Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 1398 Overlord Huaye Qianli! 1 more

However, Ye Qianli yelled without being restrained at all, "Just try! I'll count to three, if you don't let me go, I'll ruin your reputation immediately."

"Poison woman! You don't care about the life and death of your relatives and friends for your own sake?" Long Hengxuan scolded angrily, his palms could no longer restrain himself from exerting force. He really wanted to kill someone, very much! You especially want to kill the bitch in front of you who dares to threaten him.

"Poison? When it comes to this point, this goddess is willing to bow down, and I really feel ashamed to be inferior to you. She just caught a traitor and killed everyone..." Ye Qianli's tone was cold, and the killing intent in her eyes was also extremely strong.

Even if she saw something she shouldn't see, what's wrong with Zong Ming? To bear such torture on her behalf, one must know that her cousin, who was very playful when she was young, was never in such a mess even in Longshan.

Ye Qianli hates it the most! It's just that others vent their anger on her relatives and friends, and don't come to her for anything, embarrassing her relatives and friends are so despicable! The dirty way, for her, is equivalent to a death sentence.

But before the angry Ye Qianli could utter all his words, Long Hengxuan said out of love for Yuyu, "Shut up!"

"Let him go!" Ye Qianli demanded forcefully, and the determination in her eyes made Long Hengxuan understand that she really dared to speak! Really not afraid.

But the reason why he dared to let go of those words was because he thought Ye Qianli was a woman! He will definitely be led by the nose, and the situation will be messed up. As a result...

"Don't even think about it!" Zhao Ji took a step towards Ye Qianli, her pair of black pupils rapidly enlarged, filling both eyes, looking extremely sinister.

But Ye Qianli still didn't look at Zhao Ji, she just looked at Long Hengxuan and said word by word, "The time of three breaths has passed, it seems that you want to ruin your reputation, then I will help you!"

"Don't threaten Hengxuan again, you bastard. Even if he agreed to let him go today, I, Zhao Ji, would never agree, and you will die!" Zhao Ji turned her hand and sacrificed the power of the snake to attack Ye Qianli.

never thought...

Before she could make a move, Long Hengxuan said darkly, "Sister Zhao Ji, let me go."

"Hengxuan!?" Zhao Ji was taken aback.

The spectators around looked at Ye Qianli with flickering eyes, and felt that the latter might be an important handle for Long Hengxuan, otherwise, how could Long Hengxuan be threatened by such an advantage?

But this time, the powerhouse of the demon dragon tribe loosened the suppression on Liao Zongming, and Xiao Yi'er immediately ran over, not afraid of danger, to help Liao Zongming up.

"Yi'er!" Liao Zongming was so frightened that his heart would explode!

Xiao Yi'er is already extremely fast! The little uncle who was carrying him ran back to his mother, which also stunned the powerhouse of the monster dragon clan who hadn't reacted yet! ?

Obviously they just saw this kid running over! It hasn't even reached the blink of an eye, and this kid has already returned to his mother's side! ? Were they blind just now? what? what? what...

"This kid..."

The onlookers were also stunned before they knew it! A person who can enter the hunting ground of Heavenly Dao, no matter whether he is a baby or not, is an extraordinary existence.

Furthermore, the Tiandao hunting ground may not have let the water go at all, and this kid entered the field based on his strength! Not relying on ancestral shade, let alone special care such as sympathy.

But no matter what other people think, anyway, Liao Zongming has already been "carried back" by Xiao Yi'er, and Liao Zongming wiped off his own sweat with embarrassment, "Yi'er, it's useless for little uncle."

"Know, just know! Good!" But Xiao Yi'er responded fiercely, and even stammered, "Hurry up! When you grow up, no, you can't steal, steal!"

Liao Zongming: "..."|

He couldn't help but look at the stern-faced little nephew in front of him, and couldn't help wondering, could it be that he really hasn't grown up yet and isn't hardworking enough?

Ye Qianli also felt a little funny and patted Xiao'er's head, but she still asked with a cold look in her eyes, "What method did they use to torture you?"

She saw that Liao Zongming's condition was very bad, especially Shenhun and Consciousness Sea! If it wasn't for this virtual clone, I'm afraid it would leave behind unhealable future troubles.

"That Zhao Ji is also good at soul skills. She wanted to force me to hand over the body casting magic art, but she kept torturing my soul and sea of ​​consciousness. She wanted me to have a nervous breakdown. I'm sorry for embarrassing you."

Liao Zongming apologized, but gritted his teeth and said, "But don't worry, I will work harder, and I will avenge this with my own hands in the future!"

"Yeah." Ye Qianli nodded, and reached out to hold the shoulder of this little cousin. In fact, according to the "real" age, she is indeed his older sister. It seems that he is still a child and has been forced to grow up. big kids.


"Long Hengxuan, I'll leave my words here today. If you do anything wrong to him or any of my relatives or friends in the future! I promise, you are not the only one who knows how to use the sky." Ye Qianli's words were resounding! Very sonorous.

Let Long Hengxuan immediately understand what she meant, and naturally his face darkened, of course he knew! Once Ye Qianli uses the sky to reveal his affairs, he will be ruined, there is no doubt about it.

But at this moment——


"Swoosh!..." There are more powerhouses coming. These people are basically the powerhouses of the East Three Thousand Regions. Except for the people from the Dong family and the Zhao family, they are still some rising forces, or casual cultivators, etc. .

After all, the current King of the Eastern Region is the Monster Dragon King, and the Kun Clan does not interfere in common affairs. The forces in the Three Thousand Regions of the East basically follow the lead of the Dragon Clan of the East China Sea.

This is inseparable from the strength of the East China Sea Dragon Clan and the long-sleeved and good dance of the Demon Dragon King. Now that Long Hengxuan, the young master of the Demon Dragon Clan, has something to do, all forces in the Eastern Three Thousand Regions are naturally happy to help.

So when these people came, they asked clearly, "Young Master Donghai, do you need help?"

This made Ye Qianli's eyebrows frowned tightly. She wasn't worried about too many enemies, she was just aggrieved for her highness. Her highness, the majestic young master of Wanyu, is not as appealing as a young master of the East! ?

Is the rule of Mount Sumeru lost, or is someone obstructing it?

Ye Qianli doesn't know...

But Liao Zongming was already saying: "Miss sister, I can't help you now, you kill me and send me out."

"Don't be afraid!" Xiao Yi'er comforted him, he really looked like a big boss, if it wasn't that he was too young, he would really be full of momentum.

Ye Qianli was also a little hesitant. After all, although death in the Hunting Heaven Realm was not a real death, the feeling would certainly not be pleasant.

But Liao Zongming said decisively, "Kill me, I will remember today's hatred in my heart, the pain of killing me! Maybe I will never forget it."

"Well then, you don't have to worry about it outside, your brother-in-law has already gone out, and he won't let anyone succeed." After Ye Qianli said that, she killed Liao Zongming with one hand and sent him out of the Hunting Heaven Realm.

at the same time--


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