Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 1489 Ji is dead! 3 more

When Long Yingyun was brought to Ji Fengtian, he found that Jinfeng and Quexian were also there, which made his expression change slightly, but Ji Fengtian had already said, "Would you like to take the mount for me?"

Hearing this, Jin Feng was taken aback! Before he could react, Long Yingyun had already responded, "That's right, as long as you release Jinfeng and Jinfeng, I, Long Yingyun, would like to sacrifice the Dragon Ball and let you make a contract."

"Nuqi?" Ji Fengtian raised his eyebrows and asked.

"Yes." After waiting for three days, Long Yingyun finally made this decision. He thought this would be the best compromise. After all, he won't die, so he still has a chance.

But Ji Fengtian said indifferently, "I have no shortage of mounts."

"I can advance to become a dragon." Long Yingyun responded.

Ji Fengtian's pupils shrank suddenly! Jin Fengcai reacted and shouted, "I don't agree!"

Long Yingyun didn't look at her, he just stared at Ji Fengtian and said, "Although there can only be one real dragon in the world, my Shenlong clan has human blood after all, so this rule may not be unbreakable."

Having said that, Long Yingyun will give me a drop of heart and soul! Gathered on the tip of his index finger, the dragon's breath emitted from it was indeed extremely pure, and it was actually very similar to a five-clawed real dragon.

"Long Yingyun, I disagree! Did you hear that!" Jin Feng's voice became anxious, of course she couldn't let Long Yingyun become a slave for her!

But Ji Fengtian, who took a deep breath, said, "Sacrifice your dragon ball."

"Let people go." Long Yingyun withdrew his true blood, speaking slowly but firmly, "If I am not willing, even if you can use extraordinary means to take my Dragon Ball, you will not be able to gain allegiance, you should understand."

Of course Ji Fengtian understood that the Emperor's real dragon was not coveted by anyone back then! It's not that no one has used extraordinary means to seize it, but the master recognized by the real dragon will be its master.

"If you can't awaken to that point, so what?" Ji Fengtian pinched his palms, but he still felt that the deal was not worth it, after all, there can only be one real dragon in the world! It is an invariable law in all domains.

"I am the Young Master of the Phoenix Clan. Even if I cannot advance to become a real dragon, you have still achieved the purpose of alienating me by making a contract with me." Long Yingyun said.

"Long Yingyun!" Jin Feng was about to be blown up, but Long Yingyun just didn't look at her, because he couldn't refuse her request, so he couldn't look at her.

"Young Master, you are poking the young master's heart like this! You can't do this, what about Ye Qianli? Doesn't she claim to value love and righteousness? The young master was imprisoned because of her, where is she?" Que Xian who had been silent for a while Can't stand it!

Jin Feng, who didn't know how Quexian would say that, was taken aback for a moment, and then looked at the person beside her, his face was extremely ugly, "Quexian, you..."

But before Jin Feng could say anything, Que Xian interrupted sharply, "Does the young master still want to reprimand me? Do you still want to say that if there is no Ye Qianli, the Ji family will attack my Feng family?"

"..." Jin Feng didn't speak, she was shocked by the hostility and resentment in Que Xian's words, she had never seen such a sharp Que Xian!

Que Xian has always been a demure and gentle woman as her name suggests, why was she so sharp? If it were another person today, if Feng Ruoxi was here, even Jin Feng would not be shocked.

But Que Xian really hated Ye Qianli to death, "Young master, I understand that you consider her a close friend, but now you are the young master of the Feng clan, and what you do affects the life and death of the Feng clan!

Qing Yi is dead, isn't it that our Feng Clan didn't pay enough for Ye Qianli? Why should I be burdened by her? Before she appeared, which clan would dare to do this to my Feng clan?

My Feng Clan has a Phoenix Patriarch! With the support of the patriarch Wutong, even if the Kun clan had evil intentions, they would never dare to go too far, if it wasn't for Ye Qianli who kept provoking him! If the contradiction is exacerbated again and again, our family will be able to live in peace. "

Que Xian has long wanted to say these words! It's just that because there is no good opportunity, today she waited and waited. She didn't wait for Ye Qianli to come, but she waited for Long Yingyun's willingness to be a slave. She really did! I don't want to bear it any longer.

As for Quexian's words, Jinfeng felt cold all over her body and had difficulty breathing. She never thought that Quexian would have such thoughts. She thought...

That's all.

"Aside from you, who else thinks the same as you?" Jin Feng asked lightly, his voice was very weak, obviously he had been greatly shocked.

Seeing her like this, Quexian seemed to be unable to bear it, but she still said sharply, "I haven't asked, but I think there must be a lot, young master! Don't be self-willed anymore, a troublemaker like Ye Qianli will only keep making things for you. My people have brought disaster."

Jinfeng smiled, with a heartbroken smile, "It's not my fault, after all, Qianli was only kind to me personally, she just helped me gather the flames of chaos, helped me not miss Long Yingyun due to misunderstanding, and helped me to have a Today's cultivation base.

I originally thought that since I am the young master of the Feng clan, and she has helped me every time, it should be something that the whole clan is willing to do for her, and I took it for granted. "

"Young master..." Quexian wanted to say that there is no need to take the whole family to pay back these things.

But Jinfeng rebuked, "Don't call me young master again, my Feng clan has always respected the master, since you betrayed me, don't call yourself the Feng clan again in the future."

"Young master?!" Quexian was stunned, "You, you want to drive me out of the clan?"

"Yes." Jinfeng replied decisively, wisps of golden flames were already ignited all over her body, causing Long Yingyun's eyes to shrink immediately, "Jinfeng! You..."

"That's right, I'm in Nirvana." Jinfeng said calmly, the golden fireworks flickering all over her body, making Ji Fengtian's expression slightly stiff, "Can you still use your strength?" He clearly sealed her dantian!

"My clan's Nirvana, there is no power that can seal it." Jin Feng smiled proudly, "Don't you want me to die, this is what you want."

"Young master! You can't! You still have green wings in your body, and you want no successors for the Phoenix clan because of Ye Qianli?!" Que Xian's face was ugly, she didn't understand...

But Jinfeng understands very well, "If the Feng family is not the noble and proud in my heart! The sincere and supreme Feng family, I will rule! It is meaningless. As for Qingyi, my Nirvana power will resurrect her."

Gao Jie is proud!

Sincerity comes first!

The Feng family lives in the phoenix tree! Drinking the morning dew, the temperament has always been rather to break! Unyielding, so no matter how many times you experience Nirvana, you can always be reborn.

This is the belief of the Feng Clan! It is also Jinfeng's belief.

"Little Lord……"

Que Xian was stunned. She looked at the golden phoenix that was overflowing with flames, and only then did she feel a little dazed, as if... Maybe she was wrong?

But, but...

Don't wait for Que Xian to be at a loss!

"Hey!" Jin Feng's whole body was blazing with light, and an incomparably bright golden-feathered phoenix bloomed proudly in the nirvana fire, almost at the same time!

In the valley where Ye Qianli was, Taiyifeng's face changed greatly when he received the news, and he rushed into Ye Qianli's cultivation place regardless.

But as soon as Taiyifeng rushed in, staring at Ye Qianli's magic box, it exploded! It is about to throw people out, and it just feels that this is really nonsense. Its two idiot masters have reached the most critical moment, and the dantian of the chaotic source of thunder is just about to stabilize! Fuck...

ps: As I was writing, Jinfeng's personality suddenly became very distinct, and she said those words herself, oh~

Those who have votes at the beginning of the month are cute, vote more! It's not good to keep it at the end of the month, and it's easy to forget...

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