Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 1484 Gathering Emperor! 1 more

It seems like endless basalt breath, ice water power! They all gathered in Ye Qianli's body at the moment when Ye Qianli seemed to realize it.

for a while...


The magic box can clearly hear the movement from Ye Qianli's seventh rule danchu. This movement is not big, but it makes the magic box understand that this dantian is about to materialize.

This is something that the magic box did not expect in advance. After all, this is a perception about water. Even if such a perception will have an impact on other cultivation, but now the impact is so great that it is somewhat beyond the imagination of the magic box.

However, it was a box that Ye Qianli was used to being surprised by, so after the initial surprise was eased, she just calmed down and just continued to stare at Xiaopangyi.

"Hmm~" The little guy seemed to be affected by his mother's movement, and fell asleep a little unsteadily, but he didn't wake up, maybe he was sleep deprived before.

Thinking of this, the magic box subconsciously thought about the "Black and White Mount Sumeru". It is a box with knowledge, and I am sure that Mount Sumeru itself is not black and white. As for why the color changes in the little guy's dream, there is probably something wrong. thing.

But this matter, the magic box has never mentioned it to Ye Qianli, because it knows that it is useless to mention it, not to mention that their family is still in the Tiandao hunting ground, and they can't get out at all.

Furthermore, even if people are in Wanyu, no one can go to Mount Sumeru. According to what the Dragon Emperor said, they have to wait for the old dragon to recover before leading people into Mount Sumeru.


"Even if the second idiot knows that there is something wrong with Mount Sumeru, he can only be anxious. Now he can only wait for the second idiot's beautiful prince to see if he can do anything." The magic box could only think so.

Thinking about it, it felt that it was going too far. It had better be optimistic about the big and the small first, after thinking about it like this! The magic box stared back at a certain little one who was sleeping on its stomach.

But after staring at it for a while, it was shocked by a burst of arrogance! It frightened it to quickly pay attention to Ye Qianli who was on the side, and found that her seventh rule dantian was not only really taking shape, but also had a change that surprised it again.

how to say……

"It doesn't seem to be as simple as the dantian ruled by the gold system, which is filled with the pure and pure power of the emperor?" After thinking about it, the magic box felt it more carefully.

And then it finds out! Indeed.

But even though Ye Qianli's gold-type talent is originally a human emperor! But in the end, according to the rules, the dantian still has to go back to the basics and evolve into the purest metallic nature.

For example, Ye Qianli's Fire Dantian, although she also has Zhu Rong's supernatural powers, when the Fire Dantian is formed, the aura emitted by the entire Fire Dantian is still dominated by pure fire energy, and then it is supplemented by the Vulcan Zhu Rong. uniqueness.

What now?

"Could it be that the two idiots want to deduce the human emperor's dantian?" The magic box felt a little unbelievable, because Ye Qianli's deduction of the rules of the gold system in this way was already different from the essence of the power of the gold system.

It is true that the Emperor is majoring in the power of the gold system, but he is not the deity of the gold system rules, but the so-called rules! That is the root of the power that evolved and existed in the world after Pan Gu created the world.


"Etc., etc……"

The magic box murmured to itself as if thinking of something, but when it heard the voice of the emperor's dominance in the ancient battlefield, he said with a little excitement, "After the emperor returns to the ruins, it is part of the rules of heaven and earth. She did this because she Gathering the Emperor!"


The Human Sovereign is not the root of the rules of the Metal System, but when the Human Sovereign was alive, he had thoroughly understood the rules of the Metal System, and even realized his own set of rules! So he is the unique emperor.

Therefore, when he returned to the market! His way has entered into the heaven and the earth.

Therefore, other emperors can be awakened by future generations as a natural body!

So, why can't he become a kind of gold rule? !

With this in mind...

Human Sovereign couldn't help but sighed, "Li'er's comprehension is really good." You know, before this, he never thought that other Sovereign would become a kind of the origin of the rules of the gold system, and be comprehended master.

How should I put it, this feeling is too subtle, as if he really came back to life, but it's not the same! He used to be a flesh and blood cultivator, but now?

Under Ye Qianli's "convergence", he is the rule of heaven and earth! It is an immortal existence that has survived through the ages, and anyone who can fully comprehend it can reappear.

Of course, this kind of appearance is not easy, and the Emperor does not know how it will develop in the future, but he firmly believes that in the future, it will be difficult to have a younger generation who can "gather" the most authentic him like Ye Qianli.

Because I am afraid that no one else can awaken a bloodline so similar to him like Ye Qianli! And no one can materialize the awakened innate body.

And if there are no these two prerequisites, then no matter how savvy others are! It is impossible to "reshape" and gather his emperor.

Only Ye Qianli! only then.

Others can control the Emperor's rules at best.

"I didn't expect..." The Dark Lord of the Abyss couldn't help sighing, even though he had already guessed, but when he saw with his own eyes that the relatives of the emperor were really "gathered", he was still very moved and very moved. Excited.

In the early years, when he was still in Longshan, he never thought that this would make him "heartbeat" for him! The little girl who thinks of her beloved wife over and over again has made it to where she is today.

The Dark Lord of the Abyss has no doubts! Before long, the rules of the dark abyss that he returned to heaven and earth will also be gathered by this little girl to form the most authentic "he".

How many years have passed, and he and the Human Emperor, who returned to the ruins of heaven and earth, really want to reappear Wanyu in a brand new way! reproduce this world.

This feeling……

I have to say, very subtle.

"This movement is not small." The dark master of the abyss sensed the majestic golden light outside, and glanced at the stunned Human Sovereign, saying: "You still like to show off so much."

Human Sovereign: "..."

And the celestial phenomena brought by Ye Qianli also exposed this valley to many eyeliners immediately, and Ji's people got the news immediately.

After learning that Ye Qianli was hiding in this valley, the members of the Ji family of course reported Ji Wushuang immediately! But, there are already more than a thousand Taiyi people gathered around Ye Qianli at this meeting.

More than a thousand...

This amount!

It made Ji Wushuang, who was rewarded, frowned, and her face changed a little. This was the first time she changed her face in front of people! Naturally, the reporter was so frightened that he knelt down quickly.

Ji Wushuang like this also made Ji Fengtian ask cautiously in surprise, "Eldest sister, what's the matter?" He had never seen elder sister with such an expression, and she was always a person who was always surprised.

"Look." Ji Wushuang did not answer, but handed the secret letter in his hand to Ji Fengtian, who looked at it at a glance, his face changed again and again! In the end, he shook his hands, shocked.

More than a thousand people!

There are more than a thousand domain masters in the mere Taiyi tribe! Can pass the assessment of the Tiandao hunting ground and enter the hunting ground? ! This... this is not the point! The key is--

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