Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 1289 Cause and effect! 20 more

"Jinfeng, your request is very reasonable. After all, this competition is to choose a husband for you, but it does not conform to the competition system. If you choose one of them, where will you put the other talent? Therefore, unless two talents I agree with your proposal, otherwise I have no choice but to give up." The beautiful woman replied.

"I don't agree!" Of course Jin Mo Tianpeng disagreed. He asked himself how he would give up his great advantage if he could defeat Long Yingyun. He would not hand over the choice to others, he wanted to be the master himself.

"I..." Jin Feng wanted to say something, but Long Yingyun said, "I don't agree either." After saying this, he also took off his mask.

As soon as the Dragon Spear was released, his identity was already known to the public, so naturally there was no need to wear a mask, but his slightly pale face let those who knew him know that he hadn't fully recovered.

"It seems that the Dragon King of the South China Sea does not want Long Yingyun to participate in the competition. He is very measured in his actions. He will not hurt the foundation of Long Yingyun, but he will never be able to recover in a short time, because there is a tyrannical and regular dragon spirit that has always It is affecting the dragon soul of Long Yingyun."

Ye Qianli even saw the mystery at a glance. Long Yingyun was wearing a mask before, and that mask had a strong effect of concealing the aura. It was given by Rong Mo, and she couldn't see through it.

Now that Long Yingyun took off the mask, she could see clearly, but the only ones who could see through the scene like her were the beautiful women in the first seat, and people like Rong Mo.


"Young Master Long, if I'm not mistaken, you're discussing marriage with my sister right now, and you've already set a date to hold an engagement ceremony. Are you doing what you're doing now to provoke a war of power between the South China Sea and the East China Sea?" Long Shuangnv's sarcasm ran through the audience.

Many Tianjiao also protested, "Since Young Master Long has a marriage contract, how can he participate in the competition? Where does this put the Phoenix Clan? Where am I? It's not fair!"


"Young Master Long's engagement to Long Qingnv, a noble lady, has nothing to do with me, Long Yingyun. I don't know where to start with what your Excellency said about provoking a power war." Long Yingyun replied very flatly.

The old man in Fengling stood up and said, "Gu Ling, this old slave can testify with blood oath, the Dragon King has deposed the current young master Long Yingyun."


"This..." The audience suddenly fell into shock and uproar. No one thought that Long Yingyun had been deposed? ! But why?

Some people can figure it out, but some people can't, because Long Yingyun's behavior is really incomprehensible. Could it be that he gave up his identity as the young master of the Dragon Clan just to participate in the competition?

It’s fine if it’s an ordinary clan, but the Dragon Clan is a super clan, which has a very strong heritage and inheritance. Even if you don’t come to the Feng Clan’s secret realm, you can go to the Dragon Clan to get better! A more appropriate inheritance.

That is to say, Long Yingyun's actions, in the eyes of many people, are obviously throwing away watermelons and picking sesame seeds, which is unbelievable, but Feng Ling's words prove that all of this is true.

Golden Phoenix...

She didn't expect that things would develop like this.

But Ye Qianli still wanted to stab her and said, "Some people don't know the facts and just annoy you blindly, but they don't know what they are doing for you."

"I..." Jin Feng felt ashamed, and wanted to stand up and say that he didn't need to do this, but she didn't do it anyway. Even though the matter had developed to this point, even though she didn't want it, it had already happened.

She stood up now and said that she didn't need Long Yingyun to do this, what would she want Long Yingyun to do? Let him be a joke, she... She can only remain silent.

For the first time, Jinfeng felt for the first time that she was really impulsive. If she didn't open the ring to recruit relatives, Long Yingyun didn't have to give up her identity as the young master of the Dragon Clan just to get married.


If that's the case, the Phoenix Lord will probably not agree to this marriage, nor will her mother and father, because if she marries into the Dragon Clan, it means that she will give up her position as a saint of the Phoenix Clan and become the Phoenix Lord in the future. Opportunity.

She is a saintess cultivated by the family. She should have dedicated herself to the Feng Clan. This was one of the reasons why she rejected Long Yingyun at the beginning. They all have their own family responsibilities to bear.

In this world, there is not only love between children, but also family responsibilities.

So Jinfeng didn't think too much, didn't want to think too much, and didn't dare to think about it, so she chose to reject Long Yingyun. It seemed impulsive, but in fact, it was not a kind of thoroughness?

"You..." Ye Qianli clenched Jinfeng's hand. In fact, she had already guessed that Jinfeng's refusal was not simple. Looking at her expression now, she knew that she was right. Jin Feng, who was popular with Lei Li, wanted to cut the mess quickly, but he didn't expect that the chopping would continue, and the reason would still be chaotic.

"If he loses, you should reject this marriage, and do what you should do in the future. If he wins, you don't have to bear any more burdens. He has taken ninety-nine steps towards you, and he is only one step away from marrying you." With you, do you have the heart to push away?"

Ye Qianli's words made Jinfeng immediately look up at the Nirvana Terrace, and at Long Yingyun who was about to have a decisive battle with Jin Mou Tianpeng. The latter seemed to have a feeling, but he didn't look back at her because... …

"Hey!" The golden-eyed Tianpeng has appeared in its real body, a golden-eyed white-feathered roc bird covering the sky, majestic and majestic! He stared fiercely at Long Yingyun below.

"Ah!" Xiao Yi'er sighed full of melancholy, what a great meal, but he could only watch and couldn't let his father beat him down.

"You boy..." Jin Feng felt less melancholy when Xiao Yi'er's childish melancholy yelled, and poked the little one's face a little amusingly.

"Hmph!" Seeing Jin Feng's sadness, Xiao Yi'er reluctantly let her poke her, but she snorted coldly and folded her hands in front of her chest, acting like a grown-up "I don't care about you" Son.


Long Yingyun also showed his body, turning into a mighty golden dragon! The real dragon coercion emanating from it shocked the audience.

It also made Jin Mo Tianpeng's eyes look different! Because Long Yingyun's true dragon pressure was very pure, he felt a little pressure, which he could not allow.


"Kunpeng spreads its wings!" The golden-eyed Tianpeng directly used Kunpeng's unique skills, which also showed that it has the blood of the most powerful beast in its body——Kunpeng.

"Hum!" A Kunpeng leaped from the sky and the earth, and within a few days, it covered the sky of the Feng clan's mansion, stunned the audience.

"Golden-eyed Tianpeng is indeed a leader of the younger generation of the Mipeng clan. If it can be combined with the golden phoenix, it will definitely inspire a stronger bloodline of the Phoenix clan."

"It's a pity that Xiao Jinfeng doesn't like it. If Long Yingyun can defeat this golden-eyed Tianpeng, it's all right to let him marry Xiao Jinfeng. I'm afraid the Dragon King of the South China Sea will argue."

"My son-in-law's recruitment is not up to him, so let him come." The Phoenix Lord, who was secretly watching with the old fellows of the Feng clan, had already made a final decision, making all the old fellows of the Feng clan nod silently.

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