Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 1388 Crunchy! 3 more

"Then I'll have to take a look!" Ye Qianli couldn't wait any longer, so Liao Zongming had just finished roasting the unicorn palm, so she asked her son to eat it.

"Wow~" Xiao Yi'er, who felt that the delicious food could not be let down, did not swallow the unicorn palm in one gulp. He tasted it so much that his mouth was full of oil, so Liao Zongming didn't despise him, so he didn't lose him.

However, although the little guy ate his mouth full of oil, he didn't get it anywhere else, that is, the huge unicorn palm was bigger than his own, and it looked difficult to handle, but he didn't think it was difficult to handle at all, and kept holding on to it. Pull this big meat.

"It's right in front." Dong Chengxiao, who was leading the way, led everyone to a forest scattered with mysterious fluorescence. After getting closer, Ye Qianli realized——

This is a dense forest formed by the fallen rhizomes of a towering ancient tree. The ancient tree itself will glow, exuding a mysterious atmosphere that makes people palpitate, just like the existence of an ancestor of the phoenix tree.

Entering the depths of the dense forest, Ye Qianli and the others could see nine tree holes exuding an illusory aura, and each tree hole was very large, and there were many creatures sitting cross-legged in them, who seemed to be meditating.

But in front of one of the tree holes, Ye Qianli saw a group of acquaintances, they were a group of strong Kun clan led by Zi Kun.

Zi Kun also seemed to have a feeling and looked back, then stared at Ye Qianli and the others, and his eyes were on Xiao Yi'er's hands! After the big meat claw that had been gnawed off by half, it emitted an astonishing brilliance.

"You're brave! You're really big." Zi Kun's tone was very heavy, full of terrifying killing intent, because he had already seen it! What Xiao Yi'er was gnawing on was the unicorn palm.

No matter what happened to the Qilin clan before, from Zi Kun's point of view, the Qilin clan is also an existence that can stand shoulder to shoulder with their Kun clan, but now they are being roasted and eaten, how can he not be angry? !

After all, since Ye Qianli and the others dared to roast the unicorn palm, they naturally dared to roast the kunpeng claw, and one of their kun clan had a kun claw, which was severed by Ye Qianli.

Previously, Zi Kun thought that the so-called pawn rations and so on were nothing more than Ye Qianli and Rong Mo's harsh rhetoric, never thought of that! It was the truth.

"Hey!" The strong men of the Kun clan behind Zi Kun felt the same way, and they couldn't help bursting out with terrible hostility, wishing to tear Xiao Yi'er apart.

"Aww~" Xiao Yi'er gnawed on the bones of the unicorn's palm, but his front teeth were as sharp as heavenly soldiers, biting the unicorn bones was called "crunchy", which made Liao Zongming feel ashamed.

Ye Qianli responded calmly, "I have always been so courageous, so you Kun people should either be good people and stop messing with me, or the next time there is a conflict, the unicorn palm will be your end."

"Arrogance!" Zi Kun showed murderous intent all over his body, "It seems that you are also going to enter the Hunting Heaven Realm, and when you get there! You will pay a heavy price for your arrogance and ignorance."

Ye Qianli said with a slight smile, "Just tell yourself what you said."

Zi Kun's eyes suddenly seemed to eat Ye Qianli, but he didn't get angry here, but stepped into the tree hole in front of him.

Everyone in the Kun clan glared at Ye Qianli one after another before walking into the tree hole. That's not counting...

"You're so crazy! I'll be waiting for you at the Shoutian Realm, and I hope you will come as scheduled." After Zi Kun finished speaking, she sat cross-legged and closed her eyes.

"After arriving at the tree hole, as long as you close your eyes and concentrate as usual, the tree hole will transfer your virtual form to the Hunting Heaven Realm." Dong Chengxiao explained.

"So that's it, let's go in too." Ye Qianli pulled Rong Mo and said, but Xiao Yi'er shouted vaguely, "No! Wait a minute, Yi hasn't finished eating yet."

Ye Qianli smiled and looked at the child who was stuffed with meat, seeing that most of the unicorn palm had been gnawed, she coaxed, "Yi'er eat slowly, mother will wait for you."

"Oh!" Xiao Yi'er nodded and continued to chew, but the speed was still faster, but he still did not forget to say vaguely to his uncle Zong Ming, "Well, come out and eat!"

"Okay~" Liao Zongming replied angrily, "Uncle will definitely not steal your food, and will keep it safe for you, don't worry." How could he not know what this little guy meant?

When Xiao Yi'er was full, Ye Qianli and the others walked into the tree hole, but she thought of something and asked, "After being teleported in, we will be in the same place, right?"

"No, but generally not too far away." Dong Chengxiao said.

Ye Qianli was stunned, and immediately looked at her Highness, who was already teaching her son what it means to adjust breath and focus, and the little guy kept nodding and said, "Yi knows!"

"After entering, Dad will look for you as soon as possible, and you will also come to look for Dad, or your mother." Rong Mo also confessed to let Ye Qianli know that he knows the rules, but there is no serious problem.

"Okay!" Xiao Yi'er was not afraid, he just closed his eyes wide and followed what his father said, getting ready to go to another place, looking quite expectant.

Only then did Rong Mo raise his eyes to look at the little leopard in front of him, and seeing that she really looked worried, he pinched this person's face, "Go."

"En." Ye Qianli believed in Rong Mo's arrangement, since he let his son in, he must be sure that the child is fine, otherwise he would not have done so.

Thinking of this, Ye Qianli sat down cross-legged and gathered herself together, and the rest of the people did the same, but Dong Chengxiao also reminded, "Be careful when you go in, the people inside are very strong, and even more murderous! After all, there aren’t many rules.”

Everyone gave an "um" knowingly, and after a while——

"Om!" Ye Qianli felt her body and mind lighten, and the atmosphere around her changed. She opened her eyes and found that she was no longer in the tree hole.

The scene in front of her was like a fairyland, surrounded by spiritual mist, very dreamy, and made her feel like she was practicing in the special training room of the genius school.

But compared with the special training room, the Karatian Realm is obviously more real! The power here is also more mysterious, and what shocked Ye Qianli even more is that on the sky here, there is actually a sky like a movie screen? !


Before Ye Qianli took a closer look, she saw two figures flashing out of the scene that day! There were two of them, one of them was quite burly, exuding an aura of invincibility and dominance, the other was very handsome, he was Young Master Pian Pian.

That's not even counting...

"In a quarter of an hour, Qi Tiandao, the prince of the Qilin clan, and Ji Fengtian, the first son of the Ji family, will have a decisive battle in the center of the Hunting Realm to determine the newest moral owner. Please come and watch."

Below the two silhouettes, there is really a message with subtitles! Ye Qianli was immediately speechless with "...", she could only say that power is technology.

"Cool!" Xiao Yi'er's cry came at this very moment, accompanied by his father's breath, and flew to Ye Qianli's side, making her look at the two with peace of mind, she knew that her highness had a way .

At the same time—



ps: I saw a lot of messages from readers today, they are all praying for me, thank you! My dad hasn't seen anything worse yet, but that report won't be out until next week, so hopefully it's ok!

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