Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 1323 The end of the saint! 【Building on New Year's Day】

Such a calculation, such a layout! It is Sheng Fan, and also the point where the Lord of the Void Realm is confident that he can bury Ye Qianli on Wangqing Cliff.

At this moment, the empress, even if she wanted to die, it was absolutely impossible! Because on her body, it has been planted with runes that can control all of her.

The barrage that made the magic box a headache said, "This rune is very vicious, in the past! It is a secret technique of the puppet sect. It was originally used to restrain puppets, and later it was improved and used on creatures. After going against the sky and evil, the puppet sect was destroyed by all major forces, and I didn't expect that the void world would have such sorcery in its hands."

But Ye Qianli looked at Tian Qibei, as if he didn't care about it, apparently he already knew about it? This made her heart sink, but she had no time to think about it at the moment, she just wanted to save her mother.


"What do you want to let my mother go? Don't tell me to kill myself. We are all smart people. Say something realistic. For example, if I catch my mother without a fight, you let my mother go." Ye Qianli suggested.

"Qianli can't!" Zhu Yunwen immediately stopped him. The way he looked at Shengfan, he clearly hated Ye Qianli. If Ye Qianli fell into the opponent's hands, he would be tortured to death.

But Sheng Fan said, "Your suggestion is very good, but you also said that everyone is not a fool. With your methods, even if you catch him without a fight, I don't think it is reliable."

"So?" Ye Qianli asked.

"So! I want you to abolish your cultivation and come towards me again." Sheng Fan demanded viciously, causing Zhu Yunwen's expression to change drastically, and he scolded, "Sheng Fan! Don't deceive others too much."

"What's none of your business?" Sheng Fan ignored Zhu Yunwen at all, just stared at Ye Qianli and said, "I just accept this kind of arrest, otherwise I won't kill you, I will take your mother back and send her into my void The red account of the world.

Oh, you may not know what the red tent is, it is my female branch of the void world, you said that if people in the world know that the mother of your Goddess Taiyi is the female branch of my void world, how interesting it would be? "

"You..." Zhu Yunwen was about to be blown away by Sheng Fan's shamelessness. Such a dirty trick made him know that Ye Qianli would definitely compromise.

In fact, Ye Qianli did compromise and said, "I can destroy my dantian, but at the same time as I destroy myself, you have to release the control over my mother, and let her walk towards Zhu Yunwen, and I will walk towards you." walk over.

If you don't agree! Then we will fight to the death here! Even if I kill my mother, I will never let her be humiliated by you, I, Ye Qianli! no sooner said than done. "

"Arrogance!" Tian Qibei said in a cold voice, "Do you think it is possible for you to negotiate terms? Your mother is in the hands of the two of us, and you have to get out of here obediently! There is no other way."

"That's right! Do you think you and Zhu Yunwen are likely to fight me?" Sheng Fan also said coldly, not agreeing to Ye Qianli's conditions at all.

"Heh..." Ye Qianli sneered and said, "I have promised to destroy my dantian and walk towards you, don't you ask yourself! You are not sure about dealing with a person like me who has crippled his dantian? That's why I didn't agree .”

"Ye Qianli, you don't need to use aggressive methods! If you want to save your mother, just do as I tell you, and come over with your self-destructive cultivation. If I am in a good mood, I will let your mother go." Shengfan said forcefully Resentment Road.

"Do you think it's possible?" Ye Qianli asked back, "Do you think I'm a fool? If you don't make any concessions, I will abolish my cultivation and throw myself into a trap?"

"You have no choice." After Sheng Fan said, he manipulated the empress and approached Ye Qianli together, "If you want to fight, I can manipulate her to fight with you, I don't believe it! You really treat your mother I can do it."

"That's right! If you're really up to it, it's okay. Letting you kill your own biological mother is also an excellent revenge." Tian Qibei sneered, and Sheng Fan was really the same despicable fellow.

And after what Shengfan said, he has already controlled the empress with puppetry! And walking towards Ye Qianli, he followed behind step by step, in case Ye Qianli used any means,

At this moment, the Empress, her eyes had become very hollow, as if she had really become a puppet. Seeing Ye Qianli, she immediately asked the magic box, "Magic box! Can you cut off their connection? Cut off my empress mother?"

"No, this kind of manipulation is terrible. Unless Sheng Fan dies, the control will always exist." The magic box also felt that this problem was very difficult today.

It's no wonder that Sheng Fan is chasing after him confidently. It turned out that he used such an insidious method. This is a puzzle that can't be solved at all at present.

for a while...

"I promise you." Ye Qianli said, "I promise you, I will abandon my cultivation and walk up to you, and I will capture you without a fight."

Hearing that, Zhu Yunwen's expression completely changed, "Qianli! Don't do it, you are sending your death for nothing, and you will only catch yourself. Absolutely not! I don't agree."

Saying this, Zhu Yunwen stood in front of Ye Qianli, "This matter can be discussed in the long run, don't act impulsively, if your cultivation base is abolished, everything will be gone."

"Don't worry." Ye Qianli said calmly, making Zhu Yunwen kind! She still has the winning hand, the feeling of being in control.

This made Zhu Yunwen slightly stunned, because he couldn't imagine that if Ye Qianli had abolished her cultivation, what possibility would she have to come back?

But Ye Qianli at this moment! She had shattered her dantian with one palm, and the cultivation around her began to slacken following her blow.

"Qianli!" Zhu Yunwen's eyes turned red, but Ye Qianli had already bypassed him, and Pilgrim Shengfan walked over, greatly shocking Zhu Xiaowen who was following behind.

Zhu Xiaowen, like Zhu Yunwen, is unimaginable! If her cultivation is abolished, what else can Ye Qianli do to make her turn around? Does she really plan to catch her without a fight?

"Very good!" Sheng Fan showed his extreme satisfaction! Smiling extremely happily, Tian Qibei also looked at Ye Qianli with great satisfaction, who was gradually losing his cultivation.

And Ye Qianli's cultivation base dissipated very quickly! It seemed that most of them had dispersed, and it didn't look like she was keeping her hands. It could be seen that she had really abolished her own dantian.

So bold! It also made Tian Qibei admire, and only felt that Ye Qianli was a woman after all, or she was acting on her emotions. If it was him, he would definitely not agree to such a condition.

Seeing that Ye Qianli had walked up to Sheng Fan, the distance between the two was less than ten feet, Sheng Fan's figure moved! A palm that had already stepped out grabbed Ye Qianli's neck, and laughed loudly, "Ye Qianli! You are so stupid, do you really think that I will let your mother go because of this? It's fine now, I You, mother and daughter, will be sent to the red tent together."

Hearing that, Zhu Yunwen's face turned completely pale! Murderous intentions were revealed in his eyes, and a terrifying mysterious aura radiated from his body. He was ready, even if he fought hard, he would explode himself! He's keeping everyone here too.

But at this moment——

"Of course I don't think so." Ye Qianli's calm voice came out, at the same moment! She, who exudes a terrifying demon moon aura all over her body, has already blasted Sheng Fan's heart with her palm.

ps: On the first day of 2019, I wish the babies a happy New Year's Day, and a monthly ticket big red envelope was issued, and the monthly ticket given by the system can be claimed~

a new Year! The monthly ticket double is still going on, let's rush~


Object of the event: Fans worth more than 7,000. 【Readers from the Academy and Book City can participate】

Activity time: January 1st

Activity content: Build a building in the comment area, select a sentence or a paragraph of your favorite sentence from the updated content on December 30th to today's January 1st, and post it in the comment area (Book Friends Circle) to build the building.

Event reward: the first 66 hugs, a unified reward of 66 coins [666 hugs send cute pillows]

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The final interpretation right of this activity belongs to Lianjue and the butler group.

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