Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 1321 Mo Lice! 1 more

But Sheng Fan had just finished speaking when the empress's eyes changed. She suddenly looked at Ye Qianli. This was the first time she looked at Ye Qianli. Before that, she seemed to have been standing there alone. , out of tune with the whole world.

And this time...

When she looked at Ye Qianli, there was a blank look in her eyes. It was obvious that she really didn't recognize her daughter. Ye Qianli didn't know what happened.

But she knows! She is distressed, she is tight! Clutching her Highness's hand tightly, she vented the killing intent in her heart, which was enough to destroy herself.

But she was still smiling, she didn't look at the empress, she just stared at Shengfan and said with a sarcasm, "Even if you have dreamed of spring and autumn, you can't get this kind of opportunity, let me be your little junior sister, it's useless to talk more , since you say she is my mother, you can just think so.

I am a goddess of the Taiyi clan, my mother is naturally in the Taiyi clan, as for this person, she has the emperor's blood in her body, so what? The offspring of your Sheng family also have the blood of the Sheng family in your body, how can you be restrained because of them? ridiculous. "

Hearing this, Jin Feng shouted with a twinkle in her eyes, "That's right! You in the Nihility Realm randomly arrested someone in Wanyu and falsely claimed that she was Qianli's mother. This is trying to kidnap Ye Qianli by virtue of your restraint." what?

It is said that the Nihility Realm has great means, but today, it seems that this young master believes it. Everyone present should be careful, if one day offends the Nihility Realm, let alone a child, it will be a 'relative' outside the nine clans! are all involved. "

In Ten Thousand Domains, especially the cutting-edge forces fighting, generally will not harm anyone other than the three clans. After all, the major clans are widely involved. Once all the clans are affected, how many domains will be eliminated? How many creatures were killed?

That's why Wanyu also has unwritten rules stipulating that all forces fighting must not harm relatively innocent creatures, otherwise it will easily lead to the destruction of the race and the consequences will be unimaginable.


"The world of nothingness is indeed despicable." Many people who watched from a distance felt that the world of nothingness suddenly arrested a person with the blood of the emperor to threaten Ye Qianli, which was really bad.

However, in order to kill Ye Qianli's family, the Nihility Realm, who has already gone all out, obviously doesn't care what others say! So Sheng Fan sneered and said——

"Ye Qianli, just be stubborn. Today, you can either kill yourself in front of me, or I will kill your mother! Kill in front of you, let you try too! The person you love dies in front of you, but you are helpless suffering."

"Then you kill!" Ye Qianli said coldly, and ordered, "The Taiyi clan obeys the order and kills the Nihility Realm, leaving no one behind! If the Tian family wants to die, they will be killed together."

"Yes!" Taiyihong ordered, and a Taiyi gun, which could hardly be held down for a long time, flew out of the sky, and directly stabbed Shengfan, this little beast.

"Kill!" All the accompanying Taiyi tribe broke out in battle, where was the slightest depression of being threatened, and their hands and feet were restrained? absolutely not.

"Whoosh!" The Taiyi Spear pierced through the air, causing Sheng Fan to retreat immediately, and a half-step domain king beside him immediately drew out a tyrannical magic knife, and blocked it at Taiyi Spear.


The terrifying attack wave of the half-step domain king immediately made a terrifying bang sound, blasting the nearby whirlwinds dozens of miles away, very tyrannical.

That's not even counting...


A series of taboo swallowing lines are still at this moment! It has been opened at the feet of Shengfan and others, exuding a terrible devouring power, and in just a split second, it devours some of the domain masters with weak cultivation bases.

"Quick retreat!"


While Tian Qibei was giving orders, he was carried up into the air by the half-step domain master who was protecting him, and many other Tian clan disciples, as well as disciples from the Void Realm, all scattered in haste.

No one thought that Rong Mo had buried everyone in a hole without making a sound. Isn't this a scam? It's too insidious!

Shengfan was so angry that his face turned blue, and he also angrily yelled at the cloaked man, "Xiongba! What are you still doing, you still haven't dealt with your opponent!?"

"Om." The man in the cloak who was ordered to emit an unpredictable and gloomy aura, which made many people at the scene feel as cold as hell.

But at this moment——

"Whoosh!" Ye Qianli turned into a ray of starlight and flashed towards the depths of Wangqing Cliff. The speed was so fast that everyone on the scene was stunned.

But Rong Mo also held Xiao Yi'er in his arms, stepped out of the sky and dodged in another direction, as if he wanted to separate from Ye Qianli and run away?

"Chasing!" Sheng Fan couldn't let the family escape, so he asked the man in the cloak to chase after Rong Mo, and he himself led the empress, and together with Tian Qibei, quickly chased Ye Qianli.

But they want to chase! People from the Taiyi clan and the people from the Feng clan didn't let them catch up easily. Naturally, they burst out their combat power to intercept and kill each other.

"You bastard! Stop them, and the rest will follow me!" Sheng Fan kept chasing Ye Qianli after leaving some people to entangle with people from the Taiyi and Feng clans.

But Tai Yihong turned the long spear in his hand into a giant battleship, pressing down in front of Sheng Fan and the others, not allowing anyone to chase them out.

Taiyihong's combat power is so powerful that he can be crushed like this! Ever since Shengfan and other domain master realm powerhouses were overwhelmed by the burden, they almost didn't kneel down, but a nihility realm powerhouse had stepped into the sky, and slashed brilliantly at Tai Yihong's spear.


The sword and gun made a loud clanging sound, but they couldn't shake Tai Yihong's long spear. He was like an immortal Mount Tai crushing in front of Sheng Fan and others. No one would want to walk in front of him.

In this way! The half-step domain king who was by the empress's side had no choice but to rush out of the air, and with a long sword, stabbed fiercely at Taiyihong's eyebrows.

"Get out!" Taiyihong let out a loud roar, but the sound wave was able to withstand the opponent's long sword, and one person could only beat the two half-step domain kings. It's so strong."

"But after Tai Yihong suffered the attacks of the two half-step domain kings, he couldn't block this way. Sheng Fan and Tian Qibei have escaped the suppression, and continued to lead people to chase Ye Qianli." Zhu But the strong man said.

"Oh, this is the plan of their husband and wife. Rong Mo lures away the mysterious black cloaked domain lord, and the Taiyi tribe keeps high-end combat power here, and Ye Qianli lures Shengfan to take her mother to chase after him." Zhu Xiaowen But he saw through the whole situation.

"Is that woman really Ye Qianli's mother?" The strong Zhu family was slightly taken aback.

"Before, I wasn't sure, because Ye Qianli's family, and even the little one, pretended to be watertight, but once this layout came out, I'm sure! Absolutely, and Ye Qianli wanted to take this opportunity to save her mother." Zhu Xiaowen affirmed said.

"I'm afraid it's difficult. That Shengfan has been holding on to that woman, and he must still want to use it as a threat. In addition, there are Tian Qibei and others, how can Ye Qianli be against?" Zhu's strong man said.

"Oh, she must have a way, otherwise how could she lure people away, Sheng Fan will definitely die." Zhu Xiaowen was obviously very confident in Ye Qianli.


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