Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 1555 Shocking Conspiracy! 3 more

"Crack!" Ye Qianli's voice of rudely pushing open the palace door came at this very moment! She pushed it out with a sense of emergency, and she herself broke into the palace.

Shi Gongzi didn't want her to get involved, but he didn't have time to say anything. Fortunately, the Witch King seemed to be afraid, so he disappeared one step ahead of time.

"Huh..." Shi Gongzi let out a long breath, but slowly lay back on the bed beside her, making Ye Qianli who walked in slightly startled.

"Sit." Shi Gongzi said weakly, pointing to the stool beside her, her face was dusty, and she looked like she was overworked.

"What's the matter, Your Highness the Tenth Prince?" Ye Qianli asked in surprise, but subconsciously released the Taiyi True Water, covering the inner hall.

Shi Gongzi slowed down for a while before confirming that the Witch King should not be able to penetrate the Taiyi True Water in a short period of time. After sensing this, she hurriedly asked, "Where is your husband?"

Ye Qianli took a deep look at him and didn't say anything immediately. Although she guessed that this child might be her uncle, it was just a guess.

Shi Gongzi also understood her worry, so he never volunteered to say, "Sister-in-law, I am your little brother-in-law." It's just...

"That's all." Shi Gongzi took a deep breath, then closed her eyes and thought about how to take the road ahead, how to deal with the Witch King.

And his quietness made Ye Qianli frowned slightly, but she didn't mention Rong Mo after all, she only wanted to talk about it later when someone came, so she mentioned the demon order.

But what Ye Qianli didn't know was that Xiao Yi'er, who was hiding in her sleeve pocket, had already stared wide-eyed, and even grabbed Xiaobaimiao tightly!

Because the little guy can clearly feel that the person talking to his mother outside feels so kind! It seemed to be his father, making him really want to climb out and have a look.

"Meow!" Xiaobaimiao, who couldn't stand being pinched, couldn't help but yelled, the key is that it also sensed that the person outside was clearly Xiao Xixi's youngest son, meow! It's going out, going out...

However, Xiaobaimiao was caught so tightly that he couldn't escape from Xiao Yi'er's grasp at all, and he could only bark a few times to attract attention, hoping that the little lazy bag outside would still remember it.

"Madam has a cat?" Shi Gongzi also asked with bright eyes, because he also remembered the little white cat he saw a few years ago.

However, Ye Qianli shook her head resolutely and said, "No, it's a beast." While speaking, she reached into her sleeve pocket and pinched the little boy, reminding him to watch out for little white cat.

It also pinched Xiao Yi'er who was caught off guard, and almost cried out! Instead, let him instinctively cover Xiaobaimiao's mouth to make it stop barking.

Although I really want to climb out! But Xiao Yi'er didn't forget that not long ago, it also wanted to get close to that big black eye, so it ran to drag the token, but it was almost caught.

This time, no matter what he says, he can't move around, or my mother will definitely beat him! He will also ask his father to beat him together, and maybe his mother will be frightened, but he dare not.

Thinking of this, Xiao Yi'er held on to Xiaobaimiao without moving, and the fat golden dragon on the side hugged the two of them tightly, and tensed the dragon's beard very vigilantly.

Shi Gongzi didn't know what was in Ye Qianli's sleeve, so she sighed regretfully, "That's it..."

"Meow meow..." Xiaobaimiao meowed countless times in his heart and tried to struggle, but Xiao Yi'er's strength was incomparable, how could it break free?

But just as Xiaobaimiao was in a hurry, Xiao Yier held back! At the moment when Fatty was nervous, Shi Gongzi's hand suddenly penetrated into Ye Qianli's sleeve pocket.

That's so fast! Ye Qianli, who was not on guard against him, didn't stop him at all, now...

"!" Shi Gongzi saw in astonishment that he had grabbed three little things with one hand! ? Besides the little white cat he knew, there was actually a little man and a little dragon? !


Rao Shigongzi came from an extraordinary background and was used to seeing all kinds of "wonderful flowers", so she was stunned for a while, but Ye Qianli had the opportunity to snatch Sanxiao back, and stood up on guard.

Shi Gongzi came back to her senses, jumped up and explained, "Sister-in-law, don't panic! I don't mean anything malicious, I recognize Xiaobai, if you don't believe me, let him come out and recognize me."

Ye Qianli didn't move, but became more alert! She even subconsciously overturned her previous speculation that this young man was the younger brother of her highness.

"I..." Shi Gongzi became anxious now, because he saw Ye Qianli's distrust and guard, and he didn't know how to explain it to the point, and he was also sweating profusely.

But he can be sure now, the little man he caught just now is undoubtedly his little nephew! Because the moment he caught that little guy, he kindly felt that this little guy was connected with him by blood.

It's just that he doesn't quite understand why he didn't perceive this little thing before, and didn't realize it until he caught this little thing?

"Your Majesty, I have nothing else to do, and I will leave." Ye Qianli planned to leave, and did not want to get in touch with this young man who was actually hiding from her very deeply for the time being.

This young man is so fast! If he hadn't been stunned, her little son, Xiaobaimiao and Pangpang would have fallen into his hands, she was too careless.

"I..." Shi Gongzi became even more anxious, and asked wisely, "Can your son talk? Ask him if he thinks I'm very close. We, the children of the Rong family, can all feel each other." Some sense far, some can't sense too far.

Shi Gongzi didn't say anything about this later, he didn't want to talk too much, he just wanted to solve the current problem first, at least not let his sister-in-law be on guard against him.

It's a pity that Ye Qianli shook her head and said, "My son is still young and can't speak, so I will take my leave first. Please don't stop the Tenth Highness."

Shi Gongzi wanted to stop him, and wanted to make it clear, but he knew that it was not appropriate to say anything now, and that little Baimiao couldn't speak human words, so he was really worried to death.

But who can blame this? It's all his fault that he was too impulsive, and went to steal Sanxiao, causing his sister-in-law's attitude towards him to change suddenly, this is really...

Before Shi Gongzi finished worrying, there was a report from outside, "I want to report to Shi Gongzi, there is a ground beast on Madam Li's horse outside the palace, please see Madam Li."

"Please." Shi Gongzi didn't stop her, and subconsciously relaxed and smiled, "Forget it, it's understandable that you don't want to believe it, let's talk about it."

Ye Qianli took another deep look at the young man, and sensed that a certain little one in her sleeve pocket was also hiding, and was peeking at the young man in front of her.

Shi Gongzi also frankly moved out of the way so that Ye Qianli could leave, but Ye Qianli couldn't bear it anymore, and asked, revealing some news, "If you are really my husband's younger brother, then do you know Xumi's brother?" How do the dark men contact you?"

As soon as this statement came out...

"Where did you come from the dark warrior Sumeru?" Shi Gongzi asked back in surprise, and said with a startled expression, "Could someone lie to you that there is a dark warrior Sumeru in the demon realm?!"

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