Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 1539 Demon Order! 2 more

"You?" The demon king raised his dark eyes, and Shi Gongzi said slowly, "Since the blood demon Ba dared to lead the troops here, and there was no news in advance, he must be sure of the trip."

"Old Ten, you are boosting others' morale and destroying the prestige of my Heavenly Demon Palace!" Er Gongzi Tianmo was furious and gave Ye Qianli an angry look, obviously very dissatisfied with the previous defeat.

But Shi Gongzi ignored him and continued, "My Tianmo Palace might as well avoid the edge for the time being, and negotiate peace first. After my Tianmo Palace finds out the facts and reverses the game, it will not be too late to make trouble. You know, Fengdu City is my Heavenly Demon. The longer the time drags on, the more beneficial it will be to my Heavenly Demon Palace."

"The ten palaces are wise." The Witch King praised, and the chiefs of the big tribes such as Iwan also agreed. They were blind to why the Blood Demon Palace and the Oirat Army could suddenly attack, and they still didn't understand at all, and the opponent's military strength Not too good for them either.

The Demon King didn't express his opinion, he just stared at Shi Gongzi and asked, "Then Sui'er thinks that our Heavenly Demon Palace should give up the exclusive right to the Demon Nest for the sake of stability?"

"Of course not." Shi Gongzi slightly raised his slender eyebrows, and said with a dull expression, "The devil's lair is only allowed to enter the demon cultivator under the domain master, so you might as well use this as a bet."

"Gambling?" The devil asked back with some interest.

"The biggest temptation of the devil's lair to the demon cultivator is nothing more than the demon order that appears once in a hundred years. The blood demon can't see that the demon order has been possessed by our Heavenly Demon Palace, so he will fight this way.

Right now, you might as well give him three places in the Blood Demon Palace, three places in the Oara Mercenary Group, and four places in our Heavenly Demon Palace, and ten people will be selected to enter the magic cave accordingly. "Shi Gongzi said eloquently.

When the Demon King heard this, he already understood the meaning of Shi Gongzi, but he continued to ask, "And then?"

"If the people in my Heavenly Demon Palace can still get the demon order, from now on, the Blood Demon Palace and the Oirat Mercenary Group can no longer covet the Demon Cave; if the Blood Demon Palace wins, they will share it with our Heavenly Demon Palace in turn; , then the Oala Mercenary Group and our palace will take turns to share."

After Shigongzi finished speaking, all the strongmen were still silent, but the second palacezi smiled sarcastically, "After talking about it, the tenth brother still wants to give up the devil's lair and destroy our Heavenly Demon Palace's prestige."

"Then let you talk?" The devil didn't pay attention to the second palace at all, and only stared at the tenth palace with scorching eyes. He didn't expect that this little old ten would come up with such a good solution at this critical moment.

The Demon King is not the Second Palace, of course he knows that Xiao Lao Shi's proposal is actually very beneficial to the Heavenly Demon Palace. After all, after the ten domain masters enter the Demon Cave to compete, everything will not be decided by the Blood Demon.

Shi Gongzi really meant this, so he immediately responded, "Of course! Since I am the tenth devil child of the Heavenly Demon Palace, I can swear an oath for the Heavenly Demon Palace."

"Okay!" The Demon King knew as soon as he heard it, his son fully understood what he meant, and immediately stopped talking nonsense and called the Blood Demon Ba, expressing that we could talk, and asked the head of Wala to send a representative.

Heavenly Demon Lai was naturally very dissatisfied, but the Demon King ignored him, and he had no choice but to be sullen in his heart, secretly thinking that Blood Demon Pulling was not stupid, how could he not guess what kind of competition this was, it was a tactic to delay the attack.

And there are really not a few people who have the same idea as the second palace child Tian Mokai, so the devil asked the tenth palace master to talk, but no one argues what to say, and the other demons are also very honest.

The devil took it for granted, and pretended to be angry and sat in the rear, while Shi Gongzi brought Ye Qianli, Pu Song, and Patriarch Yiwan and others to start the peace talks.


After listening to the conditions, Gorefiend Ba stared at the Demon King provocatively, and said: "The Demon King is very calculating, no matter whether he wins or loses, the Heavenly Demon Palace will definitely have half the chance of obtaining the demon order, and it will also alleviate the immediate danger of Fengdu City."

"The words of the Lord of the Blood Demon Palace are very true, but your goal has been achieved, hasn't it?" Shi Gongzi continued unhurriedly, "You brought troops here not to start a war, but to gain Qualifications for the Demon Order."

"Heh! Son, without your Heavenly Demon Palace, my Blood Demon Palace will be able to dominate the Demon Cave." Blood Demon Ba smiled ironically and looked at the child in front of him.

Shi Gongzi responded softly, "That can only be bullying, you can't get anything, and you can't open the inner cave."

"There is always a way in the future! What I mean is, let's forget it this time. Both sides can send people in, but next time only people from my Blood Demon Palace must enter, and then we will take turns." Blood Demon Pull is obviously not A fool.

"Heh..." Shi Gongzi also laughed, very proudly, "It is said that the Blood Demon Palace is now as strong as our Heavenly Demon Palace, and it seems that it is nothing more than that, and I dare not even fight a bet."

"You..." Gorefiend Ba was about to sneer and say that aggressive methods are useless.

But Shi Gongzi went on to say loudly, "You should know that my Heavenly Demon Palace's willingness to make concessions is already a gift to your Blood Demon Palace, but if your Blood Demon Palace cannot be recognized by my Heavenly Demon Palace, you will never get the initiative of the Demon Nest. But let’s start a war! A war is a war.”

"That's right! Let's fight, the army of my Ivan clan is already on their way."

"And so is my army of the Russell clan!"

"It's the same with my army of the Howard clan!" The chiefs of the three tribes of the Tianmo Palace waited for the opportunity to join in, with a look of righteous indignation.

"I..." Gorefiend Ba was not afraid to fight back, but——

But Ayita interrupted, "Master of the Blood Demon Palace, I think it is feasible. After counting you and me, we can enter six people. Could it be that the six of us can't handle four in the Demon Palace?"

"Ayita! You..." Gorefiend felt suffocated for a while, and wanted to stop the idiot Ayita from talking, but Shi Gongzi said first, "The most important thing is, if your Wala mercenary group If you win, your Vala mercenary group will share the Demon Cave with our Heavenly Demon Palace."

Gorefiend Ba breathed heavily, "You want to provoke us?!"

"That's right." Shi Gongzi looked openly at Ayita and said, "Chief Ayita, there are only eternal interests in this world, and there are no permanent allies. What do you think?"

"Shigongzi is right." Ayita smiled and nodded.

"..." Gorefiend Ba choked suddenly, he didn't expect that Ayita would fall to the side of the Demon Palace, this idiot! He is also angry.

"Then make an alliance and make an oath." Shi Gongzi said with a slight smile.

"Yes." Aita readily agreed.

"Yes! Yes!" Gorefiend Ba had no choice but to respond. He knew the strength of Fengdu City very well. If he had only 300,000 troops from the Blood Demon Palace, he would have little chance of winning.

"Okay!" Shi Gongzi wrote the oath swiftly, and even imprinted his bloody fingerprints, but the speed was extremely fast, and he was completely different from his usual meekness.

The three parties made an oath, and now it's time to select candidates. Tianmo Palace has just finished the battle with Mokui, so it is very easy to choose candidates. up.

As for the fourth candidate, before the recovering tenth palace could open his mouth, Tian Mojia suggested, "Father, let Argyle of my palace go."


"Let Ivanda go."

"Sui'er, you go."

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