Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 1340 The Scariest Woman! 2 more


Terrible destructive power! The crushing force frantically attacked Qin Banruo's viscera, bones and meridians through Qin Banruo's physical body.


Qin Banruo was stepped on and vomited a mouthful of blood again, but he couldn't resist! ? Even if he burst out of the Qin family's blood, even if he had the combat power of a high-ranking domain master, he still couldn't resist, and he was trampled to death like this, with no sign of turning over.


The scene was completely silent, those who were still eager to try! People from other clans who wanted to join forces with the Qin clan, and people from other clans who subdued Ye Qianli and others, all shrank away.


How can you fight this! ?

You know, in this battle circle, not only Ye Qianli is invincible here, but Rong Mo is the only one who tramples Qin Banruo to death! one person! He was alone, and he had already crushed the three half-step domain kings to death.

Taiyihong, the half-step domain king of the Taiyi clan, he has no chance to make a move, he is still standing! I'm unemployed, I'm unemployed! damn...

If anyone made a move, wouldn't he be giving away the head of the half-step domain king of the Taiyi clan? This is not counted, this is nothing, the most frightening thing is that the ruling holy beast has not moved! It's still being held by that child.

In this way, people from the Feng clan and Taiyi clan have already crushed and beaten the Qin clan who outnumbered them, and almost all of them can fight two with one.

Especially Jin Feng and the others in armor, all of them burst out with the help of gods, the combat power of middle and high-level domain masters.

It's nothing, really!

What surprised the melon eaters most was that these few people could completely ignore other people's attacks. The attacks of those domain masters fell on them, and they couldn't startle a single "spray", they were all ignored! ignore...

"What a terrible armor."

"This must be a ninth-tier divine armor, right? Can it avoid the half-step domain king's attack!? My God..." The crowd was stunned, and they put away the fighting spirit in their hearts.

Among other things, these armored men are already "invincible", at least they are invincible here. Others "can't beat" them, but they can cut others to death. It's really fucking It's off.


no no no!

They don't unite, they admit cowardice, admit cowardly...

But in a short while, the Qin Clan's so-called alliance fell apart because the Qin Clan was crushed and beaten, and Qin Banruo himself was stepped on and crushed. It was really a plastic alliance.

"Heh..." Ye Qianli bent down with a sarcasm, leaned one hand on her knee that was stepping on Qin Banruo's leg, and said with a contemptuous look like a queen, "Qin Banruo, with your strength , dare to be arrogant in front of Mrs. Ben? Your mother probably didn't give birth to your brain well, so that you don't even know how to be afraid."

"Ye Qianli! You bitch, I swear! One day, I will make your life worse than death. I, Qin Banruo, swear! I will definitely make you regret your actions at this moment, for sure!" Qin Banruo roared again and again, all the meridians in his body The skin is all exposed.

It can be seen how angry he is, and how desperate he is, but no matter how hard he tries, Ye Qianli who steps on him is like a huge mountain that can never be lifted, making him breathless.

But Ye Qianli said with incomparable contempt, "It's not that I look down on you, but you are seventy and eighty years old, even if I give you another thousand years, you will stay with me! You can only be reduced to the life of an ant. At that time, you, I don't even have the qualifications to let me do it."

"Ah——" Qin Banruo was so humiliated that he was about to vomit blood. He is a hero of the Qin family. He has a tendency to become the first person and the next leader of the Qin family. He is naturally confident and powerful. humiliated? Trample the country like this? No.

"Bitch! You have the guts to kill me!" Qin Banruo roared crazily, but he was not afraid of death, and it was better than being stepped on by a woman all the time.

However, Ye Qianli smiled and said, "Kill you? You think I'm stupid, but I suffered a big loss from Tianshi and Nihility Realm. You rat shit-like forces always come out as soon as the younger generation dies." Elders, young and strong elders can't do it, so they go to the ancestor class and beat me one by one, it's really shameless."

Tianshi: "..."

The void world: "..."

They did indeed do this, but Ye Qianli said this at the moment, it really made them feel bad, they were really shameless, and they felt very vile.

"Looking at you, Qin Ban, if you are such a trash, your Qin clan must be such a shameless clan. I dare not kill you, lest your father, your grandpa, your great-grandfather, and your great-grandfather come after me one by one. Very annoying." Ye Qianli jokingly said, even humiliating Qin Banruo to the point of vomiting blood! He also literally vomited blood again.

After all, Ye Qianli was already exerting herself on her feet! Towards his back, it was crushed down hard again, the pain was so painful that he almost screamed without shame, but it was "wow" and vomited blood.

"I will definitely not kill you. I will only torture you slowly so that you will always remember today's nightmare. When you think about it in the future, you will not be able to meditate." Ye Qianli said, her strength still remained Skillfully crushed into Qin Banruo's most painful point.

She's a doctor, of course she knows! The attack is the most unbearable, it is not fatal, and it is very difficult to recover, so today is destined to be Qin Banruo's nightmare.

No matter how hard Qin Banruo's bones were, he was tortured by Ye Qianli to the point of screaming, which made him cry blood and swear in grief and indignation that one day he would tear Ye Qianli's body to pieces with his own hands.

"Tell me, what happened to you today, when you return to the clan and your elders and peers know about you, what will they think of you? Wow, if Ban Qin couldn't get up because of a half-step domain master woman, it would be shameful." He kept screaming, he almost cried and begged his mother for mercy, tsk tsk..." Ye Qianli said this.

Not to mention that Qin Banruo's complexion completely changed! Desperation was revealed in the eyes, and the words of "the most poisonous woman's heart" appeared in the hearts of all the people present.

Damn it!

This is simply heartbreaking!

How proud is Qin Banruo, a genius like Qin Banruo? Ye Qianli humiliated him like this, how could he have the face to go back and say it? I am afraid that people who are in the same company will be ordered by him not to speak.

After all, this is really not a glorious thing, especially since Ye Qianli is really only a half-step domain master! Even if she exploded at this moment with the combat power of a peak domain lord.


This woman is not only terrifying in combat power, but also has a poisonous mouth, and is good at attacking the heart! He can also use people's hearts, which is simply invincible.

"Ye Qianli is really the scariest woman I've ever seen, bar none." Zhu Xiaowen sighed silently, this woman was almost silent by Qin Banruo and others before, like a little sheep.

When she got to her territory, which was this room, she immediately released her sharp claws, tearing everyone and everything that was against her into pieces! One hit is the key.

Qin Banruo is the most provocative, so he is the worst...

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