Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 1306 The King is Wrathful! 37 more

Shengfan brought a lot of powerful people here, he could have found an opportunity to lure Ye Qianli out of the mansion, and then kill Ye Qianli, but he and the rest of the forces did not do this, because this is Fengcheng.

If it is in other places, even in Dragon City! The Nihility Realm may still dare to do this, because the Nihility Realm has unpredictable means of communication, even if there is no teleportation array, they can still travel in all directions.

But in Fengcheng, people from the Nihility Realm dare not act presumptuously, because there is a Feng clan in Fengcheng! Among the Feng clan, there are Old Phoenix and Old Wutong sitting in town.

old days! There was a Domain King level character who relied on his own cultivation to kill an enemy in Fengcheng. As a result, the Domain King was burned in Fengcheng by the fire of Nirvana on the spot.

And the existence that caused this shocking death was the living fossil-level giant phoenix that Ye Qianli had seen before, and no one dared to act presumptuously in Fengcheng after that.

Therefore, even if Shengfan and the others bring a lot of people, they can only ask for someone from the Feng clan first, but...

"I'm afraid you didn't hear clearly, Ye Qianli is a guest of my Feng Clan." The strong man of the Feng Clan responded calmly, which made Ye Qianli's eyes change slightly.

Qing Yi has also emphasized from the side, "Uncle Hong's words are right, Ye Qianli is a guest of my Feng Clan, that is, a guest of my Feng Clan. You can't trouble her."

If it is said that the words of the strong Feng clan are veiled rejections, then Qingyi's words are blatant rejections! Shengfan's rude request.

This kind of refusal caused many people in the void world to change their complexions slightly, but Sheng Fan looked at Qing Yi unchanged and asked, "I wonder who you are?"

"Qingyi." Qingyi responded lightly.

Sheng Fan smiled and said, "It turns out that she is the Qingyi Saintess from the Qingluan lineage of the Phoenix Clan. Xiaosheng is polite."

Seeing that he was very courteous and thoughtful, Qing Yi could only return the courtesy and say, "Young Master Sheng Fan, you are being polite."

The disciples of the Tian clan on the side said, "Saint Qingyi, you don't know something. In the past, the young master of our clan died in Hongmeng Xiuchang, and he had a great relationship with this daughter Ye Qianli. The king is furious! I also hope that Qingyi Sheng Women know a lot, so hand over this woman to our Tian clan for disposal."

When the Tian's disciples saw the senior of the Feng clan, they just politely refused, but Qingyi expressed his position bluntly, so he knew that Qingyi had more right to speak, so he directly expressed affection to Qingyi and made a statement with reason.

And when he opened his mouth, he used "the king's anger" as a sign, which was to put pressure on the Feng family with the king. After all, everyone in the world knew how strong the king was.

But the Feng Clan senior said, "Everyone, don't embarrass the Qingyi Saintess of our clan, she has already made it very clear that Ye Qianli is a distinguished guest of our clan, and there is absolutely no reason for our Feng Clan to send a guest out to suffer. "

In this case, it is already very! He refused very directly, causing everyone's eyes to sink. They didn't expect the Feng Clan to protect Ye Qianli so much.

But this time Ye Qianli laughed, making everyone look at her, and Sheng Fan said coldly, "You are very proud!"

"No." Ye Qianli stopped laughing, and then said seriously, "I'm just a coward of Xiaotian."

"What do you mean!" Tian's disciples immediately scolded.

"How did Sage Tianqi die? Whether you are a member of the Tian clan or those who were in the Hongmeng cultivation field that day, they must be very clear. Killed by the big monster Yu! Could it be that your Tian clan was defeated in the Yaoyu and couldn't find the murderer, so you want to use me to beat my swollen face to make you fat?" Ye Qianli asked sarcastically.

"Heh..." Dong Daye said with a sneer, "I used to be in the Hongmeng Cultivation Field. If it weren't for the cunning of your husband and wife, you would have destroyed Tianqisheng's real body and human avatar first. How could he die without knowing why, with no bones left!"

And this corpse has no words left! It even hurt the hearts of the people of the Tian clan. They belonged to the royal family of the Northern Three Thousand Regions, but the young master of the clan not only died inexplicably! What kind of irony is it that there are no bones left?

Therefore, the disciples of the Tian Clan said forcefully, "Saint Qingyi, you understand that Ye Qianli is a girl of our clan who must be killed. Compared with the saint, I can understand it better, so I ask the saint to help her."


"I, Dao Tian, ​​dared to come to trouble me after being slapped in the face by my Taiyi clan. It turned out that Dong Daye, a wimp, was trying to sow discord. In the past, I killed your two younger brothers, but you remained indifferent. Don't dare to lay hands on me.

how? Looking at the crowds today, I wanted to come and watch, pretending to do my best to avenge your two younger brothers who stood in your way before? "Ye Qianli stabbed Dong Daye tit for tat, exposing the latter's embarrassment.

Dong Daye's face turned blue from choking! He almost didn't get vomited to death. He admitted that the two younger brothers had covered up his sharpness in the past. He was also thankful that the two younger brothers died early, but he could only rejoice in his heart, but Ye Qianli's poisonous tongue exposed him face to face. .

However, Ye Qianli continued with a sneer, "I've said what's on my mind, so you have nothing to say?"

"You are presumptuous!" Dong's people immediately reprimanded.

Ye Qianli shook her head disdainfully, then looked at Xuewangmen and said, "Snowwangmen? I'm curious, what kind of reason did you come to trouble me? Could it be because of that Xueyin and me?" You failed to compete for the inheritance and came to teach me?

In the past, when I saw that Snow King, he was a sensible person, never thought that I was blind? It turned out that Xue Wang believed that Xue Yin should own all inheritances in the world? If he loses, whoever wins him deserves to die? "

"Presumptuous! Sharp teeth and sharp mouth!" Xue Wang's disciples scolded one after another, but they had to admit that that was what Xue Wang meant. She didn't care about Ying Gu, but Xue Yin was her heart, and Xue Yin was wronged. , she naturally won't let it go.

Ye Qianli also laughed and said, "Okay! Don't be ashamed of yourself. Since you all said that you have a life-and-death enmity with me, then I will give you a chance to take revenge."

After saying this, Ye Qianli continued without waiting for Qing Yi to stop him, "I heard that there is a rule in the Nirvana Terrace of the Feng Clan that if anyone in the clan has formed an unresolvable life-and-death feud, they can go up to the stage and fight to the death! Until death.

Whoever you are, whether you are a half-step domain master or a junior domain master, as long as you dare to fight me on the Nirvana Stage, I will sign a life-and-death contract with you, and I will ask you whether you dare or not? ! "

Ye Qianli said these words sonorously and forcefully, and the last sentence "dare or dare" burst out with her unique arrogance! The heart of the audience trembled slightly.

That's not even counting...

"Of course, if you want to become a mid-level domain master shamelessly! I will also fight, I just ask you, do you dare to fight me like this?" These words!

Ye Qianli also looked at Sheng Fan's roll call and said, "It's you! Sheng Fan, your younger brother died in my hands in the past. If you have the guts, sign a life-and-death contract with me and fight on the Nirvana Platform. Dare?!"

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