Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 1580 Take away the family! 2 more

With Ye Qianli's help, Rong Xi, who had recovered completely, also opened his eyes, pity that he had just been severely injured before, and was plotted against by the pure blood king demon, his little face was so pale that it turned blue, looking at It hurts so much.

Ye Qianli was very distressed, "Xiaosi, if you don't take it easy next time, my sister-in-law will knock you out! Let Yi'er drag you away."

Rong Xi: "..."

"Okay!" Xiao Yi'er felt that this plan was very good, and had already accepted the heavy responsibility, causing Rong Xi to give a wry smile, and looked at his elder brother for help.

Who would have thought that his elder brother would just glance at him, and then continue to set up the formation indifferently, which made him suddenly feel desolate that his father disliked his mother and his brother disliked his nephew.

Who do you think he worked so hard for? Woo...

Well, he did so that he could continue to sleep leisurely.

"Come here and help." Rong Mo didn't let this cheap brother go, and directly caught him as a coolie.

"Hey——" Rong Xi replied weakly, but happily went to help. Although he actually wanted to sleep more, he also wanted to get close to his eldest brother.

But the eldest brother looked a little cold, as if he didn't like him very much? Could it be that the elder brother and the younger nephew think the same and don't like the younger brother?

Thinking of this, Rong Xi couldn't help sneaking a few glances at his elder brother, and found out more carefully that elder brother and father really look alike! If it is not for the difference in temperament, it is almost the same person.

Thinking of this, Rong Xi looked at his brother quietly again, and was caught straight! He met a pair of eyes as cold as frost, which made his heart feel cold.

Just at this time!


There was a violent vibration of the formation, which affected the whole family from the outside to the inside, causing Rong Mo to shift his gaze to Yao Zhan, who had never stopped.


Yao Zhan's demon power is really amazing! The attack and killing formation of the ancient temple remodeled by Rong Mo was cut out abruptly, and it was about to collapse.

"Your Highness..." Ye Qianli looked at her beautiful prince worriedly, and saw that he had lowered his eyes and continued to form a line, but his face became paler! She followed suit.

Fortunately, with the efforts of Xiao Huahua, although Rong Mo was exhausted, it was not too serious, and he could still maintain the level of not hurting the root.

But Yao Zhan has made another effort! And that day, the Dagongzi of the Devil's Palace followed suit, and that's not counting...

"Nuwa! God descended." Ji Wushuang had once again stood on the opposite side of Ye Qianli, and tacitly "joined forces" with Yaozhan and the eldest palace prince of the Tianmo Palace.

Seeing that Ye Qianli immediately looked at Xiao'er and said, "Yi'er, let Xiao Cai go out and let her disperse the poison."

"Okay!" Xiao Yi'er raised his hand, causing the little colorful snake on his wrist to move out again, and Ji Wushuang and Da Gongzi, who had seen its power before, froze in shock.

Although Yao Zhan has never seen how powerful Xiao Cai is, he can feel it! This little snake that suddenly jumped at him had an aura that made him dread it.

Therefore, as soon as the little colorful snake spit out the poisonous smoke, Yao Zhan "disappeared"! When he reappeared, he was already behind Little Colored Snake.

"Yao Mie!" Yao Zhan slapped the formation with a heavy palm, and a burst of "Kacha! Kacha" collapsed, finally unavoidably scattered from every corner of the formation.

Ye Qianli's face changed completely! People also stood up instinctively, protecting Rong Dalang and Rong Xiaoshilang who were setting up the formation, but she just stood up...

"Second idiot, are you really stupid! Didn't you think of using this magic box?" The magic box was almost speechless, but Ye Qianli choked and wanted to smash it again.

"Since you have a way! Why don't you come out and help yourself?" Ye Qianli complained angrily, and had already thrown the magic box at Yao Zhan, almost suffering from a heart attack.

But before she got over it, she was really pissed off and had a heart attack! Because the magic box he threw broke the formation that was on the verge of collapse, and threw it into the hands of the enemy.

Ye Qianli...

She just couldn't look straight at it!

The Piemobox also barked angrily, "Second idiot! Are you sick!? You don't push me, you don't change me, how can I help you?

You have to think that I can repair the formation, I am capable! Fuck... Second idiot, I'm going to be stupid to death by you, and you actually let me fall into the enemy's hands? "

If you don't consider the overall situation! Ye Qianli, whose heart is twitching, just wants to disassemble this cheating box, so much nagging at critical moments?

One day, she will be cheated to death by this broken box!

Fortunately, the cheating magic box knew that the moment Yaozhan couldn't control it, he hurried back to the ancient battlefield! It reappeared in Ye Qianli's hand.

"Crack! Crack,..." And the entire formation at this time has cracked the lines of the secret technique. If it weren't for the poisonous mist of the little colorful snake mixed into the formation, Yaozhan was a little bit jealous, and he would have collapsed with a punch Formation.

But although Yao Zhan didn't attack quickly, he had already flashed into the sky! Initiated the air operation, only when his air attack detonated and bombarded.

"Fantasy!" Ye Qianli has already activated the magic box, causing it to burst out the skill of repairing the formation, and then there are seven-colored divine lights, which are attached to the entire formation like a shadow of seven-color silk net.

just for a moment—


The whole formation seemed to be blessed with chicken blood! The seven-colored divine light radiated instantly, making Ji Wushuang and the two who were ready to "take advantage of the fire" stunned for a moment.

But that's not counting...


According to the remaining breath of the demon bead, Rong Mo and Rong Xi have jointly arranged a new teleportation formation, which is already at this moment! The basic shape emits a subtle light.

"Little Leopard, come!" Rong Mo himself called out to Ye Qianli at the moment when the formation was basically formed, with a rather dignified look on his face.

Because he can vaguely perceive it! A certain old monster in this temple is waking up, with unique and powerful power, it has sprung up like mushrooms, climbing up from the bottom of the temple, along the main hall of the temple, aiming at the top of the temple.

Such power...

Rong Xi, who had just sensed it, suddenly shouted, "The holy old monster is awake!" He was most worried about the old monster's attack, because this existence was too powerful.

If it wasn't for dad not looking down on me! An existence like the holy old monster is enough to enter Mount Sumeru, so how can he, a little boy, be able to stop it?

Therefore, Rong Xi looked at his elder brother rather worriedly, "Brother, I'm afraid this old monster will not let us go to the demon palace." Then they would miss the good opportunity to completely seal him back while the pure blood king demon is weak.

And what Rong Xi was worried about was exactly what Rong Mo was worried about! So at the moment when the teleportation formation was just taking shape, he hugged the big and small leopards that jumped on him consciously, dragged the silly little brother, and flashed directly into the formation.

But at this moment——

"Stay here." Sure enough, it was a vicissitudes old voice from the underground, and it had climbed to the top of the temple! And in an instant, the repaired attack formation was crushed.

All vicissitudes! With the power of Sheng Su, he also turned into a dry old hand, followed the teleportation formation set up by Rong Mo brothers, and caught this family.

ps: Tired... good night~

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