Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 1311 All parties gather! 42 more [vote monthly ticket plus]

So Sheng Fan, who was well aware of Rong Mo's combat power, of course didn't say anything, he even subconsciously retreated behind the half-step domain king powerhouse who was walking with him.

But Zhu Xiaowen laughed from the side, "Sheng Fan is the first direct disciple of the Lord of the Void Realm. Since he is at the same level as Mr. Rong Lang, I think he can fight fairly."

Hearing this, Sheng Fan's face darkened, and he almost vomited to death, but at this moment——

"Tsk, I didn't expect this place to be so lively. It seems that everyone has got the news." There was a wild and mighty voice that came from not far away, quite magnificent.

Afterwards, there was another figure holding Yanyue Dao, who looked like the second brother Guan, who had stepped on the sky, exuding a mighty aura around him, as if there were clouds gathering and dispersing during his breathing, everyone was looking at him.

The person who came was also very polite, he had already shook his fist at everyone, his eyes were like lightning, and his spirit was haughty, it was obvious that he was a person with an extraordinary background.

"Children of the Qin family." Zhu Xiaowen's eyes flashed, and he clearly saw through the other party's background, and said in a casual voice.

"Yes, I am Qin Banruo, who is your Excellency?" Qin Banruo asked Zhu Xiaowen's background while speaking, and the latter replied with a smile, "Mr. Zhu, Zhu Xiaowen, Qin Banruo, what are you?" people?"

"My brother, do you recognize my brother?" Qin Banruo questioned.

"At that time, we were both in Hongmeng Xiuchang." Zhu Xiaowen explained.

Qin Banruo smiled and said, "So that's how it is. My brother often said that the Zhu family's children are mysterious and unpredictable. Obviously, the person he said is you, Your Excellency. Seeing you today, you really deserve your reputation."

Zhu Xiaowen nodded with a light smile, and didn't make any modest remarks, then Qin Banruo turned to look at Jinfeng and Ye Qianli, and finally looked at Jinfeng and said, "I think this heroic beauty is The new young master of the Feng Clan."

"You have good eyesight, this is indeed Jin Feng, the young master of my Feng Clan." Qing Yi said from the side, and did not let Jin Feng respond to this person in person.

Qin Banruo, who got an affirmative answer, his eyes sharpened, but he said with a smile, "It seems that all the super clans in my Southern Three Thousand Regions, except for the dragon clan, have already arrived."

"I just said that you have good eyesight, why did you lose it in a blink of an eye? Long Yingyun, the young master of my clan, is a child of the Dragon Clan." Qing Yi said coldly.

"My poor eyesight, I didn't notice it." Qin Banruo said with a smile, as if he really just didn't notice it, but Jin Feng frowned slightly in displeasure.

"Roar—" But there was a dragon's howl with a demonic spirit, and it was already roaring through the sky at this moment, and after a while! Then there was a young green-robed man who had appeared in everyone's eyes, and his whole body was still shrouded in a mighty dragon's aura.

As soon as this person arrived, Long Yingyun's eyes dimmed, but Jin Feng held his hand. This was the first time she took the initiative to hold Long Yingyun's hand, which warmed Long Yingyun's heart. look at her.

Jin Feng's eyes were looking at the young man who came from the dragon, and the group of people who came after him, including a man full of monsters! A plump woman who somewhat resembles Long Xuannv.

"Children of the Dragon Clan of the East China Sea?" A member of the Snow King's family had already asked, wondering how could the news from the East China Sea come so quickly? They happened to be here, and only after paying a high price did they get the news of Wangqing Villa.

But the people of the East China Sea Dragon Clan are far away from the South Three Thousand Regions, so how could they get the news so quickly? This is too strange.

"Blind your dog's eyes! This is the eleventh prince of my Dragon Clan in the South China Sea." But the people from the Dragon Clan scolded, condemning the Snow King's family members for their lack of eyesight.

"Heh, you are full of monsters, no wonder I can't recognize you. It seems that the East China Sea Dragon Clan and the South China Sea Dragon Clan will soon be merged into one clan, which is a good sign of a unified family." The Snow King Sect said with a light smile.

Such words made Long Yingyun feel very uncomfortable, he has been trying to balance! I want to use my own efforts to make my father firmly believe in not introducing the blood of the demon dragon, but unfortunately...

In the end it was because of his lack of strength, if he had the capacity for ink, no! As long as he has Ye Qianli's combat strength and ability, his father will not be so anxious.

"You can still talk." Long Qingnv, who is somewhat similar to Long Xuannv, said, but fixed her eyes on Long Yingyun, and shouted with anger in her eyes, "I don't know who it is, so it's you Now, this bereaved dragon, I will give you a chance to regret it, as long as you kneel in front of me and apologize, I can consider re-negotiating the engagement with you, and let you become the young master of the dragon clan in the South China Sea."

As soon as this statement came out...

"Bah! What kind of thing are you, you dare to poach the corner of the young master of my Feng Clan, believe it or not, I will kill you now." Qing Yi has already scolded, and Qing Luan's long cry is all around her. hiss.

"Trash, Long Yingyun! Do you only hide behind women?" Long Qingnv still yelled at Long Yingyun without fear, her mouth was really stinky.

Long Yingyun took a step forward! Staring at his eleventh brother, and the humanity of the South China Sea Dragon Clan behind him, he said, "Is this how you keep people humiliated and keep silent? The South China Sea Dragon Clan is really going to be unified by the East China Sea!? This is the will of the King Father Do you really think that you are kneeling and licking Donghai's toes like this! Is there no one in Nanhai?"

This made Long Yingfeng's face change, but he immediately scolded, "You have been expelled from the Dragon Clan by your father, don't try to provoke discord!"

"Has the father announced it to the world? Has he removed my name from the ancestral hall of my South China Sea Dragon Clan? If not, eleventh brother, are you going to exercise the rights of my South China Sea Dragon King on behalf of my father?" Long Yingyun Coldly reprimanded.

"..." Long Yingfeng was speechless, he naturally didn't dare to speak nonsense, he could act on behalf of his father.

That Long Qingnv wanted to answer, but Jin Feng had already said, "If the South China Sea Dragon Clan expelled my husband, Long Yingyun, from the South China Sea Dragon Clan, it would be the biggest wrong decision of the South China Sea Dragon Clan! No one, I, the Phoenix Clan! It is Long Yingyun's solid backing, anyone who dares to humiliate my husband will be punished with the crime of humiliating the Young Monarch of the Feng Clan."

These words, Jin Feng spoke loudly, and the whole body was also released! The strength and vigor that a young master of the Feng clan should possess shocked everyone in the audience.

"Yes! Young Master." Qing Yi also echoed at this moment, even though she was only one person here, she was the epitome of everyone in the Feng Clan.

Let Long Qingnv and the others really dare not say anything humiliating except for their bad faces. The Feng Clan has always kept a low profile, but anyone who knows the inside story knows how strong the Feng Clan is.

What's more, in the Wangqing Mountain Villa at this moment, there is already a strong man who has come out of the sky and said, "You all come together, my lord has ordered that you please enter the villa to rest first. As for the person you are looking for, he has not come recently, everyone. You can wait in the village."

"The gatekeeper isn't there?" Everyone was stunned, but they understood a little bit. If the old man guarding the gate really has the secret of Wangqingya, then he must be an ordinary person, how can he easily see it?

In addition, King Wangqing had already appeared, so everyone present would save face, but the man looked at Sheng Fan and said, "My lord, please tell me less."

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