Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 1588 Moses' real body! 2 more

It seemed that there was a tearing monster from the foot of the mountain, but it shocked the whole family, but there was a restriction on the mountain road, and their spiritual sense could not go down the mountain, so they didn't know what the noise was.

"What?" Xiao Yi'er asked curiously, his big eyes rolled around, as if he wanted to go down and have a look, but his father caught him on his shoulder and said, "What's none of your business? It's a good thing."

Xiao Yi'er blushed a little from the training, but stared at his father with a sullen face, and argued very seriously, "I heard something out of the window!"

"Pfft!" Ye Qianli couldn't help laughing, and Rong Xi couldn't help but laugh too. His nephew looked small, but he knew a lot, and his articulate words were also very clear, and his discernment was quite logical.

Rong Mo also poked his son's chubby face angrily, and led his wife to walk forward, "This movement may be caused by that big monster."

"Ah?" Ye Qianli was stunned for a moment, then she wanted to understand and asked, "You mean, seeing that the old monster couldn't stop us, he just let everyone in?"

Hearing that Rong Xi immediately nodded in agreement and said, "It must be, otherwise the mountain path would not have opened by itself, it must be the work of that holy old monster."

"Yeah." Rong Mo nodded, and said, seeing the essence, "He wants the Demon Palace to ban us, after all, we only have one Demon Order."

Ye Qianli and Rong Xi suddenly understood everything, and were about to ask about the countermeasures, but there was another mournful monster cry from the mountain, revealing an unspeakable sadness?

How deep did he have to be to get caught so badly? But thinking of the phantom just now, Ye Qianli also trembled instinctively, it was too real.


At the same time, Yaoming, who had just walked for a while, was trapped in an illusion and couldn't extricate himself. He even murmured tremblingly, "Ye'er, Ye'er!..."

"Pfft——" Yaoming, who spewed out a mouthful of blood, almost regained his clarity after dying half of his life, but his face was extremely pale, and the aura around him was also extremely sinister.

Instead, Ji Wushuang who was nearby was taken aback. If she hadn't been injured by the illusion, she would have left early to avoid being hurt by this person who might go crazy.

"Stinky bitches! What are you looking at?" Yao Ming scolded in an extremely vile mood after sensing Ji Wushuang's gaze, with fierce killing intent in his eyes.

Ji Wushuang sneered, and walked directly up the stone steps. She was not as seriously affected by the illusion as Yao Ming, and her society has basically recovered. If she really wanted to fight, she would not be afraid, but she just didn't want to do useless work.

Yao Ming wanted to kill someone! He really wanted to kill, but he just had the killing idea in his heart, but his body couldn't help it, and he vomited several mouthfuls of blood, so he had to quickly adjust his breath to calm down.

But he really never expected that just one avatar would have such a big impact on him! After he really killed the woman named "Qianye", he was so heartbroken that he went crazy.


"But this avatar has obtained a complete Heavenly Demon inheritance, so it's not easy to erase it." The more Yao Ming thought about it, the more ugly his face became, and there was still a slight throbbing pain in his heart, which made him feel very irritable.

However, he quickly cleared up the irritability and calmly healed the wounds in his body. While he was recuperating, the Blood Demon and the other four had also been sent to the mountain path.

That's not even counting...

"Huh! The mountain path of the Demon Mountain opened earlier?" Ye Wuji, who had just jumped to the Demon Mountain, was a little unhappy when he saw a black passage winding in the center of the Demon Mountain.

It's not even time yet! How to say open it?


Ye Wuji murmured straight to the temple with a sullen face, "What's the matter with your temple? Why did you open the mountain road before the appointed time? I don't accept it!"

"Presumptuous!" The envoys of the temple have been very irritable recently. They didn't expect someone to come up with a gun, and immediately started beating people without saying a word.

But just as the two sides were about to fight, Sheng Lao's voice came out through the air, "Zhi Tian Guan Ye Wu Ji, don't play tricks here, climb the mountain if you want to."

"Hmph!" Ye Wuji didn't dare to make a fuss when he heard that the holy old monster didn't go into seclusion anymore, so he ordered the temple envoy to lead the way.

And his look of "I am the uncle, serve me quickly" also made the temple envoys, who had always been bullies, so angry that they turned their backs.

But when Ye Wuji went in and roared, the old man also passed on a message, to the effect that no matter who came, anyone who wanted to climb the demon mountain could do so.

So Pu Song also went, he was too worried!

What Kepusong didn't know was that the young boy Shigongzi whom he was worried about, was going to be a little prosperous now, because he noticed that the phantom formation on the mountain road was strange.

"It actually used the characteristics of the Avalokitesvara incense. It seems that there are Apollos growing on the Demon Mountain, which is a good thing." The young man sniffed, trying to find out the source of the fragrance.

The magic box also subconsciously popularized Ye Qianli's barrage, "If there is really an apophyllum vine, it would be very good for your uncle."

"Treasures of heaven and earth?" Ye Qianli asked Chuannian.

"A strange vine born in the cycle of reincarnation can reverse the cycle of reincarnation and create something out of nothing, so its fragrance is extremely hallucinogenic, and when combined with a formation, it can be faked. People will die in this illusion."

"It's so powerful..." Ye Qianli was slightly startled, and then she heard Xiao Huahua volunteered to say, "Miss sister, maybe I can help this little brother?"

"You can find it?" Ye Qianli asked in surprise, but felt that Xiao Huahua might really have this ability, after all, it is also a creature of the wood and rattan system.

But Ye Qianli hasn't spoken yet...

"Om." The wisp of samsara mist released by Rong Xi's palm seemed to have discovered something! It flashed in the distance, and the young man's eyes brightened and he said, "I found it! I'll come as soon as I go."

He didn't expect that there would be opportunities for him along the way! If there really was Apollo, he would be able to fully recover, instead of being sick all the time.

"Xiaosi, slow down." Ye Qianli worriedly dragged Rong Mo to follow.

But Rong Mo threw the little guy on his shoulder and said, "Go and chase your little uncle, don't let him be captured by monsters."

"Oh." Xiao Yi'er was a little bit reluctant at first, but still ran out obediently, running "da da da" all the way, and quickly caught up with Rong Xi.

"Let's hurry up too!" Ye Qianli was even more worried.

But Rong Mo dragged her and said, "Let them play for a while, as long as Xiao Si accepts Apoluo, there will be no other dangers along the way, so don't worry."

"That's not okay, they are still young, what if?" Ye Qianli still dragged people to follow.

"Ah—" came from the front, Xiao Yi'er's rather shrill scream! It made Ye Qianli run faster, and her face turned pale.

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