Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 1372 Kneel down and call the young master! 1 more

Ye Qianli exploded immediately, but before she had time to explode, Rong Mo said coldly, "Who said that? Come out and kneel down to call the young master."


Some people at the scene hadn't reacted yet, and saw the unparalleled young man in brocade clothes snorted coldly, and said with disdain, "Anyone who says this again, come out and kneel down first to call the young master!" , this young master will lead you and others to conquer the Quartet."


"..." |

The scene was suddenly silent. Who else dared to speak up? They are all choked up and have nothing to say, and can't continue to tease and provoke, okay? !

After all, what Rong Mo said was very clear, if you want him, the young master, to "work", you can! No problem, but there is a major premise, first kneel down and call the young master, and obey his orders.

Ye Qianli also sarcastically echoed, "A group of scum who commit chaos will only hide their heads and cover their faces, and they are not afraid of being laughed at."

That's not even counting...

"Everyone should know, today, we are fortunate enough to see the hunting ground of Heavenly Dao and to meet this great era. Whose luck is it? Ancestral instruction." Feng Junyi said eloquently, with deep meaning in his words.

The people from all clans at the scene were completely silent, and everyone in Yaoyu didn't say anything more. Everyone looked at Rong Mo with complicated eyes and different thoughts.

At this moment, although there are still people thinking in their hearts, even if this son summoned the Tiandao hunting ground, it may be accidental. After all, the saying that only the king of ten thousand domains can summon the Tiandao hunting ground is just a legend! Is not it?

But even so, the arrival of the Tiandao hunting ground! It is indeed an extraordinary event, no matter who Rong Mo is, he has benefited Wanyu and made them lucky to have such an opportunity of the times.

But at this time when everyone was silent, there was an extremely arrogant, domineering and invincible voice, shouting at the sky, "People in front, get out of the way! Get out of the way."

On the contrary, everyone's minds were relaxed, and they saw that a group of super strong men had stepped into the air in the distance, and the incomparable ominous aura emanating from their bodies also made the people in the void subconsciously give up. One way is coming.


There are terrible rules and pressure, and at the same time that people from all sides give way, they are crushed, but for a moment! Suddenly, a row of huge golden chariots rolled over from the sky.

But the person carrying the cart is not a strong beast! But a tyrannical half-step domain king! ? this……

"What a big handwriting!"

"What an arrogant appearance!"

Many people at the scene spoke out angrily, no one has ever seen someone who asked the half-step domain king to carry a cart, but the members of the East Sea Demon Dragon Clan who had descended again all stared at the visitor with changed expressions .

Because they could vaguely guess that the ethnic group who came here in such a big battle was most likely the Kun clan who had just emerged from the hidden world in the Eastern Three Thousand Regions.

Kun Clan! The descendants of Kunpeng, with extremely strong blood and extraordinary fighting power, are the best among the orc clan, and they are also the super clan that made great achievements in the war.

Over the years, the Kun clan has seldom appeared in the eyes of the world, but as the royal family of the East Three Thousand Regions, the Yaolong Clan knows very well that the Kun Clan is the real overlord of the East Three Thousand Regions.


"Don't get out!" The Kun clan came into the world, and after a few whips, they whipped at the group of people who were still in the way, and they were so crazy! Aroused the scolding of many people.

"It's just a group of big birds, how dare they be so arrogant, get out—" There was a haughty and angry voice, which sarcastically scattered at the moment when the Kun clan was rampant.

The hearts of all the people at the scene trembled. They had already guessed that the ethnic group who came driving the half-step domain king should be the Kun clan who had been shaking the world with its viciousness.

But I didn't expect that anyone would dare to step on the Kun clan? Could it be...

"The Ji family! It really is the people from the Ji family." Many people at the scene shouted excitedly after seeing a piece of fairy light.

The Ji clan has been hidden from the world for many years, and it is rumored that they live in the Central Territory, which is outside the Sifang Territory, and it is a legendary land that is very suitable for practitioners to cultivate.

And the Ji clan was far more powerful than the Tian clan today before it disappeared into the world. There are several king-level powerhouses in the direct line of the clan, who are the real overlord clan.

The appearance of the Tiandao hunting ground made the reclusive Ji family unable to sit still. Now that they came, they had their own tyrannical and invincible immortal light, and they rushed towards the Kun clan forcefully.

"Hey——" the Kun clan let out a tyrannical hiss, and a young Kun clan had already stepped out of the golden chariot, staring at the Ji clan camp with sharp eyes and said, "Dare you come out and fight!"

"It's just an evil animal! Are you worthy of a fight?" A scolding sound came from nowhere, but it was a step ahead of the Ji family's children, and rushed towards the Kun family.

"Roar—" There was a unicorn roaring angrily, but at this moment! He swept across the audience with a domineering aura, causing many orcs present to turn pale from being crushed.

Beast King Qilin Clan! The bloodline comes with the strong pressure of the king, which is very easy to identify. Except for the dragon, phoenix, and Kun clans, as well as very powerful monsters and monsters, the rest of the beasts are almost all suppressed by the Qilin bloodline, and they are well-deserved kings of beasts.

"Om!" There was an icy cold breath, but at this moment, the pressure of the Qilin King was dispelled, although it was cold! But it came through the air forcefully, like a cold wave walking.

A moment later, a group of ice beauties! He appeared in front of the crowd with a blank face, and Ye Qianli guessed in surprise, "Could it be that this is the Leng clan that has never competed with the world since ancient times?"

"You guessed right, the beauty at the head is called Leng You, she is not very old, but she is already a half-step domain king, and her talent is terrifying." Jin Feng explained from the side.

Although the Leng clan is located in the North Three Thousand Regions, they have never participated in any affairs of the twenty super clans, and have become an independent hermit clan.

However, unlike the Taiyi clan and Ji clan who are completely reclusive, the Leng clan has children who travel across the world all year round, which is more familiar to people.

"I have heard that the Leng beauties of the Leng clan are all stunners. Now that I have seen them with my own eyes, their reputation is really well-deserved. Sons of the Kun clan, the goal of our clan in the Tiandao hunting ground is to embrace the daughters of the Leng clan as wives. "There are youths from the Kun tribe who are already shouting shamelessly.

"Looking for death!" The beauty of the Leng family glared, with visible murderous intent, and stabbed at the Kun camp, attracting the attention of all parties, who thought a fight was about to start.

But at this time, the Heavenly Dao Hunting Ground has descended the regular divine aura, and in the sky above Wanyu City, the divine aura has turned into an astrolabe, giving rise to the laws of the universe and planets.

And above the astrolabe, a person is tens of feet high! Holding a huge arrow and carrying a huge bow, the old man appeared dimly in the eyes of everyone in the costume of a hunter.

"Projection!" Many people at the scene could see that the old man came in the form of a projection. Maybe this deity is in the legendary Mount Sumeru?

But this is not what everyone is most concerned about. What everyone cares about is what the old hunter said after he appeared! because……

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