Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 1268 Pick up a group of brats! 2 more


An old sigh came out of the sky, and there was a supreme force, like a drop of spring rain that pierced the cold winter, it was scattered all at once. Yihong and others gain momentum.

Its power is magnificent! Its power is majestic, its sound enters the rules, and its strength enters the world. It seems to be vain in its length, but it still makes everyone on the scene feel irresistible.


"This is……"

"Old Patriarch?!" Everyone in the Shuang Clan was stunned, and Shuang Zifeng looked at the source of the voice with a pale face, which was the Shuang Clan's retreat.

Shuang Zifeng and the others dared to act like this, naturally relying on the fact that the old Patriarch Shuang, the old man, was in seclusion and would have no investigation into the outside world, so they dared to do so.

After all, it will be a foregone conclusion when Mr. Shuang is out of customs! But Shuang Zifeng didn't expect that the old man was still alarmed, or that even if the old man was in seclusion, he still cared about his family.

But he never expected that the disciples of the Shuang clan would stage such a big drama for him, exhausting him both physically and mentally, and forcing him to forcefully leave the retreat at the last moment.

Since then...

His road to becoming a king has come to an end, and it is impossible for him to advance to become a domain king again! Impossible, this will be the greatest regret in his life, but he was born as the Patriarch of the Shuang Clan, but he has no choice but to come out! Otherwise, the Shuangshi will perish.

In this way...

"It's a pity." Tai Yihong felt sorry for Mr. Shuang. He is also a half-step domain king. Of course, it can be seen that Mr. Shuang has actually comprehended the kingly way of heaven. He could have advanced into a domain overnight. king.

But because there are too many obstacles in the clan! However, the old man had no choice but to destroy his own future, forcibly terminated his advancement, and broke away from the rare chance of becoming the King of Jin, and never had a chance with the King of Yu.

After all, it's hard to be promoted to the domain king! And the old man Shuang was obviously on the verge of death, and the vitality in his body was no longer enough for him to wait for the opportunity to become king again.

Alas! What a pity, what a pity...

"Father." Shuang Zifeng yelled in a complicated way, but he didn't understand! Why has it come to this point, his father still wants to leave the customs? Could it be that he did this not for the sake of the two families?

For so many years, every time he makes a decision! Why does his old father always stop him? At this moment, the old father still would rather give up the chance of King Jin and stop him! ?


Isn't everything he does for the development of Shuangshi? He has never had selfish intentions, but he has never been recognized. He has never been recognized by his old father since he was young and handsome.

this moment……

Shuang Zifeng's mood was extremely complicated. Seeing his father miss the opportunity to be promoted, he felt regretful and heartbroken! But there are also resentment, bewilderment, and even anger.



"Greetings to the Patriarch,..." The entire Shuang clan also bowed down one after another, and many of them who could see what the old Patriarch had given up were all terrified and regretful.

Especially those elders of the Shuang clan who made the decision for today's event, they couldn't help but think, were they wrong? Just to fight for breath, they lost an excellent half-step domain king, and also made the young Shuangrong Long Dao heart dust, and let their old Patriarch! Forcibly gave up the great opportunity to become the domain king.

Domain King!

Domain king!

If there is no today's matter! Their old patriarch must be able to advance to become a domain king, so their Shuang Clan is the second super clan in the Western Three Thousand Regions to have a strong domain king.

What an honor! This is the glory that the Shuang family has not had for many years, and now...


That's it.

As the elders of the family, they naturally knew that the old patriarch's lifespan was not long, because the injuries in his early years had been wearing down his body functions, making his lifespan almost exhausted.

But no one thought that the old Patriarch's retreat this time was fighting for his last lifespan! Going to attack the king's realm has achieved the goal of re-emerging withered trees in spring.

they do not know……

They thought that the old Patriarch had a relapse of an old disease and was recuperating in retreat to heal his wounds, but they never thought about it! never thought...

"Patriarch, we..." The eyes of the elders turned red. As the elders of the Shuang Clan, they certainly hope that the Shuang Clan can develop better.

Even though they were dissatisfied with the old Patriarch's gentle management of the family and surrendered to the Taiyi Clan, they never thought of destroying the Patriarch to advance to Chengyu King.

If the old Patriarch is the Domain King, what is the strength of their two families! It is bound to be able to rise with the tide and rise to a higher level, but it is a pity that all of this is ruined, ruined.

"Why?" Some elders couldn't help but ask, why are they going to advance, and come out to stop all this? Could it be that stopping these things is more important than advancing to Chengyu King?

"I can't let it go." The old man Shuang said lightly, but the regret in his heart was dissipated, that's all, it's just how it should be, so there's no need to think about it.

Once the stalking in his heart was put down, when the old man looked at Ye Qianli, Rong Mo and Xiao Yi'er again, his muddy old eyes became a little more radiant, and he himself said regretfully, "Goddess Taiyi, Today's matter is really the old man's lax discipline, and I apologize to you."

As he said! He couldn't let go of the two families, so even if he was in the death pass, he still exuded such a ray of consciousness to know what happened in the family, so he knew what happened here.

And he was actually very unwilling to just leave the customs like this, he wanted to grit his teeth and be cruel! Regardless of whether the family is dead or alive, as long as he can break through, all problems may be solved.


He can't do it.

Shuang Zitao's death had already made him sad, how could he just watch the other children in the family die? Even if they are bastards, they are still their own children.

As the head of the family, how can he not take responsibility, he can only come out and give up hundreds of millions of cultivators! Million Domain Owners! The chance of the domain king, which the domain king dreamed of, has come out.

Because he knows it well! The high priest of Taiyi really knew all this, and he knew even more deeply that as long as this battle started, the Shuang clan would never be able to afford the subsequent price.

Taiyi clan...

If you don't sing, that's it! A blockbuster is bound to surprise.

It's a pity that these silly children in his family still can't see through.

"The old man is serious. The family is big and the business is big, and it is difficult to support the single tree. I understand." Ye Qianli also felt sorry for the old man. It must be the worst thing in the old man's life to have such a group of "bear children".

"Qianfang pays homage to the old man." Hua Qianfang also knelt down to pay respects to the old man. Although he helped the old man Shuang, the old man Shuang also had the kindness to know him.

And if old man Shuang didn't send him to Hongmeng Xiuchang, he wouldn't be able to get together with Ye Qianli and other old friends, so in his heart, old man Shuang was indeed his benefactor.

"Qianfang, get up, you have been wronged." The old man Shuang naturally did not forget about Hua Qianfang, and was even more regretful thinking about how wonderful it would be if this child was their Shuang's child.

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