Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 1384: Royal Purple Kun! 1 more

"Aw!" Xiao Yi'er happily wanted to catch the pair of big claws, but his father swept them away and put them away first. After all, the claws were too bloody and he thought they were dirty.

Xiao Yi'er suddenly looked at his father with puckered mouth, and made a small protest, he still wanted to touch the rice with his paws! Bad dad doesn't give it.

"Hey——" The strong man of the Kun clan who had broken his claws turned into a huge Kunpeng, but the sharp claws were dripping with blood, and he couldn't stop it no matter what.

It can be seen that Ye Qianli not only tore off its claws, but also seriously injured his meridian, otherwise, with the self-healing ability of the Kun clan, even if the bleeding has not been stopped, it shouldn't be spraying wildly.

This made the Kun youth who was staring at Rong Mo immediately stare at Ye Qianli with a gloomy face, and those nearby Kun clan powerhouses who did not participate in the battle also surrounded him one after another, screaming again and again.

Ye Qianli couldn't help but sneered, "What? Your Kun clan is planning to do it one-on-one, so you want to attack me together?!" As soon as this remark came out...

"Hey!" Those strong men of the Kun clan who came up suddenly exploded in anger, as if they really had the tendency to attack in groups, but Long Hengbo of the monster dragon clan wanted to provoke, "The majestic Kun clan was abused and beaten by mere human race!" , tsk tsk..."

The young Kun clan's face turned blue with anger, but he heard a disdainful voice nearby, and taunted him, "You Kun clan dare to claim to be the king of birds alongside my Qilin clan, I think it's just that."

"Shut up!" An extremely arrogant voice came through the air, and everyone saw a purple-gold light flashing from not far away. A moment later, a young man with purple-gold eyes spoke with extreme arrogance. The momentum, standing in the eyes of everyone.

And as soon as he appeared, the other Kun clan powerhouses, including the high-ranking domain master youth of the Kun clan at first, immediately gathered in the past, as if he was the leader of the Kun clan.

And as soon as he fell down, he arrogantly swept towards the strong Qilin clan, Long Hengbo and others, and said with a threatening look, "What about my Kun clan, it's not your turn to point fingers, let alone your Qilin clan!" Come and comment on it.”

"You..." Long Hengbo's face changed when he was stunned, but he didn't dare to push back! After all, he knew very well that the purple-gold-eyed young man of the Kun clan in front of him was the royal family of the Kun clan——Zijin Kunpeng.

You must know that the Kun clan is already considered the king of birds, and its combat power is by no means inferior to that of the Feng clan, and it has an even more vicious reputation. It is an existence that birds from all sides dare not provoke.

And Zijin Kunpeng is the king of Kunzhong who has awakened the orthodox Kunpeng bloodline in the Kun clan and has almost reached the height of a pure-blooded Kunpeng. His combat power is even more terrifying, just like a human domain master who has trained a regular divine body.

But even if the Zijin Kunpeng came, the strong man of the Qilin clan didn't admit his cowardice. He already roared, "Zi Kun, your Kun clan is being humiliated by the human race now, it's not my Qilin clan that is humiliating your clan! If you Not happy, but teach these human races and let me wait and see."

"That's right!" The other two strong men of the Qilin clan agreed one after another, and they were not afraid of the Kun clan. After all, his Qilin clan is not just for nothing.

"That's my family's business. It's not your turn to speak, so say one more thing! I will kill you." Zi Kun said indifferently, choking the three Qilin clan strongmen, although their faces were ugly, they did not continue to die. After all, they are not Zi Kun's opponents.

Only then did Zi Kun glance around, and those who were still fighting were fighting around, but saw that Long Yingyun and Jinfeng had already defeated their opponents with bursts of blood.

In other words, in the five battle circles that happened just now, the Kun clan has lost three battles, and the remaining two battles do not look optimistic. After all, the strong Kun clan who are fighting Liao Zongming and Hua Qianfang , all showed signs of defeat.

Battle of domain masters! Once they are defeated first, it will be very difficult to come back, not to mention that the Kun clan has lost three battles in a row, which makes Zi Kun's pair of purple-gold eagle eyes suddenly retracted, making them appear narrower and more sinister.

"Everyone back down!" Zi Kun, who didn't want to look any more, ordered immediately, and the two strong men of the Kun clan who were fighting Hua Qianfang and Liao Zongming immediately retreated obediently.

Hua Qianfang and Liao Zongming didn't love to fight. After their opponents withdrew, they both fell behind Ye Qianli just like Jinfeng and Long Yingyun.

Only then did Zi Kun stare at Ye Qianli gloomyly, with a manic and ferocious aura, like a sullen bloodthirsty ancient beast, very terrifying.

However, it is normal for Zi Kun to be angry. After all, the Kun clan is almost invincible after entering the Tiandao hunting ground. In addition, the Kun clan is indeed very powerful, so they dare to make arrogant threats before fighting! Ask Ye Qianli to attend the bed, and ask Jinfeng to give birth to offspring for the Kun clan.

But now?

The combat power of Ye Qianli, Jinfeng and others is Chi Guoguo's face-slapping, especially Ye Qianli! Who would have thought that such a beautiful and beautiful Keren would be more ferocious than the Kun clan, tearing off the claws of the strong Kun clan at the slightest disagreement.

What kind of terrifying combat power is this? Everyone couldn't describe it until now, even though they had witnessed it, they still couldn't believe it.

Pianxiao Yi'er grimaced impolitely and said, "Shame! Slightly slightly~"

The Kun clan was so angry that they almost exploded, but Zi Kun said coldly, "These five people have acquired extraordinary divine bodies, which are not comparable to ordinary human races. With our ordinary blood of the Kun clan, it's okay to lose the battle. Why? Disgraceful talk?"

"Bah!" Liao Zongming said angrily, "That's not what the bastards behind you said when they molested Jinfeng and my young lady. Extraordinary, after all, your Kun clan is reasonable, really shameless!"

"That's right!" Xiao Yi'er echoed fiercely.

Zi Kun ignored the big and small, but stated coldly, "The Goddess Taiyi has extraordinary combat power, and with the regular divine body, it is difficult to find a second person to win in Wanyu;

The Feng Clan has been the best among birds since ancient times, and the blood power is no longer inferior to our Kun Clan. Even if the Qilin Clan comes to fight today, there is absolutely no chance of winning. This is a fact. "

Zi Kun said these words loudly, and while he was speaking, he glanced at the audience, not to mention the convincing Wang Wei, but the bewitching purple light in his eyes is even more captivating , so that those beasts and monsters who were scanned by him felt a sense of loss of heart and soul, which was very terrifying.

Who would dare to refute Zi Kun like this? And what he said is indeed the truth, naturally no one dares to ridicule the Kun clan, and no one will use this matter to spread the news that the Kun clan's combat power is not enough in the future.

It can be seen that Zi Kun is a person with strong political and diplomatic skills, and he has maintained the majesty of the Kun clan in a few moves. However, after he finished his "diplomacy" nice words, he once again set his sights on Ye Qianli viciously! That's not even counting...

Zi Kun also announced arrogantly, "Goddess Taiyi, your Taiyi clan and our Kun clan have no grievances in the past and have no hatred in the past, but what you have done today is too presumptuous, and you don't respect our Kun clan! You must be judged by me."

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