Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 1392 Longyang Sect! 1 more

"Heh!" Ye Qianli laughed angrily, but before she could react, Long Hengxuan continued, "Of course, if you don't want to use your son to swear blood, it's fine, and hand over your divine body cultivation technique to him." Come out and swear another blood oath, that's all."

"Wishful thinking!" Ye Qianli refused politely, and at the same time pulled her highness, ready to walk out of this huge and deep cave.

Long Hengxuan didn't stop her, but he said in a very cold tone, "If you don't do what I say, you want to leave this place, and I will make you regret it."

"Only by you?" Ye Qianli replied coldly, and Xiao Yi'er stared at the villain in front of her angrily, "You are bad! Go! Go away!"

Being accused, Long Hengxuan glanced at the little guy, his expression became more gloomy, "Today, even if you and your husband don't want to swear a blood oath, you must do so!"

As soon as this statement came out...

"Da!" Ye Qianli dragged her highness away without looking back, she really couldn't talk to this kind of vexatious person.

But Long Hengxuan, who was directly ignored, was startled for a while, then choked with anger, and then burned with anger! The whole body is full of evil spirits.

Immediately afterwards——

"Roar!" A terrifying blood-colored demon dragon has devoured ferociously from behind Ye Qianli's family! Ye Qianli's eyes froze for a moment, and he slapped out a terrifying character-making divine pattern, "Get lost!"


The character-making god pattern is as powerful as a bamboo, and it defeated the blood demon dragon on the spot, which is not counted...

"Break!" Ye Qianli took the impact of the two explosions with ease! Turning Taoism into her power, she was then thrown onto Long Hengxuan with a flick of her sleeves.

Caught off guard, Long Hengxuan was hit by Ye Qianli's attack without any surprise! Not only did the keels of the whole body creak, but he also vomited several mouthfuls of blood on the spot.

"Overestimating one's abilities." Ye Qianli withdrew her hands sarcastically, and took her Highness away without even looking at Long Hengxuan.

"Wow! It's cool!" Xiao Yi'er's eyes lit up, and his small body was eager to hug his mother, but his father always hugged him so tightly that he couldn't get out at all. Neng pursed his mouth in aggrieved manner, and thumped his father's arm, "Father!"

"Be honest." Rong Mo said clearly, the whole process was very calm, and he didn't have any plans to make a move, even if Long Hengxuan was a middle-level domain master.

But this time he looked sideways at a certain little leopard beside him, and said, "The combat power has increased greatly compared to before."

"That's right! I didn't eat the latest meat for nothing." Ye Qianli said triumphantly, like a fox with its tail up.

She eats meat and practice with her children these days! But she didn't let it go for a moment, she could clearly feel that the Shoutian Realm was of great help to her cultivation of Taoism and the art of making characters.

Because both of them are based on the breakthrough of the spiritual realm, and the spirit beasts of the Hunting Realm have a unique effect of nourishing the soul, including the aura here, so that she can practice with half the effort.

This is also the reason why Rong Mo didn't plan to do anything the whole time. He knew that his little leopard was trying his best and was ready to practice.

"Then when will you fight with your husband?" Rong Mo asked.

Ye Qianli was startled, and immediately said cowardly, "Your Highness, don't make trouble! With your combat power, how can I fight you?"

"Why not? You don't need to make any effort, I'll just do it." Rong Mo responded calmly, with a serious expression and a slightly provocative tone, with a tactful and coquettish manner, which was extremely seductive.

Ye Qianli: "..."|

She was stunned on the spot, only to realize that this "fight" was not a fight.


"Me! Me!" Xiao Yi'er yelled, "I'll accompany, accompany dad!" As he said this, the little guy hit his dad on the shoulder and said in a stuttering voice, "Dad won't come out, Work hard, Yilai!" This way his father can't beat him! happy~

"Pfft!" Ye Qianli couldn't help laughing.

Rong Mo: "..."

"Hahahaha..." Ye Qianli couldn't help laughing, and then hugged the little guy and kissed him again, "Yes! Yi'er helps mother to fight with your father."

"Okay!" Xiao Yi'er immediately patted his small chest resignedly, but his father rubbed his chest, and he was so angry that he immediately yelled, "Bad! Daddy is bad! It doesn't matter!" It's okay, dad doesn't work hard! ?

But when the whole family left talking and laughing, the wounded Long Hengxuan had just stabilized his injury, but his face was quite pale, and the resentment in his heart was even worse.

"Bastard!" As the young master of the Yaolong clan, Long Hengxuan's status in the Yaolong clan is far from comparable to that of Long Hengbo and Long Qingnv.

Even the former Long Xuannv was not as talented as him, so he was appointed as the young master of the Demon Dragon Clan early in the morning, but his hobbies in that area have always been hidden very deep, and anyone who knows will die! Or absolutely never say it.


"The couple must die!" Long Hengxuan made up his mind with dark eyes, and finally stood up reluctantly, ready to go out of the cave, so as to contact the powerful monster dragon clan to protect him.

After all, it is impossible for him to bring his subordinates to catch such a thing, so there are no members of his Yaolong clan nearby at all, otherwise he would not give up so quickly and let Ye Qianli's family leave just like that.

It was only when he walked out of the cave that he ran into two strong men head-on! That's not even counting...

"Hey! Isn't this the little demon dragon young master of the demon dragon clan?" The strong man asked with a twinkle in his eyes, and his companion even answered, "Isn't it! It looks like he was seriously injured."

"I don't want to die! Just get out—" Long Hengxuan shouted sullenly, his momentum not diminished! Because he knew very well that the two people in front of him were not good friends, if he couldn't get rid of them, it would be very bad for him.

And after feeling the coercion of the pure demon dragon, these two strong men really took a few steps back with some fear, but they didn't leave immediately, they only stared at Long Hengxuan with flickering eyes.

"Don't get out!" Long Hengxuan was furious, and his whole body was suddenly vented.

One of the burly men suddenly smiled, "I'm afraid your injuries are serious, otherwise you would have made a move long ago. How can such a vicious dragon like you have not made a move yet?"

"Not bad!" The other strong man rolled his eyes, and suddenly sprayed a cloud of smoke towards Long Hengxuan!

Long Hengxuan's beautiful eyes froze! He immediately realized that it was poisonous mist, and immediately wanted to shake his sleeves to disperse it, but he had to gather strength, but the injuries in his body completely collapsed, causing him to spit out a big mouthful of blood, and the poisonous mist covered him without hindrance. over him.

for a while...

"You! You..." Long Hengxuan, who was burning with anger, felt his whole body go limp, and fell to the ground unable to stand still, and vomited several mouthfuls of blood.

"Hahaha! It's really hard to find, Long Hengxuan! You have repeatedly slaughtered my Longyang sect. Today, my two brothers asked you to taste it. What is the beauty of Longyang? It will make you want to die. Since then, I have fallen into my way, and if I don’t use a man, I will explode and die.”

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