Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 1468 Exit! 1 more

"Enough." The voice in the void descended suddenly, and the endless storm of rules swept the audience! The strong Feng clan who was about to set himself on fire, and the crazy Kun clan were all suppressed.

"Ignore the rules of the hunting ground, Feng Clan and Kun Clan, each give a warning once, if they dare to commit another crime, they will be removed from the hunting ground, and the two clans will never be able to gain the power of the rules of heaven again." The voice of punishment from the Tiandao Hunting Ground said ruthlessly.

And the punishment of no longer being able to use the power of the rules also made the faces of the two clans change suddenly, because they all knew that once this punishment was implemented, it meant that the two clans would no longer be able to have domain king powerhouses.

But Jinfeng shouted at the sky with red eyes, "Then who will pay for the dead Qingyi saintess of our clan?" She wants Zipeng to pay for her life! A life for a life.

Jinfeng's roar did not return any justice. After warning the two sides, the voice did not give any response at all.

Pianna Zipeng also sneered and said, "Qing Yi, a bitch, doesn't know good and bad, he just set himself on fire and died. What are we waiting for? Who else do you want to pay for?"

"Ka!" Jin Feng's hand was clenched with blood, and a pair of phoenix eyes really shot out fierce fireworks, burning directly at Zipeng, the kun scum.

Jinfeng came out fiercely, Zipeng's eyes were fierce! Sensing the unusualness of the fire, Kunpeng's body quickly exploded, screaming out terrifying sound waves.

"Hey——" Although Zipeng has just awakened the bloodline of Zijin Kunpeng, it seems that due to his accumulated strength, his combat power is still higher than that of his elder brother Zikun, so when his body explodes, Jinfeng with the same level of cultivation as him , I can't help him.


"I want you to pay the price!" The golden phoenix spread his hands, and the phoenix blood in the palm shot out brightly, turning into ten little phoenixes in the air, each of which burned with different types of flames.

"Chaos Romance!" Jinfeng used blood as a medium to transform the ten original divine fires, and then directly deduced them into stable chaotic fires, and in the process of deduction, quickly evolved the chaotic flowers into sky-burning giant balls, Burn it according to Zipeng himself.

Previously, Jinfeng was worried about Qingyi being captured, so he was restrained by Zipeng, and now Qingyi is dead! What else can she worry about? She just wanted to get justice for Qingyi.


The rapidly expanding burning fireball! Seeing that Zipeng was about to be burned up, and even the void was burned with a few cracks, it was so shocking that everyone in the Kun clan exclaimed, "Young Master Peng, be careful!"

"Heh..." Zipeng, who was reminded, smiled even more sarcastically, and suddenly a cold whirlwind spread out of his body, causing the flames of chaos to stagnate slightly.

"!" Everyone in the Kun Clan stared wide-eyed and shouted in disbelief, "This is the Wind of Nothingness!? Young Master Peng, he has mastered the Wind of Nothingness!?"

The void wind is similar to the void wind, but it is also a power that existed before Pangu created the world, and its lethality is also very similar to the void wind. It is the power that the ancestor of Kunpeng once controlled.

But after Kun Zu returned to the ruins, no one in the Kun clan could awaken this wind again. Many people said that it was because the wind of nothingness was too against the sky and was taken back by Mount Xumi.


"Great!" The Kun clan was overjoyed, and felt that even though they had sacrificed too many young and elite combat forces during their trip to the Tiandao hunting ground, they had already paid back their capital.

That Zipeng also lived up to expectations and said, "I'd like to see how the flame of chaos deduced the day after tomorrow can compete with the innate emptiness and wind I awakened."

"!" Jin Fengying's eyebrows froze, and her face turned ugly. She naturally knew the difference between acquired and innate, and finally understood why Zipeng dared to be so arrogant.

It's too late! then soon-

"Then I want to see too! Is it your emptiness and wind, or my young master's filth and dirt." The young man's steady roar was accompanied by a majestic roar of dragons, descending from the sky.

same moment!


There are purple and black! The soil-like shadow has been covered by the wind, crushing all the emptiness and wind forcefully, making everyone in the audience stare blankly.

But at this moment! Jinfeng, who is good at fighting, screamed, "Fen!"

for a while...


Zipeng, who lost the protection of the void and wind, was burned to a bald chicken on the spot. The pain caused Zipeng to scream again and again, and kept wantonly blowing out the void and wind. Only then could he barely resist the burning, but his body exuded a suspicious smell of meat .

If Xiao Yier was here, he would definitely be drooling...

"Pfft—" Zipeng himself vomited a mouthful of blood on the spot, obviously he was seriously injured! The whole Kun Clan was so scared that they burst out their bodies one after another, and directly protected Zipeng away.

Jinfeng sees this! She was about to chase her out, but she was stopped by her elder, the saint of the golden phoenix line, and said, "Young master, don't chase after the poor."

"Young master, let's take a look at Qingyi first." The saint girl Qingluan of the previous generation also persuaded, and presented a drop of Qingluan's blood that she had urgently gathered in front of Jinfeng.

"Hey." There was a faint phoenix cry, hissing faintly from this drop of blue blood, as if there was a faint vitality hidden in it. This was the last drop of Qingyi's blood that fell on Dong Chengxiao's body after rushing out desperately.

The saint girl Qingluan of the previous generation noticed it, and she and Dong Chengxiao tried their best to protect this drop of blood, and this drop of blood! It also caused most of Jin Feng's hostility to dissipate immediately.

"Give it to me." Jin Fenghong carefully protected the drop of blood, knowing that this was Qing Yi's last hope for survival, because there was still a ray of life left in it.

"I'm sorry..." Seeing this, Long Yingyun only felt guilty, if he had come earlier! Qingyi was able to survive, but now it is...

"It's already very good." Jin Feng carefully collected this drop of blood in her body, and nourished it with pure phoenix power, before she raised her eyes and looked at Long Yingyun standing in front of her.

"It's not suitable to stay here for a long time, we'd better leave as soon as possible." The golden phoenix saintess of the previous generation reminded, and Jinfeng nodded and said, "Let's go."

It was only their group who withdrew for a certain distance, but there was a "buzz" movement from the Tiandao hunting ground, and the main sky curtain located in the center of the Hunting Heaven Realm was also at this moment! A hole was opened directly.




There are three figures at the same time! Appeared in the eyes of those who could see, and these three people were naturally Ji Wushuang and the other three who were previously included as the guests of the scene.



"Ji Wushuang and the others have come out!"

"They actually came out at the same time."

People near the main canopy exclaimed in surprise, and they all felt a little unbelievable. They thought that the three of them would come out one after another like last time, but they didn't expect to come out together.

But among the three people who came out, except for Ji Wushuang, who is almost unknown to everyone, and Zhitian Guanwudao, who is not an unknown person, the appearance of another person made everyone who saw it open their mouths in surprise.


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