"Bang bang!..."

Only for a moment! Hundreds of heavenly soldiers were exploded and died, nearly a thousand heavenly soldiers were severely injured and unconscious, and the rest of the heavenly soldiers were blasted and injured one after another. The whole Tianyin City fell into panic.

"What's going on? What's that sound!?" Everyone in the city of Guangbao heard the dragon's roar, which made them tremble.

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