Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 1386 Heavenly Soldiers! 1 more

Forget about Rong Mo, he may be the heir of the prince of Wanyu, but Ye Qianli is just the goddess of the Taiyi clan. From the perspective of the Kun clan, the Taiyi clan is far inferior to their great Kun clan, but Ye Qianli How dare you speak such wild words!

"Om!" Zi Kun suddenly moved, and took a step towards Ye Qianli. With the terrifying power of the Kunpeng, he had transformed into a huge Kunpeng, chilling one side.

"I didn't want to start a dispute, but you keep making troubles. It seems that I won't teach you a terrible lesson. You don't understand the price of offending my Kun clan." energy field.

Not to mention that, Zi Kun, who was gaining momentum, gave Rong Mo a cold look, "If you want to attack me as a high-level domain master, don't blame our family for revenge in the future."

"Tsk!" Jin Feng couldn't help sighing sarcastically, "Could it be that you, a middle-level domain master, are only allowed to bully the weak against Ye Qianli, a junior domain master who is one level lower than you!?"

never thought...

But Zi Kun said forcefully, "That's right, because a large number of strong people from our Kun clan have entered the hunting ground of Heavenly Dao, and your Phoenix clan, True Dragon clan and Taiyi clan combined are not as strong as our Kun clan, so I can The strong bully the weak, but you cannot afford such a price."

Jinfeng: "..." |

Pian Zikun went on to say, "If you Feng Clan want to gain a foothold in the hunting ground of Heaven, I also hope that you, Jin Feng, can be interesting and be a beautiful woman who understands the overall situation."

"Get out!" Long Yingyun roared unbearably, the meaning of Zi Kun's last words was basically to ask Jin Feng to "send it to the door", if not! There must be disasters.

"Hey——" the purple-gold light flashed in Zi Kun's eyes, but a terrifying Kun Wei burst out, slashing towards Long Yingyun, and the dragon's mighty divine armor suddenly appeared all over the latter's body.

And at the same time!


Ye Qianli has turned the magic box into a Taiyi gun, with a terrifying sharp and cold light, at this moment! Like a reflection of light, he struck Zi Kun's Kun Wei forcefully.

With a flash of Zi Kun's eyes, Ye Qianli's gun light had already wiped out the Kun power that he inadvertently radiated, and his eyes were attracted by the lavender spear.

"Heavenly Soldiers." Zi Kun recognized with a low tone that the spear in front of him was not an ordinary blood artifact, but the most accomplished weapon of Wanyu's generation - Heavenly Soldiers.

It is rumored that the heavenly soldiers cannot be destroyed, but are treasures that coexist with the heaven and the earth, and the number is very small! There are only a very small number of super clans in the current world, who may have heavenly soldiers.

It is a top-level weapon that is far more powerful than a divine weapon, and it is strong when it is strong! The degree of cherishment far exceeds that of the domain king among cultivators, which is very extraordinary.

So as soon as Zi Kun's distinguishing sound came out, everyone's eyes were attracted by the Taiyi gun in Ye Qianli's hand, and some people subconsciously flashed a hint of awe and greed.

Celestial Soldiers!

This is a heavenly soldier!

A legendary weapon!

Even Zi Kun was a little moved, let alone the rest of the people present.

But Zi Kun also said indifferently, "You are not the only Taiyi clan who has heavenly soldiers."

"I don't mind if you take it out too." Ye Qianli replied.

"I don't care about fighting with heavenly soldiers. My pride comes from my own strength. I don't rely on external forces, and I don't need to rely on others. When you grow up, I will come again to kill you." Zi Kun said arrogantly, He actually led the Kun Clan up and down, and left directly.

"Hmph!" All the strong men of the Kun Clan, turning around to leave, snorted Ye Qianli disdainfully, as if they were despising her for using the Heavenly Soldiers.

"Heh..." Ye Qianli laughed mockingly, "When I grow up, I will have nothing to do with you. At that time, you may not be worthy of letting me take action."

These words made Zi Kun stagnate, but he didn't look back, and continued to walk forward with a sneer, full of disdain.

Seeing that Zi Kun had left and there would be no excitement to watch, the other beasts were all ready to leave in dismay, but Ye Qianli's eyes were fixed on Long Hengbo, "That demon insect, my goddess asked you to leave!" Are you leaving?"

The beasts were slightly surprised! They all turned their heads to look at Ye Qianli, but saw that she was also looking at the three strong men of the Qilin clan, and said, "And you, it was really cool to stir up the flames just now, wasn't it?"

"!" The surprise in the eyes of the beasts immediately turned into astonishment. They just felt that Ye Qianli was too arrogant. After she offended the Kun clan, she just made things difficult for the demon dragon prince. Why did she provoke the Qilin clan? ! ?

Doesn't she know that the Qilin clan is recognized as the king of beasts, and even the dragon clan has to avoid it? Otherwise, how dare she be so presumptuous.

But Zi Kun, who had gone a little far, stopped and sneered, "Just now you Qilin clan said that my Kun clan was slapped in the face by a mere human race. It's really embarrassing. Now I want to see it. How to deal with this question from the human race."

Hearing that strong Qilin tribe, he naturally stood up! Staring at Ye Qianli, he shouted, "I said, it's really cool! What can you do to me?"

"Eat!" Xiao Yi'er immediately responded, he prefers meaty animal paws to chicken paws! Let his little uncle bake it again, it must be delicious.

Little Yi'er's saliva was drooling at the thought, and he was thrown to Liao Zongming who was disgusted by his father. He was not annoyed, so he hugged his little uncle Zongming, pointed at the strong Qilin tribe, and followed him with bright eyes. Mother said, "Cold! Eat! Hiss~"

Ye Qianli immediately understood what he meant, and stared at the three Qilin clan powerhouses and said, "In view of the rules of the Tiandao hunting ground, I can't kill you either, so I will use your beast's palm to fill my stomach."

"court death!"


The powerful unicorns were furious, and one of them even burst out the unicorn itself. It was a powerful unicorn with a black body and white soles like blood. It wasn't the unicorn royal family, but it was also a super existence awakened with royal blood.


This powerful Qilin tribe roared out of the air, with pure sound waves! Already like a tsunami, the mountains and seas blasted towards Ye Qianli.

Because of its extraordinary blood, this unicorn also cultivates powerful unicorn supernatural powers, so every time it takes a step, its strength can be doubled! The beast prestige formed was like a giant in the Tianshan Mountains, and it came down to Ye Qianli forcefully.


The terrifying unicorn trampled stronger and stronger, every time it took a step closer to Ye Qianli, Ye Qianli could even feel that her heart was being manipulated by the opponent's footsteps, as if it would be manipulated to life and death.


The armor on Ye Qianli's body suddenly lit up to the extreme, and countless strong breaths gushed out of her body, and on the palm of her hand, there was already a divine pattern of Chinese characters condensing.

That's not even counting...


Ye Qianli used the inexorableness of Taoism to continuously absorb the energy field that the Qilin beast rolled towards her into her energy source, and transferred it to the divine pattern in her palm.


Under the blessing of external force, the already terrifying character-making divine pattern continued to exude even more astonishing divine light, and in an instant! Imagining directly in the air, he went towards the unicorn beast.

"Come down!"

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