Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 1560 Undead reincarnation body! 2 more

All right……

Shi Gongzi, who has been exuding a ray of consciousness and watching the battle situation, immediately felt relieved, although his heart has been destroyed by the Witch King.

"Cough..." After relaxing, Shi Gongzi vomited blood frequently. He knew that he was exhausted, but he was just desperately holding his breath by his sister-in-law's Taiyi.

That Witch King's magic is boundless, he is a young boy, where did he do it? But relying on the magic weapon given by his father, he was able to trap him in the Sumeru circle.

Thinking of this, Shi Gongzi said weakly, "Sister-in-law, you don't have to force me, I..."

"Shut up!" Ye Qianli didn't want to listen to the young man's words at all, not only because she didn't want to hear the frustrating words, but also because she didn't have time to listen. Her mind was spinning fast, and she was calculating all kinds of possible ways to save her uncle. Method.

Shi Gongzi choked on being so fierce by her, after all, when Ye Qianli said the word "shut up", she was really fierce! There is no gentleness to appease the dying patient.

It also made Shi Gongzi dazed for a while, before she recovered her voice and said, "Sister-in-law, I will not die, I am an immortal reincarnation body, if you let me go, I will reincarnate, it doesn't matter."

"..." Ye Qianli ignored him at all, as if she didn't hear him, and kept deducing the most feasible! The best treatment plan.

"Sister-in-law..." Shi Gongzi wanted to say something else.

Xiao Yi'er, who had already bounced back, yelled at him fiercely, "Don't say that! Listen to me!"

Shi Gongzi: "..."

"Be good!" Xiao Yi'er saw that he didn't respond, and said "lesson" even more fiercely.

Shi Gongzi: "..." |

"Did you hear that!" Xiao Yi'er felt that this person was too stupid, always in a daze! Still not obedient.

Shi Gongzi couldn't laugh or cry at once, but coughed up another mouthful of blood, and Xiao Yi'er wiped it fiercely with a handkerchief, "Still laughing! Sleep!"

Shi Gongzi couldn't help laughing, but Ye Qianli patted her head lightly when she thought of a plan to save her, "Stop your emotions and don't involve your injuries."

"Sister-in-law, I..." Shi Gongzi was about to say it again, showing that his physique could die at will, but after returning, he would probably be ridiculed by his own father and two unscrupulous brothers.

Of course, he also knew that he was thinking too much. Although his father and elder brother were usually a little unscrupulous, how could they be indifferent to his death, fearing that they would recklessly kill Mount Sumeru and make all the deployments come to naught.

Thinking of this, Shi Gongzi didn't want to die, but he also knew that his injury couldn't be healed at all, among other things, the result of his heart and heart vessels being completely destroyed by witchcraft was that even if he wanted to regenerate, he couldn't. It's possible, let alone fixed.


"Don't worry, sister-in-law, I can understand the injury you can feel. Since I didn't ask you to go, naturally there is a way." Ye Qianli was calm! Looking at the young boy in front of him, he said every word.

The young man's face was very pale at the moment, so white that it was almost transparent, so transparent that it seemed to turn into smoke and disperse at any time, which made Ye Qianli's heart sink and hurt when he saw it.

Although they didn't get along much, Ye Qianli already had a solidarity with this little uncle who appeared miraculously. Seeing him dying, she couldn't help but think of...

Was also dying! Her Royal Highness the Crown Prince.

At that time, she was powerless and could only watch him die.


"Sister-in-law has a way. Use Taiyi's divine flower as the foundation to mold a heart for you. Trust me and don't give up." Ye Qianli said seriously and firmly.

Shi Gongzi: "..." He quietly looked at the bright pair of eyes in front of him! With firm and warm eyes, for some reason, he subconsciously thought of his mother.

So, almost blurting out, he replied, "OK."

"Good!" Xiao Yi'er praised immediately, making Shi Gongzi almost laugh, this little nephew is so fierce and cute, when he recovers, we must catch him and give him a good pinch.

Seeing his cooperation, Ye Qianli put him on the ground, and asked Nian Beast and Fat Jinlong to guard the surroundings so that no one would disturb her.

Ordinarily, she should take her brother-in-law back to the tenth hall, and then treat him, it will be more secure, but she also knows that what she is going to do is an "artificial heart" transplant.

The artificial heart, in her previous career as a military doctor, was a topic that the medical field had been secretly attacking. Countless medical leaders were working hard on research and development, trying to create an existence that was closest to the human heart, so as to save more people. many heart patients.

She did it too!

However, due to various difficulties, after the artificial heart is transplanted into the human body, even if the operation is successful, the longest life expectancy of the transplanted patient who survives is less than one year.

This is a scientific problem. She also did in-depth research at that time, but she also got stuck, because the artificial heart will not only be rejected by the human body, but also have insufficient activity, and there are many problems.


Ye Qianli wants to use the Taiyi God Flower as the foundation of creation, it is active! Spirituality can probably solve many problems that artificial hearts cannot solve.

Considering the cooperation of the tenth palace, Ye Qianli did not hide it from him, explained her plan again, and said, "I think it is very feasible, but you must not reject it and tolerate it."

"..." Shi Gongzi was dumbfounded when she heard it, and was convinced that she had no doubts about her thoughts. She just felt that what her sister-in-law said was right, and everything seemed feasible!

But in fact, Ye Qianli was also worried! Because she had never done such a thing before, after all, compared to transplanting internal organs to Granny Liao back then, she was "creating something out of nothing" this time.

Even her current cultivation level is not comparable to that of the past, and the healing power of Taiyi Shenhua is even better, but create another one with a reincarnation divine body! The heart of a young man is also something that she is not very sure about.


But the young boy said frankly, "Just follow my sister-in-law's way. I'm going to die anyway, so why not try it. If I succeed, I won't have to go back and be beaten."

"Who is willing to beat you up like this?" Ye Qianli smiled, and felt a little less nervous, but she still wanted to save this little boy.

Even if he had no fear at all when he mentioned death; even if he really had the body of immortal reincarnation, she didn't want him to experience life and death at such a young age.

Furthermore, he didn't say what will happen after reincarnation, but she knows that she will definitely not be completely safe, and there is definitely a possibility of failure in reincarnation.

There is no happiness in the world that can be obtained without giving, so...

"You try your best to stabilize your life, and I'll start right away." Ye Qianli didn't want to delay at all, after all, the longer the delay, the weaker the child's body, the lower the possibility of success.

"Okay." Shi Gongzi didn't object, and took the initiative! Gathering her own vitality, she subconsciously thought of her mother, who also has excellent medical skills.

The mother will definitely like the sister-in-law and the fierce little nephew very much! Thinking of this, he became more relaxed, and just concentrated on stabilizing his injury.

But at this moment——


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