Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 1591 Big and small leopards 666! 2 more

"Ah! Dad, help..." Xiao Yi'er's voice for help gradually faded away at the same time as it started, and it was cut off as if being strangled.

"Go!" Although Rong Mo was still worried, he had no choice but to let his wife in without hesitation, and he could at least continue to think of ways to see if he could break through the palace door.

Ye Qianli also used the demon order almost the moment he nodded! He was teleported to the inner hall of the demon hall, leaving only the anxious Rong Xi and the dark-faced Rong Mo outside the hall.

"Brother..." Rong Xi was worried, but he also knew that this was actually the best decision. He also knew that his sister-in-law had a wonderful hiding skill, and she could hide with her nephew.

It's a pity that I can't take him and my eldest brother, otherwise there will be no problems. Although the sister-in-law didn't actually say that she couldn't take the two brothers with her, she didn't say that she could, and that already explained everything.

However, Rong Mo was very calm at this moment, he was already a little closer to the gate of the palace, and said to his silly brother, "This formation has been activated once, and I have written down the rules of operation, I will try it out Crack it, you help me sweep the array."

"Okay." Rong Xi nodded immediately, and his whole body tensed up. He knew that in the event of an accident, he must protect his brother as quickly as possible.

He also studied this formation just now, but he was dizzy from seeing it. He only felt that it was extremely complicated. He didn't expect that his elder brother was so capable that he could still remember it.

But even if he remembers it, Rong Xi also knows that it is still very difficult to crack it. He can vaguely feel that this is probably the formation formed by his father at his peak, and the requirements for the cracker's mental strength and cultivation are absolutely harsh. To the extreme.

"I hope sister-in-law can rescue Yi'er safely. It would be great if she can open the door along the way." Rong Xi felt that this is the most beautiful possibility, and it is also a relatively achievable possibility.

As for Ye Qianli, whom Rong Xi placed high hopes on, she would have landed in the inner hall of the Demon Palace under the transmission of a wave of nether energy.

But at this moment, the inner hall is unbelievably quiet, and also unbelievably dark! If it weren't for her right eye, she wouldn't be able to see any outlines in such a dark environment.


"Go away! I hate it!" Xiao Yi'er's resonant and angry cry soon became very loud and prominent in the vast darkness and silence.

"Yi'er!" Ye Qianli was overjoyed, but she didn't act rashly, but asked the magic box to help her carefully identify where Xiao Yi'er was.

The magic box is quite reliable this time, and the barrage that can guide the way said, "Let me go forward to the left first, don't use any strength, hide all the breath."

Ye Qianli acted immediately, and the magic box also frequently reminded her with bullet screens, which allowed Ye Qianli to move towards Xiao Yier's direction smoothly.

And this little Yi'er! In a fit of rage, he snapped completely, and after snapping off his tentacles vigilantly, he borrowed his seat and escaped.

The location where he escaped happened to be at the junction of the inner and outer halls, where there were many pillars and organs! Relying on a borrowed position, relying on the mechanism he touched casually, he got rid of the tracking of the tentacles, and this will be done quietly! Lying in the dark.

"..." The tentacles, which were shaking silently, did not let him go, and were still patrolling the area where he was hiding, almost touching his small body again several times.

Fortunately, when he was caught, he had already shrunk in advance! This meeting is as big as a fist and takes up so little space, making it even harder to find.

That's not even counting...

"Mom?!" The little guy sensed it very quickly, and was slowly groping towards him! Ye Qianli's breath made him a little excited.

But in order not to be caught by the tentacles again, he knew how to be careful, and slowly approached his mother in fear, avoiding those tentacles all the way.

"The little monster found you!" The magic box was very keenly aware of it! The little guy approached purposefully, which made him feel a little bit old-fashioned and comforted.

Ye Qianli also breathed a sigh of relief, but she was more careful, because she could already sense that there were so many tentacles in this area, and if she was a little careless, she might be cold.

"Fortunately, the pure-blooded king demon is cultivating, otherwise these tentacles must be sharper." Magic Box thought, according to the current situation, as long as there are no other accidents, the two idiots and mothers can meet smoothly.

However, what the magic box doesn't know is that there is really an accident brewing!

At this moment, he has already figured out that the teleportation array that Rong Mo set up before is actually able to go straight to the holy old man in the inner hall of the Demon Palace, his sharp eyes have already flashed! Following the residual breath of Rong Mo's collapsed teleportation array and the formation tricks he could memorize, he began to set up another teleportation array.

Originally, he didn't have this thought, because he couldn't leave the temple, but now he found out! The ink-containing transport array has acceleration.

"After being destroyed by me, it is still possible to reach the depths of the demon mountain in an instant, or before the formation is completely completed, if it can be arranged properly..."

Sheng Lao, who was meditating here secretly, thought! He might be able to use this teleportation array to reach the Demon Palace he dreamed of, as long as he doesn't leave the temple for too long, it should be fine, after all, he has already made arrangements in the Demon Palace.

Thinking like this...

Sheng Lao stretched out a pair of silver eyebrows involuntarily, and a very shining light flashed in his eyes, which represented his ambition.

But right now, he found that Rong Mo, the son of King Sumeru, was once again beyond his expectations! It is really possible to break through the prohibition formation under the premise that the cloth touches the palace gate to kill.

"As expected of King Xumi's son, even though his strength is far inferior to King Xumi's, his attainments in formations are like King Xumi's." The old man praised him sincerely, but he didn't mean to fulfill it.

He intends to stop that kid from breaking the formation. After all, the result he wants is that the two heirs of Prince Xumi die in the Demon Mountain! Died under King Xumi's own restraint.

So he immediately re-arranged the teleportation array according to the formation tricks he wrote down, and prepared to arrive first, so that the family could not enter the Demon Palace smoothly.

And with his state of mind, plus he has already understood the various nodes of Rong Mo's previous formation, so the teleportation formation was successfully deployed in less than a quarter of an hour in his hands.

But this time, Xiao Yi'er has already reunited with his mother! Ye Qianli was holding her little son tightly in her palms as if she had lost and found it again, and almost bored the little Yi'er out of trouble.

Even so, the little guy didn't struggle, he just obediently lay on his mother's neck, allowing his mother to lead him and sneak out of the hall.

Ye Qianli's goal is very clear, sneak back to the gate of the palace! Open the door of the hall so that the Rong Mo brothers can come in, but——

But the magic box suddenly alerted the barrage and said, "Second idiot, don't move!"



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