Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 1394 Good intentions are not rewarded? 3 more

Ye Qianli was furious, but she saw that her highness had raised her head and looked down at her, her eyes were full of pride and displeasure!

like that...

how to say?

Ye Qianli didn't know how to describe it, but she just thought it was cute.

He must be so beautiful! It's only with a small temper that you can recruit people like this.

"Ah?" Xiao Yi'er looked at his mother in a daze, and reached out to pinch his father's face! To avenge his mother.

Rong Mo: ...

Ye Qian immediately kissed the little boy and said, "Yi'er is the best."

"Hee~" Xiao Yi'er was embarrassed by the praise, and seeing his father was no longer angry, he yawned gracefully, "Yi sleepy! Go to sleep, sleep!"

Only then did Rong Mo pat his son's soft back, and said softly, "Go to sleep."

"Ha~" Xiao Yi'er fell asleep fast as usual, and soon fell into a deep sleep, but this little one just fell asleep, a certain one without His Royal Highness is going to take care of his wife.


"Ah?" A certain little animal's sudden cry made Rong Mo's movements stop suddenly! When Rong Mo raised his eyes, he also saw a certain little one that he had thrown aside, turned over and wanted to find it.

After all, he left his son a little far away, so the little one could only hear the voices of his parents at the moment, and didn't see anyone at all, so he moved the little one to crawl over.

Ye Qianli, who heard the movement, was about to hug her, but was stopped by Rong Mo, who only reached out and held down a certain little one that was approaching, "Daddy is here, sleep with you."

"Hug~" Xiao Yi'er cried out softly, it was rare to be so soft.

"It's almost three years old." Rong Mo ruthlessly refused, but Ye Qianli couldn't bear it, but as soon as her Highness's eyes fell, she, she would be cowardly.

Xiao Yi'er was called "almost three years old" by his father at this time, so he could only hum and continue to sleep on his stomach, but he didn't come over.

In the "education" of the little guy, three years old is too old, you can't always hug him, he is a little man! I can help mother and father.


When Xiao Yi'er woke up, Xiaobaimiao was still looking after him, playing with him for a while, the little one got up and sat, as if he was still a little dazed, his big eyes were foggy, really cute.

"Meow!" Xiaobaimiao jumped into the arms of a certain little one, and was grabbed by Xiao Yi'er who yawned. He held his little hand and moved his little butt towards his father Move over there.

"Since you haven't woken up, why don't you sleep for a while?" Rong Mo touched the boy's leader and asked, causing a certain little leopard to thump him on the shoulder!

Xiao Yi'er yawned and said, "Eat! Have a meal."

"Okay." Rong Mo would be happy physically and mentally now, so he hugged the big and small leopards, ready to find a place to cook meat for the little ones, and the whole family enjoyed themselves.

But a few days later, a line of words popped up on the sky, and it even said by name, "Ye Qianli! Rong Mo, let the two of you hurry to the Heaven Dojo of the Shoutian Realm, or your companions will die! .”

That's not even counting...


Liao Zongming was beaten terribly, and Long Hengxuan stepped on his face! The scene of seeing him on the ground was also transmitted in the sky, allowing Ye Qianli and Rong Mo to see it clearly.

"Ah!" Xiao Yi'er immediately pointed at the sky angrily, grinding his teeth at the villain he knew, looking fierce as if he wanted to eat him.

"Let's go!" Ye Qianli and Rong Mo quickly flashed to the central area, she really didn't expect it! Long Hengxuan would make such despicable revenge.

After all, under the circumstances that day, even though she shot and killed Long Hengxuan, she still saved him and left him with dignity. If I had known this... Ye Qianli would still shoot.

This is not only related to her highness, but also because of her previous medical experience, she can't ignore the bullying of the weak, or the bullying like that.

That's why she would kill Long Hengxuan if she had a grudge, but she didn't retaliate indifferently in that way. Only those who really touched her bottom line and made her hate to the bone would be retaliated by extraordinary means.


"Pfft!" No matter how hard Liao Zongming struggled, he couldn't get up when he was suppressed by several monster dragon clan experts.

However, Long Hengxuan said in a condescending and indifferent manner, "I have already spread the news that you are in my hands. Before the couple come, if you want to feel better, you can hand over the body-tempering magic skill of Mount Sumeru you practiced. I can consider letting you relax and wait for someone to come."

At this moment, he seemed to be venting the humiliation he had suffered in the past on Liao Zongming, because in his opinion, if it wasn't for Ye Qianli, he would not have suffered such humiliation.

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