Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 1546 Eat my younger brother's jealousy! 3 more

A tyrannical Goddess Nüwa descended from the world as if the world had opened up, and immediately wiped out all the blood-colored fluorescence, leaving nothing behind.

"Whoosh!" Ji Wushuang himself took advantage of this flash to rise up, and spit out a mouthful of blood uncontrollably, and most of his aura was wilted.

Seeing Ye Qianli was dumbfounded, even though she knew clearly that such a sneak attack would probably not kill Ji Wushuang, and a person like Ji Wushuang must have a lot of cards to save his life.

However, Ye Qianli really did not expect that Ji Wushuang still has such a great ability, she can actually arouse the pure power of Nuwa! I underestimated her before.

"Ye Qianli! You! Damn it! Die!" At this moment, Ji Wushuang really hated Ye Qianli to death, because her divine solution just now was burning her Nuwa divine blood, which had a great influence on her talent. big impact.

But even so, Ji Wushuang did not regret doing so! She only hated that she was not careful enough, and fell into Ye Qianli's advice.

"Tsk tsk." Ye Qianli said in surprise, "This didn't kill you, you really are not ordinary."

Ji Wushuang swallowed a few pills, but regained her composure, "If the person holding you hadn't been there, you would have died ten times, believe it or not."

"I don't believe it." Ye Qianli smiled coldly, but touched her Highness's chest, and said happily, "Your Highness, how many times shall we bully her again?"

"Listen to you." Of course Rong Mo had no objection, her tone was soft and loving, which made Ji Wushuang's face go stiff, but her eyes were extremely bright, and she was not flustered.

after all……

"Demon Token!" Ivanda's startled voice revealed Ji Wushuang's confidence. She had sensed the aura of the Demon Token just now.

Ye Qianli also saw it now, it just appeared on the magic pupil! That blood-red token was a large palm-shaped token that was shaped like the Twelve-Winged Heavenly Demon.

No one expected that it would appear on the magic pupil, causing everyone in the cave to fall into a strange silence. How can anyone take it! ?

"Too cunning!" Ye Qianli only felt that this was a trap, an obvious trap, and Rong Mo felt the same way, but he had to go down.

Ye Qianli also thought about it, after all, she promised Shi Gongzi that she would definitely get the demon order, but she saw that the magic pupil was really not good, so she raised her eyes and asked, "Your Highness, do you have any ideas? "

"The power inside is very strange, and it's impossible to find out how strong it is." Rong Mo frowned slightly, thinking carefully, always feeling a little unexplainable irritability.

He knew that this meant that he was not sure about going down, but he was not one to back down easily, so he had already thought deeply.

Seeing that he didn't speak, Ye Qianli knew that he was thinking. She studied the surrounding terrain without disturbing, hoping to find a breakthrough point.

But before that, she turned her eyes to Ji Wushuang, who said in a deep voice, "Don't think that I am a soft persimmon now. If you really want to fight hard, I will make you regret it." .”

Having said that, Ji Wushuang's body is still overflowing! If there is a seemingly nonexistent, pure Nuwa divine blood aura, it can be seen that she does have a trump card.

At least, she should be able to have another divine solution, which made Ye Qianli a little scruples, so she still looked away reluctantly.

But at this moment when Ye Qianli felt it was a pity, Xiao Yi'er volunteered, pointed at the demon order and said, "Father! I'll go."

"Crack!" Ye Qianli patted the little butt without even thinking about it, "Where are you going! Do you, the doll, have a place to talk here?"

"Damn it! Hmph!" Xiao Yi'er was stunned, and got back into his father's lapel, angrily lying on his father's chest, so angry! So angry.

Ye Qianli was not used to him this time, she just raised her eyes to look at her Highness and said, "I'll try it, Your Highness Luezhen?"

"No." Rong Mo refused.

"I have a solution!" Ye Qianli insisted, "Let me try."

Rong Mo frowned, Ye Qianli said in a low voice, "I always think it's not good for you to go down, let me go and see first, if there is anything wrong with me, you can still save me."

"No!" Rong Mo refused firmly.

Ye Qianli was a little discouraged at once, but she thought of the note in her hand, which made her bury her head in Rong Mo's arms, and took the opportunity to secretly see the words on the note, "Be careful with the seal, never Zuo Ketu."

But Rong Mo, who didn't see what she was doing, thought she was being wronged, sighed, then gently stroked her hair and coaxed, "How about you be good?"

"I'm going!" Ye Qianli rubbed her body, wrapped her arms around the neck of her highness, and moved her whole body up to whisper in his ear, "Break through from the left, let's go together. "She believed in Shigongzi.

This small tone of affirmation made Rong Mo raise his long eyebrows slightly while his ears were crisp, and when he looked sideways at the person next to his ears, he met a pair of determined small eyes.

"Okay." Rong Mo didn't refuse, but stretched out his hand to hold it, and Ye Qianli's hand with the "mystery" in it also touched the little note that was not intentionally hidden.

Ye Qianli also nodded slightly to let Rong Mo know that she was telling him with certainty that she got the news from above, and for a while...

"The one that looks like me?" Rong Mo also bit Ye Qianli's ear and said, with an inexplicable tone in his tone, as if he was jealous.

It made Ye Qianli really bite him, "What are you thinking!" Shi Gongzi is a child.

Rong Mo took a breath, of course he knew that his little leopard would have other thoughts, but he was somewhat curious about that little boy who looked like him.

But curiosity is curiosity, Rong Mo didn't delay the matter at hand, he trusted Ye Qianli's judgment, so he obeyed her, but he didn't go directly to the left, but he did enough "exploration" prelude .

When Rong Mo rushed forward from the left with his wife and children in his arms, Ye Qianli really didn't sense any danger, which made her feel a little relieved, seeing that they were getting close! It's a foot away from the demon order.

"!" The people in the cave breathed and raised, and they were a little ready to move, but they didn't dare to move! She could only watch, Ji Wushuang's eyes were also very dark, she didn't believe it! It's going well.

And the truth is...


As expected, Mo Tong radiated bloody waves towards Rong Mo's family, but this time! Rong Mo has already shaken out the super-evil taboo power, knocking away all obstacles, Ye Qianli also quickly moved forward.


But the magic pupil sprayed out a wisp of viscous liquid! Wanting to wrap around Ye Qianli, she shrank her hands in shock, but saw that the demon made a "goo", and was about to be swallowed back.

"Me! I'm coming!" Little Yi'er flashed out quickly, grabbed the demon token, but a white hand immediately came out from the magic pupil, and grabbed Little Yi'er.

ps: Good night, babies~

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