Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 1362 Slaughtering nothingness! 3 more

"Pfft, puff..."

A mouthful of blood spurted out continuously from the mouth of the leader of the void world, making his eyes wide open, and even a corner of the mask was shattered, revealing his paleness! The sinister jaw.

Dragon Emperor!

It didn't make a move not because it was idle, it was just sealing off this world, making it impossible for the master of the void world to escape, and letting him know what despair is.

Once upon a time, he gave Ye Batian despair! The Empress is in despair; today, the Dragon Emperor bestowed all this despair on him.

"Yes!" Jin Feng, who was watching this scene, subconsciously applauded, the light in her eyes was extremely bright, and she only felt that today would be the end of the World Lord of the Void Realm.


When Taiyichen raised his gun and darted above the leader of the void realm, trying to cut off the old miscellaneous hair with one shot, Qin Chuan said, "Let's spare others."

Hearing the phoenix master's phoenix eyes narrowed slightly, he said in a neutral tone, "King Qin must meddle in his own business?" In the last four words, the phoenix master added a little more subtle consonance.

But the leader of the void realm has already vomited blood and said, "Taiyichen, if you dare to kill me, you Taiyi clan will be massacred by my void realm regardless of realm, and you will never die.

You should know! My nihilistic world has eyeliner in all domains! There are strongholds, no matter how you pull them out, you will not be able to completely clear my void world, and your family will be endlessly disturbed by our world.

Even you Taiyi people are not afraid! Those Kunlun people in the past, the Ye family's children, the students and teachers of the genius academy, aren't they afraid? leaf! thousand! Glass! "

As soon as this statement came out...

Ye Qianli's eyelashes trembled just after he stopped, and the murderous intent in his eyes was even stronger!

But the Dragon Emperor said in a straightforward manner, "If you have the ability to find the young mistress's old friends, why should you be slapped in the face by the young mistress all the way."

The Lord of the Void Realm: "..."|

"If you really have this ability in the void world, I, the goddess, would like to thank you for helping me gather relatives and friends." Ye Qianli even stood up and said, and has already rushed to the master of the void world.

"Goddess, be careful." Tai Yichen immediately protected Ye Qianli, fearing that the lingering master of the void world would suddenly explode, which would be bad for Ye Qianli.

"Ah!" Xiao Yi'er and his father had already followed, and the little one even yelled at the Lord of the Void Realm, like a bloodthirsty beast.

And the arrival of this family, and the same murderous intent in their eyes! The Lord of the Nihility Realm, who was subdued by the Judgment Holy Beast, blinked his eyes, seeming to be afraid.

But he looked at Qin Chuan! Make Phoenix Master's eyes darken.

"Alas..." Qin Chuan also sighed, "Goddess Ye, Mr. Rong Lang, the master of the void realm is the king of the domain, and he has been surrounded and beaten by you to this point, so he should vent all his anger, why not?" Give this king a face and let him live."

Qin Chuan's words seemed to be a plea, but his tone was not polite to ask for help. It was more like an order, asking Ye Qianli and his wife to give him face.

This made Lord Feng frowned suddenly, his whole body became slightly cold, and he said, "Qin Chuan, what do you mean?"

"Phoenix Lord, don't be upset. Since I am the king of the Western Regions, I want to maintain the long-term peace and stability of the Western Three Thousand Regions. If the Lord of the Nihility Realm dies here, the Nihility Realm has hidden revenge and has repeatedly harassed the Western Three Thousand Regions. This king is negligent?" Qin Chuan asked.

"That's right! Even if your Phoenix City has iron fists, once my Void Realm riots, it is not your Fengcheng that can restrain it. You should know! There are no traitors in my Void Realm so far. Those who enter my Void Realm are all loyal." He even threatened with brazen words.

Lord Feng smiled sarcastically, "Then I, Fengcheng, will be waiting! Today, my lord is not afraid to put my words here. If you don't take action, Qin Chuan, then let it go. If you do, my lord will."

"Do you think this king came here alone?" Qin Chuan smiled lightly, but an extremely huge handle appeared in the sky of Fengcheng! Incomparably illusory and terrifying Crescent Moon Knife.

The Phoenix Lord's eyes darkened and he shouted, "Qin Chuan! Are you, the Qin family, going to declare war on our Feng family?" She knew very well that this Yanyue knife is the treasure of the Qin family, just like Zhu's Book of Changes! Not only a treasure, but also the strongest existence, comparable to the Phoenix Patriarch of her Phoenix Clan.

"This king is still the same sentence. This king is for the long-term peace and stability of the Western Three Thousand Regions. If you wait out of my West Three Thousand Regions, I will not care about it. But this realm is my Western Three Thousand Regions. The realm of nothingness The World Lord cannot die here." Qin Chuanmo said.

And what he said, the Crescent Moon Saber in the sky! There was a terrifying light of killing, like the soldiers of the gods came here, which made even the magic box feel a little frightened.

To know! This handle was passed down from the first ancestor of the Qin clan, the Yanyue Saber of the Qin clan's first generation of God of War. In the era of the king of the ten thousand domains, it was the number one heavenly soldier in the row.

After such a long time, it has already developed extraordinary spiritual wisdom, and it is indeed an existence equivalent to the ancestor of Phoenix and the ancestor of Wutong.

This made the World Lord of the Void Realm sneer reassuringly, "So what if you surround me with more or less people? Don't let the World Lord leave quickly."

"Ah!" Xiao Yi'er immediately yelled unhappily, and angrily glared at the big crescent knife in the sky. He could understand everything, but of course he hated this knife very much.

The ruling Saint Beast felt something! Staring at the knife in nothingness, he shouted with awe in his eyes, "Since you existed at that time, don't retreat quickly."

"Om!" Yanyue Dao let out a clatter! The murderous aura did not weaken, which made the Judgment Holy Beast very displeased. The World Master of the Void Realm proudly raised the corners of his lips, staring provocatively at the Dragon Emperor in the void, and said, "Don't let the World Master go!"

But he just finished speaking! He felt that a cold sharp weapon had pierced into his normal-sized head, as crisp as piercing tofu.

Immediately after...



Under the witness of Qin Chuan and the god of war Yanyue Dao in the sky, the terrifying power of nine rules was destroyed into the head of the leader of the void world.

Ye Qianli, who has been gaining momentum since she appeared in front of the Lord of the Void Realm, has no delay! The Fengsen dagger that turned the magic box into a magic box is like sticking tofu! Inserted into the mind of the master of the void realm.

That's not even counting...

"I just said, you dare to kill my father! I will slaughter all the people in your nihilistic world. As long as the people of your nihilistic world dare to come out, my Taiyi tribe will not die! Endless." Ye Qianli said every word Ton's oath! Sonorous evil.

It made Qin Chuan's eyes suddenly extremely cold, and it also made the eyes of the Lord of the Void Realm! The astonishment reached the extreme, he obviously never expected that under Qin's suppression, Ye Qianli would dare to kill him.

How dare she! ?

How dare she! ?

The Lord of the Void Realm doesn't know.

Qin Chuan didn't even know.

The Crescent Knife on the sky is at this moment! A peerless murderous aura erupted, and everyone in Fengcheng felt the real murderous intent.

ps: This one is cool! Spread the monthly pass! Spread the monthly ticket~

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