Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 1527 Meet Uncle and Sister-in-Law! 2 more

"A woman! How can she have such a shocking talent? In the assessment set up in the assessment room, the main test is only spiritual consciousness. We are all above her. How can it be possible that it is because of us?" The dozen or so referees who came out were dissatisfied.

Among them, a young magic cultivator who walked out of the examination field in only eight breaths was the most dissatisfied! He also does have dissatisfied capital.

Although Mo Yu was sure that Ye Qianli was the one who affected the Mo Ling Orb, the people from the Tenth Hall who came to summon him felt that what the dissatisfied referees said made sense.

"Why don't you take the exam again?" The messenger suggested, "This time, come one by one?"

"How unreasonable!" The young demon cultivator said angrily, "I am a genius by nature, how can you wait to humiliate me? You asked me to take another assessment, that's it! It doesn't matter if I don't enter the tenth hall."

After saying this, the young demon cultivator will leave in a huff! He was so shocked that the person who came to send the message hurriedly tried to stop him, and subconsciously felt that this person was so arrogant that he might be the real person who shocked the spirit.

It's just that before the messenger could speak, there was a voice as clear as pearls, slightly childish, and swept into the arena, "Let him go."

As soon as this sound came out...

The eyes of the whole audience followed the sound subconsciously, Ye Qianli was no exception, but she just looked at it! My heart suddenly exploded and I almost lost my balance.

No matter when! Where, Ye Qianli never imagined that she would meet someone who was so resembling her Highness other than her son Zai.

If it hadn't been for the countless storms and waves, Ye Qianli felt that! She couldn't keep the indifference on her face at all, she was really going to jump up!

How could it be like that? Especially those eyes!

To put it bluntly, Xiao Yi'er's eyes are not as resembling her Highness's as the ones in front of her. They really are... If she didn't know her Highness's character deeply, she would doubt whether this is his illegitimate child up.

How can it be so like...

Ye Qianli's heart was ups and downs uncontrollably, even the magic box, which was originally focused on studying the bead, was startled by her intense mood ups and downs, "Second idiot, what's the matter with you?"

"..." Ye Qianli couldn't calm down and responded to the magic box, but the magic box had already discovered the root cause of Ye Qianli's "excitement".

Don't say it! The magic box was also taken aback, "Is this the illegitimate son of your Highness?"

"Get out." Ye Qianli was in a hurry, and barely uttered a word! She firmly believed in her family's beautiful prince, not to mention that her highness had no time or possibility to "commit the crime".

The magic box also realized that what it said was a bit unreliable, but this beautiful boy really resembles the beautiful prince of the second idiot! There are at least seven images, and the biological father and son are nothing more than that.

The key is that he is young enough, this young man looks like he is only nine or ten years old, he is not much older than Yi'er, the little evildoer, but...

"Look at this, if it's the son of your family, he was born when he was fifteen or sixteen years old. He still seems to be the prince of Suzaku, right? It seems that he has nothing to do with Yaoyu."

The magic box babbled so far, but then said, "But there are no absolutes in the world, who knows if he has other connections, but seeing how aggrieved he is as the son of King Sumeru, it should be that he doesn't have such a connection, and he doesn't." Return to Mount Sumeru."

"..." Ye Qianli was left speechless for a while by the broken box, and almost wanted to throw it out. She finally endured it, but suddenly heard that even the voice was a bit like her highness's Ten Palace, who had asked said, "What's your name?"

The voice was suddenly close in front of her eyes, which startled Ye Qianli and made her breathe a little short. Fortunately, she controlled it very well, and only covered it up as a flattered look up! A "ask me?" expression.

Shi Gongzi nodded without further ado, his pair of deep and boundless eyes were calm and unwavering, making it impossible to see what he was thinking, just like Ye Qianli saw at first! Like her highness.

too much like...

Ye Qianli concealed all the clues, and finally turned into a slightly pleasant reply, "The woman Li Ye has seen Shi Gongzi."

And her address made everyone around her silent for a moment! Even if it was Mo Yu, he was stunned. After all, although he said that he was Shi Gongzi's confidant, he had never met Shi Gongzi himself.


Many people reacted! This handsome young man who is young but has an extraordinary bearing and the demeanor of a high-ranking person is indeed very similar to the rumored Shi Gongzi.

What's more, Pu Song who finally knows where the ten palaces are! He also appeared in a flash this time, and as soon as he appeared, the identity of Shi Gongzi was clearly revealed.

for a while—

"Meet the Ten Palaces!"

"Meet Shigongzi——"

Everyone including Mo Yu bowed down one after another, but Ye Qianli never bowed down, she just bowed respectfully, even though that Pusong's strong aura had disappeared, it didn't affect her at all.

On the other hand, the young demon cultivator who had danced happily before knelt down uncontrollably, without the arrogance he had just now.

"Get up." Shi Gongzi responded lightly, then fixedly looked at Ye Qianli and said, "Follow me."

Ye Qianli knew he was looking at her, but she didn't raise her eyes, she just responded obediently, "Yes."

Shi Gongzi nodded in satisfaction, and walked forward without looking at the rest of the referees. Pu Song ignored those demon cultivators, and just asked Mo Yu to accompany him, but he recognized Mo Yu, and knew that this was a close brother of Mo Concubine Empress.

When Shi Gongzi and his party dispersed, the lively crowd gradually dispersed. After a long while, several young demon cultivators who were still dissatisfied also dispersed brilliantly.

But what happened here is rapidly spreading throughout Fengdu City, and the Seventh Hall is the Mozi Hall that received all the news the fastest.

"My glamorous stepmother, it looks like she's going to make trouble again." After seeing the message clearly, Qi Gongzi smiled softly, her words contained sarcasm and disrespect.

"Your Highness the Seventh Palace, one Pusong is already a bad thing! Now there is another one. If I had known this, I should have destroyed the examination field in the first place!" The staff of the Seventh Palace were very anxious, but no one felt that the Seventh Palace disrespected the concubine Mo What's wrong with Medusa.

After all, in the Demon Realm, women have no status, especially women who serve others with sex, so even if Medusa is the most favored concubine of the Demon Palace, in the eyes of the people in the Seventh Palace, it is nothing more than that.

"What's the rush? My stepmother has neither soldiers nor power, even if she has a child who is not up to expectations, it's just a small fight." Qi Gongzi said calmly.

"Your Highness Seventh, don't take it lightly!" The staff in the palace couldn't help reminding, "The people who can make the magic orb resound throughout Fengdu City are not mediocre."

"That's just a woman, and she will be something that Cheng Gongyue will boast about in the future." After Qi Gongzi finished speaking, she stood up and said, "Before this, I was more interested in the daughter of the Ji family, everyone. Go away."

"His Royal Highness—"

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