Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 1326 Magic Crossbow Judgment! [Double monthly pass countdown

In this case, despair appeared in Tianqibei's eyes, but Ye Qianli did not end Tianqibei's life immediately, but first took away his storage ring, took away his artifacts, etc., and kept it for his family. son smashed.

In the end, she tied him up, carried the big rock, and then went to take care of Shengfan. At that time, Shengfan was not sitting still.

When Ye Qianli cleaned up Tianqibei, he had already shouted at Zhu Xiaowen, "Zhu Xiaowen! You save me, my master is willing to pay any price for this, you... ouch—"

Sheng Fan, who was asking for help, had his leg torn apart by Nian Beast's claws without any accident. He screamed in pain, but he still didn't give up and asked for help, "Please, help me..."

At this moment, Shengfan's only hope is Zhu Xiaowen, he doesn't want to die! He really really didn't want to die, so no matter how painful he was, even though he was enduring inhuman torture, he still wanted to say, "My master..."

"Crack!" Nian Beast smashed Shengfan's mouth angrily, and cursed fiercely, "It's really annoying, I think your mouth is rotten now, why are you still screaming?"

"%¥@*%...@¥@" Sheng Fan, who made a series of strange noises, really couldn't speak clearly, and Nian Beast nodded its huge ugly head in satisfaction.

Zhu Xiaowen also said with emotion, "Although I really want to get whatever price your master paid, I can't do it, it's a pity."

In fact, Zhu Xiaowen was really tempted and wanted to help, but he had already seen that a certain handsome young man with a flowing brocade coat was coming over with a child in his arms.

"Cool!" Xiao Yi'er's cry also followed, letting Sheng Fan know that since Rong Mo came, Zhu Xiaowen would not help him, then his end is really coming, and Ye Qianli will definitely not Will let him go.

And Ye Qianli, who came back to take care of him, also confirmed his thoughts. She had already tied up Sheng Fan after taking away her son's meal ticket.

"I'll do it." Seeing that Ye Qianli was about to drag someone up the boulder again, Zhu Yunwen came over to take over the job, and put Sheng Fan to Tian Qibei's side, and the two of them slept side by side and looked at him.

"Zhu Yunwen! You let us go, and we are willing to pay any price for it. No matter what Ye Qianli gave you, we will give you twice! No, no, no, we will give you ten times!" Tian Qibei said in a desperate struggle.

Sheng Fan couldn't speak, but he immediately nodded his head like a chicken pecking rice, and he didn't want to die either! But he felt that Ye Qianli's current layout was to kill them completely, even though he didn't know what she was going to play.

But in the face of their "temptation", Zhu Yunwen didn't say a word, just set them up and got up to leave, but Tian Qibei blocked his legs with potential, "Zhu Xiaowen, I beg you! Let us go!" Well, we are willing to pay a hundred times the price."

"...¥%¥%...¥%" Sheng Fan also desperately tried to express that he was willing too! Anything is willing, as long as he does not let him die.

"Father! How stupid!" Xiao Yi'er pointed at Sheng Fan and said to his father, saying that this person can't speak clearly, he is really stupid.

Rong Mo didn't answer, he just stood beside Ye Qianli, and while frowning, he held her in his arms and touched her belly.

"Your Highness?" Ye Qianli might as well if he came suddenly, and immediately shrank his body to dodge, but how could Rong Mo allow her to dodge?

Just by touching it, he will know it! Ye Qianli destroyed her dantian by herself, even with Xiao Huahua's power, she has been constantly repairing her dantian, and it seems that it is about to be reorganized.


"Who did it?" Rong Mo's voice was very clear and cold, as if it was the same as usual, but Xiao Yi'er shrank his neck and stopped talking, lying in his father's arms obediently like a bunny.

"I..." Ye Qianli was about to explain.

After finishing his work, Zhu Yunwen said first, "Sheng Fan! He used Qianli's mother to force her to cripple herself. He used a very vicious technique to control Qianli's mother, so that even if they recognized each other, they would kill each other. , Qianli couldn't bear it, so she abolished her dantian."

Zhu Yunwen's words were very short, and he couldn't learn Shengfan's despicableness, which probably required Liao Zongming to come over to learn it vividly.

But this was enough to make Rong Mo furious, and it was also enough to make Xiao Yi'er furious. The little one had already got up and shouted, "Hit! Dad! Hit me to death!"

"Your Highness, I..." Ye Qianli wanted to say that she had made arrangements and would definitely kill this bitch, but her Highness didn't listen to her.

Rong Mo has already fallen beside Sheng Fan, and Xiao Yi'er just wants to jump down and beat him up! I'm so mad at him, so mad! While he and his father were away, he bullied his mother again.

But Rong Mo hugged him so tightly that the little one couldn't move, only saw his father squatting down and "touching" the bad guy's chest.

"Aw!" Sheng Fan, who was unable to scream at first, burst out his potential strangely, and let out a pitiful scream with a perfect accent, which made Nian Beast quite dissatisfied thinking, how could it still scream?

As everyone knows...

Shengfan is real at this moment! Suffering the top torture, there is no one.


Sheng Fan, who was screaming heart-piercingly, only felt a hundred kinds of pain! Thousands of pains rushed into his limbs with all kinds of new stimuli, the pain made him forget that his mouth was rotten, he forgot everything, only pain! Pain...

Tian Qibei was even more shocked to see that there seemed to be countless small insects wriggling under Sheng Fan's skin, which made him feel disgusted and frightened! Damn it! What kind of method is this! ?

Tian Qibei didn't know, he didn't dare to look anymore and closed his eyes tightly, but there was a sense of fear that made him feel desperate and hesitant.

But this time, Rong Mo has returned to Ye Qianli's side, and took her away, and then...

"call out!"

The sound of an arrow piercing through the air came suddenly! It shot at Tian Qibei who had already closed his eyes tightly, making the latter's eyes widen in pain.


The powerful divine sense of the king, as expected, directly manifested itself at the moment when Tian Qibei was dying! Moreover, the king's divine sense is really terrifying. While resisting the killing of the divine pattern, he also tried to capture Tian Qibei and take away his direct grandson.


"Boom!" The terrifying attack from the divine pattern on Wangqing Cliff exploded once again, completely destroying the king's divine sense on the spot, making it impossible for him to take Tian Qibei away.

"Pfft——" Tian Qibei, who spat out a mouthful of blood in despair, died in this place without regret! On the boulder that Ye Qianli was standing on before.

same moment!

"call out!"

With the sound of the second crossbow, the arrow pierced through! The seven orifices were already bleeding from the pain, and the ferocious-looking Sheng Fan shot out the divine sense of the World Lord of the Void Realm.


The Lord of the Void Realm appears! What he saw was Shengfan's miserable near-death condition, his face was very distorted, as miserable as it could be, it made him tear up.

He also wanted to save Shengfan, but he was worse than the king. The moment he saw Shengfan, he was destroyed by Wangqingya's power.

"No—" the world lord of the void yelled in despair! However, in the void, a person wearing a cloak had come out. On the left hand of that person was equipped with a mechanical heavy crossbow.

This person pulled out a blood-red arrow! Pushing the heavy crossbow, it pierced Sheng Fan's heart on the spot...

ps: All the monthly tickets given by the system are in place, take advantage of the double at the beginning of the month, hurry up and vote! Don't waste it, you can get two red envelopes for one vote~

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