Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 1530 Exposed! sister-in-law. 2 more

When Pu Song and the others retreated, the Tenth Palace was still lazy, slowly took out a stack of papers from his bosom, and handed it to Ye Qianli.

Before Ye Qianli took over, she was placed on the front page! The portrait of her highness was taken aback, and she almost didn't kneel down, only to feel that even though the atmosphere in the hall was mild, she was thrilled.

Pian Shigongzi asked warmly, "Is he your husband?"

Ye Qianli...

After a long time, she still nodded her head, "Yes." Even though she didn't know what the Tenth Palace intends to do, she also lost the opportunity, but after much deliberation, she still decided not to hide it.

The idea in mind must be! Ye Qianli said more decisively, "It is indeed my husband, and we are also members of the top twenty super clans."

"Sure enough." Shi Gongzi spit out two words slowly, but pressed his hand and said, "Sit down and talk."

"Thank you Tenth Highness." Ye Qianli didn't realize anything, she just thought that the Tenth Palace must have some other plan, so she sat down in the lower seat without coercion.

However, Shi Gongzi raised his eyes, looked at her up and down with a look that Ye Qianli felt was too gentle, and saw that she was a little puzzled, but he said softly, "You look like this, but you didn't draw a picture. Very nice."

"Pfft." Ye Qianli smiled, "It's to reduce the sense of existence."

"Then I..." The young boy who almost couldn't help saying "my big brother" finally restrained himself and asked Wen Tun, "Where are he and your son?"

"We made an appointment to meet in these two days, maybe something has delayed it." Ye Qianli didn't elaborate, although she felt intuitively that the young boy in front of her had no ill intentions towards her and their family.

Shi Gongzi stopped talking, but turned the page of the reward order, and looked at the fat baby in the painting, her eyes became warmer, like a dove, with a gentle demeanor.

Ye Qianli looked around subconsciously, and saw her little chubby boy. Although Xiao Yi'er was already three years old, this reward order depicts him when he was about one year old. Purple eyes.

"He looks so good. I want a younger brother, but it's a pity that my father won't let my mother give birth." Shi Gongzi reached out and touched the cutie on it, imagining how soft and soft the touch would be, and felt his heart shudder. Soft, let him want to sleep.

Ye Qianli still didn't think there was anything wrong at this time, she just thought that the tenth palace child was young and wanted to have a sibling to accompany her, but the Demon King didn't want the Concubine Medusa to be too powerful and affect the children born by the Concubine, so it was hard to say Something kept silent.

Shi Gongzi touched Xiao Yi'er's portrait very fondly, and then said softly, "Li Ye is not your real name, is it?"

"Well, my name is Ye Qianli."

"Where's your husband?"

"Rong Mo."

"Where's your son?"

"Rong Yi."

"It sounds so good." Shi Gongzi praised it sincerely, put the reward order back into her arms, got up and said, "Madam is tired, go and rest, I'll ask someone to find out about your husband."

Ye Qianli was stunned for a moment, always feeling that something was wrong, and seeing the young boy's gentle gaze reaching her heart, she said no more thanks, "Then I would like to thank Shi Gongzi."

"Go, the day after tomorrow's Wanmo Festival banquet, you still have to come to the banquet with me, you have to be busy." Shi Gongzi stepped down from the first seat, as if she was going to send Ye Qianli out.

Ye Qianli couldn't let him see her off, so she quickly stood up and said, "Don't worry about the ten palaces, please rest, you are exhausted today."

"That's not it!" Shi Gongzi thought so deeply, but still insisted on sending Ye Qianli out of the door, and before leaving, she said, "Madam, don't worry, I know what you want, and I will use you to help me get rid of some of them." obstacle."

These words touched Ye Qianli's heart! She also knew that this young boy was not as meek as he looked, so she smiled brightly, "Okay! I believe you."

Shi Gongzi smiled immediately, a very gentle smile, giving Ye Qianli a feeling as if a feather had brushed her face, there was no discomfort at all, only a comfortable softness.

Perhaps because this child looked so much like her highness, she felt infinitely soft in her heart, smiled warmly with her brows, and then returned to her guest garden.

Although she didn't have a positive understanding of Shi Gongzi, Ye Qianli trusted her intuition, so she really didn't worry about waiting for the arrival of the Wanmo Festival feast.

But what she didn't know was that when she returned to the Guest Garden, Shi Gongzi, who had closed the door, was calling in the direction she was leaving, "Sister-in-law."

This cry was very low, even Pu Song was right in front of him, he couldn't hear it clearly, he wanted to ask, but Shi Gongzi changed the subject.


By the day of the Wanmo Festival feast, Ye Qianli still hadn't received the news that Rong Mo had entered the city! This made her worried, not to mention that there was also news from Shigongzi that there was nothing wrong with the Wala mercenary group.

"Could it be that His Highness failed?" Ye Qianli rubbed her eyebrows worriedly, and subconsciously felt that it was impossible. Her Highness has always been a person who makes decisions before acting. As long as it is something he wants to do, it is impossible not to fail.

But she also thought of her bad-tempered little boy, and she was afraid that something happened to her son and the father was tired, so she shouldn't have agreed to let her son go with her in the first place, after all, she had an ancient battlefield where she could hide people.

"I should insist on keeping Yi'er no matter what His Highness says." Ye Qianli regretted it more and more, but she also knew that it was useless to regret now.

As for the tenth palace child in front, this meeting has also ordered someone to send a message, telling her to go to the main hall and go to the banquet together. Ye Qianli could only pack up her bad thoughts and get up to go to the banquet.

But when Ye Qianli walked to the front hall, she found that the ten palaces were already on the shoulder chariot, basking in the sun and seemed to have fallen asleep again, so she couldn't help but stepped forward to worship, "It's too late to come down, let ten Your Highness has waited so long, it really shouldn't be."

"It has nothing to do with you, the sun is just right, I want to sleep more on the shoulder chariot." Shi Gongzi said lazily, and specifically told the palace servants to walk slowly so that he could sleep more on the road.

Ye Qianli: "..." If you hadn't seen the sharpness of this young man, and looked at his lazy appearance, he really looked like a soft-hearted man with no ink.

But at the next big banquet, even Ye Qianli and Pu Song, who knew that he had inner qualities, were still shocked by his demeanor! Not to mention the rest of the people in the magic palace.

But this is something for the time being, anyway, as far as the moment is concerned, the young man is sleeping well, the sun shines on his exquisite and flawless facial features, adding a bit of warmth, making people subconsciously think of the boy in the temple, especially Pure and beautiful.

Because of the young boy's order, it was already relatively late when they officially arrived at the banquet of the Demon Palace. The banquet in the main hall of the Demon Palace was already overcrowded, and there were only three seats left, which were still empty.

"The devil is coming—"

"The Concubine Medusa has arrived—"

I don't know if it's a coincidence, but the tenth palace, the youngest devil in the devil's palace, happened to appear at the same time as the devil and the devil's favorite concubine.

for a while...

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