Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 1365 A marriage certificate! 3 more

"Why?" There was a long and ancient voice, which came out of the air without emotion, as if it had disappeared without a trace. In fact, it came from the legendary place of the Qin family, from the deity of Yanyue Dao.

"I don't know." The ancestor of Phoenix replied lightly, "I have a feeling somewhere, and I do it somewhere."

As Qin Chuan said, with an existence like her, apart from cultivating the successors of the Feng clan, it is difficult for her to do anything in the world. She knows that every clan and person has its own destiny, and it cannot intervene arbitrarily .

So her attack at the moment was not because of Ye Qianli, let alone because of Rong Mo and Xiao Yi'er, even though they are the descendants of the King of Ten Thousand Realms, they are now! Neither has the right nor the power to make it work.

But it came out, when the Dragon Emperor and Qin's Yanyue Dao were about to really fight! Came out to stop it, just because of some kind of induction in the dark.

In this way...

"Om." Qin's Yanyue Knife disappeared, because no matter what the reason for its attack, the appearance of the Phoenix Patriarch made it clear that it could not do what it wanted.

Because this place is close to the Phoenix Clan! Not in its Qin family territory.

Qin Chuan also understood, so he said goodbye respectfully, "Farewell, junior."

"Go." The ancestor of Phoenix agreed, and did not ask Qin why he made the move, which surprised Qin Chuan who was ready to speak, but he did not say much, and was about to leave this place.

But he was just about to leave! But he looked towards the dark space with a feeling, and saw that both the ancestor of the Phoenix and the huge black dragon that was most likely to be the Dragon Emperor were all looking at somewhere in the nothingness.

This made Qin Chuan subconsciously stop, and instead of leaving immediately, he looked curiously at the location where the two powerful beings were looking.

not long...


A figure that Ye Qianli was no stranger to appeared from the void, causing Feng Junyi to frowned and asked in doubt, "The King?"

The Dragon King of the South China Sea also frowned, because of the people who came! He is really the king, but why is he here again? Didn't he return to Tianshi? ?

And the king who came, did not neglect ancestor Fenghuang's greeting and said, "Greetings, senior Phoenix."

But his respectful attitude did not reassure Ye Qianli and the others. Instead, it gave Ye Qianli a bad intuition and made her subconsciously hug Xiao Yi'er in her arms.

Jean had let go of her Rong Mo, and frowned slightly dissatisfied, but his gaze was also focused on the reappearing king.


Beside the King, soon another figure appeared from nothingness, and the leader among them! It's even more called the king of the field looking sideways.

Because the leader is actually the king of the Northern Territory——Yuan Wang! King Yuan, the son of the king of the king, unexpectedly came, and behind him, there are many half-step domain kings! ?


"Yuan Wang! What do you intend to bring so many people to the outer space of my Fengcheng!?" Feng Junyi immediately questioned, and even Qin Chuan frowned.

Because King Yuan really brought a lot of people here, and this place is the Southern Three Thousand Regions under his Qin Clan, so why did King Yuan bring so many people here?

Yuan Wang and the others didn't answer, they all paid respectful respect to the ancestor of Fenghuang first, which made Ye Qianli feel even more strange, and also made her subconsciously lean closer to Rong Mo.

"Don't be afraid." Rong Mo calmed down, even though the current situation made him feel quite serious, but such a small gesture by his wife still made him very happy.

But Rong Mo's joy only lasted for a while, and he became angry! because……

At this moment, King Yuan explained calmly in a voice that resembled that of the king, "You don't need to worry too much, this king came here to take away a person, a woman who should be my daughter-in-law of the Tian family."


Ye Qianli's heart skipped a beat, and she subconsciously remembered what Saint Tianqi had said in the Hongmeng Training Ground, as well as those unrealistic and insane thoughts of Saint Tianqi.

Rong Mo's slender eyebrows were even more tightly frowned, and he naturally guessed that the so-called Tian's daughter-in-law of Yuan Wang must be the little leopard beside him.

But Feng Junyi asked in puzzlement, "Who is your daughter-in-law here? Please use so many people to come and take her away?"

"Naturally, it is Ye Qianli, the goddess of the Taiyi tribe." Yuan Wang said in an unhurried manner, and there was a sound of sighing and gasping at the scene, everyone was stunned and puzzled.

Taiyi Chen said with a sneer, "This Yuan King, are you afraid that you have not woken up? I, the Goddess of the Taiyi Clan, have I ever had a marriage contract with your Tianshi?"

"Of course there is." Yuan Wang said with a determined look.

"Absurd!" Tai Yichen scolded, and said: "I don't know what kind of mess you, King Yuan, are doing, but if your Tian clan wants to use such excuses, you will take away the goddess of our clan. It is absolutely impossible."

Say that! Before King Yuan could respond, Taiyichen had already bowed to the ancestors of Fenghuang and the Phoenix Lord, "Thank you senior and Phoenix Lord for taking care of today's matter. In the future, whenever the Phoenix family needs it, I, the Taiyi family, will do my best. Farewell." .”

Although he didn't know what King Yuan was planning, Tai Yichen's intuition told him that it was not suitable to stay here for a long time, and he had to leave immediately!

"Let's go." The ancestor of Phoenix didn't want to stay, he seemed to want Ye Qianli and the others to leave, because the flames had already enveloped Ye Qianli and the others.


"Wait a minute!" Yuan Wang said loudly, "Since this king said so, it is natural that there is a marriage certificate, and it is the marriage certificate issued by the eighteenth generation goddess of your Taiyi clan."

As soon as this statement comes out! Everyone in the audience was shocked, and the unpredictable eyes of the ancestor of Phoenix also revealed a few dark waves, so they couldn't send Ye Qianli and others away.

Because King Yuan had sacrificed a roll of silk script, the ancient aura emanating from the silk script allowed the ancestor of Phoenix to tell at a glance that it was indeed an ancient thing.

Moreover, the lavender light emitted from the silk book represented the aura of the Taiyi source spirit of the Taiyi tribe, which made Ye Qianli's pupils, which had already sensed it, shrink back.

"This marriage letter is made by the eighteenth generation goddess of the Taiyi clan and the patriarch of our clan at that time. It is proved by the power of Taiyi's source of spirit. It cannot be forged." Shortness of breath.

There are very few goddesses of the Taiyi tribe, and it has been passed down to Ye Qianli's generation, which is only the 22nd. Every goddess of the Taiyi tribe is a god of the Taiyi tribe, no matter whether they survive the three declines or not, now……

Facing such a marriage letter, Tai Yichen's face suddenly became extremely ugly!

Although the content has not been read yet, Tai Yichen knows that since King Yuan took out the marriage certificate and acted like this in front of the Phoenix ancestors, he must be very sure. favorable.

What's more, the king of Yuan has stated, "There is a word in the marriage letter, I hope that the Tian clan and the Taiyi clan will marry Qin and Jin forever, so the Tian clan and the Taiyi clan have a good relationship for generations, and the master of the Tian clan, but not mediocre, can welcome the Taiyi clan." Goddess is wife."

After saying this, King Yuan paused for a moment before continuing, "That's why King Ben is here today, with this book, to welcome away my daughter-in-law of the Tian family, Ye Qianli."

ps: I have always found that there are some cuties. When I see a plot that I don’t want to watch, I just make all kinds of complaints. I think that although I don’t have a master-level concise writing style, I have to go with the big framework, establish the plot, and lay out the main line. If there is a reason to write, I will write it according to my own meaning, jump if you don’t like it, don’t spray~

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