Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 1275 He is the rule of heaven! 6 more

King of Ten Thousand Domains! Not only does he have an heir, but the heir is also his own son? If so, then this magnificent young man is the young master of Wanyu!

At this moment, all the people who reacted had complicated emotions, and the eyes they looked at that peerless grace in the sky were also full of complexity.

If he is, then...



But Sheng Daoxin immediately denied this possibility in his heart, and he was still thinking ferociously, even if it is! Today this person will also perish here.


"You! Find me! Die!" Sheng Dao's heart yelled in a distorted voice, even though he could see that Rong Mo was very powerful, not only he himself was very powerful! The four elephant beasts he released are stronger.

Even though those four four elephant beasts appeared for a short time, he could see it! That should be the four-element beast that has stepped into the half-step domain king realm.

Four half-step realm king beasts! It is still a four-phase beast that can complement each other. Of course, Shengtian is not an opponent, but...

"Follow me!" Sheng Daoxin waved his hand, and naturally ordered all the half-step domain kings present to fight with him! Surround and kill Rong Mo.

But before he gave the order, Rong Mo's second taboo swallow tattoo had already hit him! The speed was so fast that he was so startled that he had to put up his strongest defense and dodge backwards.

Talk about combat power! Sheng Dao's heart is not as good as Sheng Tian's, so he will not confront Rong Mo head-on, he is still shouting, "You guys don't rush to attack."

Respond to him! Still a "hush" because...


The four-element mythical beast that has dispersed and reappeared is at this moment! Intercepting the space, a four-image space was constructed, which "blocked" Rong Mo and Sheng Dao Xin.

So even if Sheng Dao Xin broke his throat, no one would come to help him, because those half-step domain kings couldn't get in at all, they could only see from outside——

There is a huge blue dragon! Baihu, Suzaku and Xuanwu have arrived! Having "swallowed" Rong Mo and Sheng Dao Xin, they couldn't get close at all.

The four-element space constructed by the four-dimensional beasts! It's not something they can easily break through, which makes the face of the master of the void world suddenly ugly to an indescribable degree.

This moment! He really wanted to break through the four-element space, and with his ability, of course he could easily destroy this solid space, but could he make a move? he can not.

Dragon Emperor is not a display, how could he let him take action? Besides, this battle has reached here, it is already a duel between forces! At this moment, existences like the Dragon Emperor and the Lord of the Void Realm can no longer attack those below the next level.

This is an unwritten rule among the ten thousand domains. When the battle formation breaks out into a power battle, the existence of the domain king will usually not make a move, unless there is a decisive battle between the domain king and the domain king! Use this to determine the outcome, otherwise they will not make "random" shots.

After all, if the domain king takes action against the enemy's weak, the enemy's domain king will also come to retaliate, and then it will become a domain king killing battle. There is no point in fighting anymore, and it will lead to the loss of life.

So up to this moment, no matter what the Lord of the Void Realm thinks! With the Dragon Emperor here, he absolutely would not dare and would not be able to attack Rong Mo.

otherwise! This will be an endless killing, the price no one can afford.

At this moment, the leader of the void world can only hope that Rong Mo will be defeated! The heart of the holy way will win. After all, although the four-element beasts have gathered in the four-element space, preventing other half-step domain kings from participating in the battle, they are also unable to participate in the battle.

In this way...

"You will regret it!" The lord of the void world stared at the Dragon Emperor who had been ignoring him, and said very viciously, but he didn't believe it! Without the blessing of the four elephants, Rong Mo could still defeat the Holy Dao Heart.

Even if the heart of the holy way is not as good as that of the holy sky, the heart of the holy way is worse than using tricks and tricks, and the poisonous skills are amazing! It's hard to guard against, but Rong Mo is just a middle-level domain master.

In the final analysis, the domain master is the domain master, and it is absolutely impossible to compare with the half-step domain king who has completely controlled the rules of the world! Shengtianhui was defeated by the Sixiang beast, not by Rongmo.

Think about it! The Lord of the Void Realm is full of confidence, and his eyes can also see the battle situation in it through the four image space, and the battle situation at this moment is exactly as he expected.

"Om!" The Holy Dao Heart, which was constantly retreating, was not hit by Rong Mo's taboo swallow pattern, and while he retreated step by step, he was clearly setting up a poison formation.

"Heh..." Seeing this, the lord of the Void Realm was naturally relieved a lot. He only felt that Rong Mo was too tender after all, and he was still charging, but he didn't know that he had fallen behind.

At the same time that the poison formation was being arranged, the Holy Dao Heart stared at Rong Mo with stern eyes, and said, "If you don't let the four-element beasts set up the four-element space, I will still be jealous of you, and now..."

Speaking of the heart of the Holy Dao here! He raised his arms and shouted, "Even if you are an arrogance, you should die! Be buried for the great elder of our clan."

"Boom!" There was a terrifying regular power, just as Sheng Dao Xin raised his arms and exhaled, it regularly twisted out from Sheng Dao Xin's body, as if it could tear up the space and destroy everything.



As soon as Rong Mo stepped out, a circle of taboo swallow tattoos, like hell flowers, slowly bloomed from under his feet, destroying the formation launched by the heart of the holy way inch by inch.

"Poison explosion!"

The Holy Dao Heart Poison Art is raging, and the square space is like a space hurricane, and there is a dark storm of rules! The taboo swallow pattern has been torn apart, and Xiang Rongmo's comprehensive strangulation is about to tear him apart.


Above Rong Mo's head, a black and blue light hammer appeared! The whole body of the light hammer exuded an evil aura, but the ethereal halo attached to it exuded unfathomable ruling power.

This! Nature is the power of Sumeru.


Xumi's power is the most powerful force in this world! Once it is summoned, it exudes a supremely disdainful breath, followed by a black and blue light hammer! Hammer into that storm of rules.


Sumeru hit with the hammer! Then break the rule storm and help Rong Mo open up a "flat" road;


Sumeru hits twice with the hammer! Then he destroyed the holy heart and poisoned the formation with one step, forcefully disintegrating the balance of his formation;


Xumi hammered out! The forces that hindered Rong Mo were completely destroyed, allowing Rong Mo to cross the gap and completely come to the heart of the Holy Dao.

"Bastard!" Sheng Daoxin's complexion changed drastically, and it was impossible to imagine why the other party's mere domain master could control all kinds of power with ease and balance the rules.

What's even more terrifying! The power that Rong Mo controls is the top power in the world, which is enough to erase the difference in cultivation between him and Sheng Dao Xin.

because! What he controls is the forbidden power, the power of Mount Sumeru, all the rules of rank! For him, nothing is true, he is the sky.


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