Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 1280 Phoenix Clan! 11 more

"Private letter from Jinfeng to me?" Ye Qianli took a look at the signature on it, opened it and looked at it, and saw that it was indeed a letter from Jinfeng to her.

The letter said that Long Yingyun proposed marriage to the Patriarch of the Feng Clan and wanted to marry her, but she refused, but soon after, it was reported that Long Yingyun was going to be engaged to Long Qingnv from the Dragon Clan of the East China Sea, which made her feel stuck in her throat.

Ye Qianli laughed when she saw this. She knew that Long Yingyun liked Jinfeng, but with Jinfeng's carefree personality, she must have not noticed, and she kept treating him like a disciple.

"What?" Seeing her smile, Rong Mo took a closer look, didn't look too much, and glanced at Ye Qianli's eyes, Xiao Yi'er followed suit, but there was only one word I can't even read it, he hasn't started to read yet.

Ye Qianli smiled and said, "Jinfeng obviously also likes Longyingyun. It seems that we have to go to the South Three Thousand Regions. Wangqing Cliff is also there. If there is a chance, maybe we can bump into it. It's better to get close to the water first." moon."

"When did you change your career to be a matchmaker?" Rong Mo said.

"Now." Ye Qianli put away the letter and asked Taiyi Ling, "Elder Ling, how long will it take to get to Fengcheng from us?"

"Conservatively, it will take a month, because the east and south directions have to pass through the hollow zone. There is no territory in that area, so we can only cross it with skyships." Taiyiling explained.

"Then after the official founding of my Kingdom of God is completed, I will go to the Southern Three Thousand Regions." Ye Qianli thought about Jinfeng's matter and there is no rush, so it would be good to let her be bored for a few more days.

Anyway, even if Long Yingyun really wants to get engaged to Long Qingnv, it's just an engagement. Whether there is a big marriage or not, there is still time, but she doesn't know, shortly after the careless Jinfeng sent her the letter, a heartbreak occurred to her. count!


The South Three Thousand Regions is currently the only one of the four major divisions that has the reputation of a ruling domain king, but no royal family, because there are many ancient forces in the South Three Thousand Regions.

In addition to the current southern domain king family—the Qin family, the Feng family and the Zhu family are also very powerful. Even the relatively weak South China Sea dragon family has domain kings in their clan.

Namely, Nansanqianyu is the only one! The forces in the region all own the area where the king of the region sits, so compared to the Tian clan in the northern three thousand regions, the overall strength of the southern three thousand regions is stronger.

Among them, the Qin clan, the Feng clan and the Zhu clan are the most powerful. Because the Feng clan has an ancient phoenix and an ancient sycamore tree, all the clans in the world are even more afraid.

Because the old phoenix and the old phoenix tree are the longest-lived existences in Wanyu other than the legendary Mount Sumeru people, and perhaps only Zhu's Book of Changes can be compared with them.

Therefore, Fengcheng is very prosperous and stable. No one dares to cause trouble in Fengcheng. The teleportation array is full of people coming and going every day.

"Om." Ye Qianli's family and Liao Zongming appeared in Fengcheng's teleportation array just as a wave of teleportation light radiated out, making everyone around them gasp in admiration.

"What a lovely child, what a handsome couple, what a few outstanding youngsters."

"Especially that family, they are so eye-catching. Sure enough, if the parents are well-born, the children will grow up well. If I can win the ring this time! I will definitely be able to marry Jinfeng, the saint of the Phoenix clan, and give birth to a child." Such a delicate child."

"Okay! Dapengniao, don't think too much! Just like you, no matter how good-looking the Feng clan saintess is, she will be blind to you, and she will definitely give birth to a crooked child."

"Can you speak! I want to duel with you!..." A group of noisy voices revealed the news that Ye Qianli was holding his forehead.

Ring match! Win the championship! ?

Jin Feng, a hot-tempered girl, wouldn't be out of a fit of rage, planning to recruit a husband and marry her according to her cultivation? ! Well, this is definitely something Jinfeng can do.

"Excuse me, how do I get to the arena?" Ye Qianli went to someone to ask, because Liao Zongming and the three were already surrounded by several beautiful girls from Fengcheng. These girls seemed to know that many heroes would come to participate in the arena recently. Sai, it's all stuck here!

"The little lady is going too? The saintesses of the Feng family don't have any special hobbies. Besides, you don't want such a handsome husband and son?" The passer-by who was asked asked back in surprise.

"No, that's it! It's my cousin who's going, we're not husband and wife." To avoid explaining too much, Ye Qianli said foolishly, and Rong Mo's eyes darkened when he heard it. Cousin? Well, luckily it's not my brother...

"That's it, then you go..." The passerby pointed the way straightforwardly, Ye Qianli turned around and pulled Rong Mo to rush over, the passerby looked at the young couple strangely, "Cousin? Isn't it right, I It looks more like a couple."

And when Ye Qianli's family "overcame the thorns and thorns" to squeeze through the crowd and finally came to the front, Ye Qianli could hardly describe the grand occasion of the scene.

There must be tens of thousands of young talents surrounded here! I have to say, Jin Feng did a great job, she made such a big fuss, if she doesn't find a husband and goes back, let's see how she ends it.

"Want to go in?" Rong Mo looked at the sea of ​​people in front of him, although he frowned slightly, he still firmly protected the big and small leopards in front of him.

But just after he finished asking, a woman's voice came from nearby, "Tsk, this child is really good-looking, and looks very good, let me hug her."

"?" Upon hearing this, Xiao Yi'er knew he was talking about him, so he followed the sound and looked over, and saw a young woman in colorful clothes with his parents.

When the little guy saw it, the woman in colorful clothes became even more excited, and she had already approached Ye Qianli and said, "Come, let me give you a hug."

Saying this, she put her hands into Ye Qianli's arms, trying to hug Xiao Yi'er, as if she wanted to snatch the child! After all, Ye Qianli hasn't said anything yet.

Of course Xiao Yi'er was not happy! He swung his fist and punched it out, opened the hand that was protruding, and shouted, "Ugly! Ugly! Get out!"

"Hiss!" The woman in colorful clothes was caught off guard, and was really hurt by the beating, after all, Xiao Yi'er was not an ordinary child, which made her face sullen, "You child! Why do you hit people casually? Still swearing? How did your parents teach you!?"

Ye Qianli was even more unhappy, of course she said bluntly, "You are really mentally retarded, I hugged my son well, but you suddenly came forward to hug him, if he doesn't hit you, hit someone else ?”

"Is there a mother like you? This lady sees that he is good-looking and wants to hug him. This is his great opportunity. You are not grateful to Dade, and you are so unqualified. It seems that you, a mother, can't do it." , to teach a good child badly."

The woman in colorful clothes scolded her without saying anything, and ordered, "I order you, immediately! Give the child to me quickly, so that you don't delay him. Since he is young, I don't care about beating me with him. But he has a bad temper, and confinement is a must."

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