Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 1286 Arrive in time! 17 more

When Ye Qianli looked back at the ring, Jin Fengcai and Xiao Yi'er complained, "Yi'er, your mother is so fierce."

"No!" Xiao Yi'er is a protector, resolutely resisting anyone speaking ill of his mother, Jin Feng can only touch his nose and look back at Nirvana Terrace.

Hua Qianfang also replied, "When I fight Jinfeng, I will take off my mask. We are old friends, but I just want to give her a small surprise."

"Arrogance! Who does he think he is? Repaying an old friend..." Someone on the field immediately scolded Hua Qianfang, because his words were very hateful.

But Jinfeng had to admit that this answer was really ingenious, she didn't know that Hua Qianfang had such quick wit, but Ye Qianli knew, that's why she let Hua Qianfang pretend to be Long Yingyun on stage.

In this way, Hua Qianfang didn't even need to report her family name, and Feng Ruoxi's mother couldn't say anything. After all, there was no rule in the competition that you can't wear a mask. The key is that the other party's statement is reasonable and emotional.

However, Hua Qianfang was soon challenged. If it wasn't for Jin Mo Tianpeng's opponent, he would have come to deal with Hua Qianfang first, and Xiao Qingfeng was also unhappy with Hua Qianfang.

Therefore, the time Hua Qianfang chose to go on stage was also very good. Both of them are very busy and have no time to talk to him. He is also very good at playing in the subsequent battles. Delay the battle, wait for them to get busy, and then he will deal with the opponent.

After seven or eight rounds like this, everyone saw his tactics clearly, and complained one after another, "This person is average in cultivation, but he is very cunning!"

"As far as his tactics are concerned, he can definitely pass the first round, and he can still preserve his combat power. He is really cunning." Long Shuangnv also said with contempt.

"This person seems to be in the same group as Goddess Ye. You see, she just lost a little brother." Fu Rongnv noticed it because she had been watching Gong Liuyun.

When Long Shuangnv heard this, she yelled, "A raccoon dog!" and yelled towards Nirvana Terrace, "Long Hao, challenge the one who hides his head and face, so he can't get on the stage."

There are also young talents from the Dragon Clan who came to power, and they are also from the Royal Clan. They are the cousins ​​of the Dragon Shuangnv.

And when Long Shuangnv shouted, it happened that Hua Qianfang and Long Hao had no opponents, so Long Hao naturally provocatively said, "Crazy man who hides his head and covers his face, you are afraid that you will lose face after losing, so you cover your face .”

"Too much nonsense, fight if you want." Hua Qianfang is not afraid of Long Hao at all, he just doesn't know how to fight the domain master, and he thinks he can win all those who are under the domain master.

But Liao Zongming shouted from the audience, "Well said! Please hurry up and beat these East China Sea reptiles home, a bunch of vitriol."

"Who are you calling mean?" Long Shuangnv shouted immediately.

"Let's talk about you! What's wrong?" Liao Zongming looked very upset, especially after knowing that Xiao Yi'er was almost hugged by force, he became even more angry! What the hell, he didn't hug Xiao Yi'er a few times, and a reptile dared to snatch it?

"You..." Long Shuangnv didn't expect that the other party, who was only a half-step domain master, would dare to choke with her, but Fu Rongnv persuaded her, "Xiao Shuang, I didn't mean you. As a domain master, how can you be so clean?" Getting angry with someone with a low cultivation base? What's the point?"

Only then did Longfengnv snort angrily, she was not like this usually, it was just because of the previous incident, she really didn't like this family, it was like seeing them as unlucky.

"Roar——" Long Hao at this meeting had already generated hundreds of dragon auras, and while they were roaring ferociously, they were already moving towards Hua Qianfang in ever-changing ways, and the scene was extraordinarily magnificent.

"Long Hao's fighting power is good, and Qian Fang might lose to him." Jin Feng said worriedly, after all, Long Hai is a direct descendant of the Dragon Clan of the East China Sea, with majestic monster power in his body and powerful bloodline.

"Baicao." Hua Qianfang played Shennong Baicao, and her whole body was wrapped in elixir plants, exuding an immortal ancient aura, which made the audience look sideways.

"The successor of the Emperor Shennong is not bad." The beautiful woman in the first seat also praised, and took this masked young man seriously.

Long Hao's galloping dragon energy was neutralized by the herbs that Hua Qianfang released. Each of those solid spiritual herbs exuded a magical aura and was tenacious.

That's not even counting...

"Hoo!" Long Hao's dragon energy had just dissipated, but Baicao seemed to change his breath, turning into hundreds of arrows! Throwing towards Long Hao, the change was bizarre.

"Bang!" Long Hao was caught off guard, and could only burst out his dragon body to resist, that is, he turned into a monster dragon winding for tens of miles, using dragon scales to resist the herbs.



Baicao stabbed on the solid dragon scales, but there was a towering weapon sound, which shows that the attack power of these spirit grasses is very strong, just like a real magic weapon.

"Get out!" Long Hao's dragon body trembled, trying to sweep away Baicao, but Hua Qianfang, who was mobilizing Baicao, changed his breath.

"Tch!" Hundreds of spirit grass released a very faint regular breath, and swooped down on Long Hao again, piercing Long Hao's dragon body defense.

next moment--

"Bang!" Long Hao was knocked off the stage by the arrow of Baicao, his scales were pierced with pits, and blood oozes from some places.

"The masked boy wins." The referee had already given the verdict, Long Hao turned back into a human form, but his clothes were torn, he was quite embarrassed, and his face was also very ugly.

"Good fight!" Liao Zongming applauded immediately, and Xiao Yi'er also applauded and shouted, "I'm tired!"

Long Shuangnv's complexion suddenly turned green and white, they were all pissed off! However, Long Hao could only swallow pills to heal his injuries, and was ready to continue the challenge. He had only fought ten rounds and won all the previous rounds, but lost one round at the hands of Hua Qianfang.

With Long Hao's battle, no one underestimated Hua Qianfang, but he still adhered to the original tactics until the 18th round, when he succeeded and stepped down.

When the top ten were selected, the beautiful woman announced a half-time break. After half an hour, it will enter the second round of finals. Please get ready.

At this moment, the golden-eyed Tianpeng wrote to the masked Hua Qianfang who was sitting alone, "I am the first one to end with a complete victory, and I have the right to choose the first battle. You wait for my challenge! The first one!" This game will disable you, so that you can no longer fight."

"Wait and see." Hua Qianfang didn't lose her aura, and the golden-eyed Tianpeng scoffed sharply, "Wait until I slap you in the face! You won't be so arrogant."

Jin Mo Tianpeng claimed to be the number one in the audience, and he already regarded Jin Feng as a treasure. Hua Qianfang, a small half-step domain master, came out halfway and said that he was Jin Feng's old friend, which made him very upset. Like my fiancée being stolen.

And the Jin-eyed Tianpeng who had finished speaking, challenged the masked "Hua Qianfang" in the first round of the second round, which made Jinfeng worried for a while and said, "Golden-eyed Tianpeng may If you do what you say, let Qianfang admit defeat."

never thought...

"This is not something I can do." Hua Qianfang had already appeared in front of Jinfeng, and even changed back to her original clothes, which made Jinfeng dumbfounded!

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