Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 1593 Protect Your Wife and Be Domineering! 1 more

Because the voice was so real, it didn't seem like it was transmitted through the air, but rather like the old monster himself, standing in the hall of demons! But this possibility should not exist.

But this voice is true! It's so real, so real...

Rong Mo's mind was suddenly affected, and his mental power, which was placed in the restraining formation at the gate of the temple, also changed immediately! The process of breaking the formation, which is halfway through, is on the verge of wasting all previous efforts.

In this instant, Rong Xi's handsome face sank, and he stopped every word! He said to his elder brother very clearly and calmly, "Brother, he can't leave the temple! Don't worry."

These twelve decisive words were used by Rong Xi's secret method! Like a jade stone smashed to the ground, it shattered in Rong Mo's heart very clearly and coldly, with a piercing coldness that made Rong Mo, who was slightly affected, immediately regain his senses.


The mental power that was almost at the level was immediately corrected, and the process of breaking the formation that was on the verge of collapse was also completely stabilized in a silent moment.

A person like Rong Mo is originally a person with an extraordinary mind. If he hadn't cared too much about his wife and children, he would not have been affected in any way. Now that he has been "awakened" by Rong Xi, naturally there is no possibility of him falling into the trap.

This made the holy old monster who noticed this scene immediately sighed on the top of the temple, "This is not a trick, it seems that I can only pass by myself."

He originally wanted to use the semi-formed formation to transmit his own voice, so that the son of King Sumeru would mess up the formation first, so as to gain more time to deploy the transmission formation.

Of course, it would be even better if the two heirs of King Xumi could be eliminated just like that, but unfortunately...his little trick didn't achieve any of the expected effects at all.




In the front hall of the Demon Palace, Ye Qianli and Xiao Yi'er, who were still stiff, became even stiffer! He stared dazedly at the strands of dark and strange light coiling around them.

And these lights...

They appeared at the moment when the voice of the holy old monster appeared in the hall of demons.

It seemed that the voice of the holy old monster was the mechanism that activated these strange lights, making them wrap around Ye Qianli's mother and son, and also made them feel like they were being wrapped up by a life-threatening snake.

This feeling made both Ye Qianliniang's bodies tense instinctively, and they didn't dare to move at all! Even the ancient battlefield, she didn't dare to push it.

Because her intuition told her that once she acted rashly, even if she moved a little bit, she would only usher! The fate of death.

This intuition made her dare not move instinctively. She didn't want to die, let alone be killed by the child, so she didn't even dare to roll her eyes.

She didn't move, and Xiao Yi'er was too affected to dare to move! Although he didn't know what was haunting him, he clearly felt that his mother didn't want him to move.

That's why the little boy remained motionless, maintaining his original movements, like a small wooden man who had been petrified in an instant, still retaining the posture of pushing the door and inserting it.


"Buzz! Buzz..."

Those terrible dark lights have not faded away, and even intensified! It filled the entire front hall, making Ye Qianli feel more and more dangerous.

The Pianmo Box, the funeral door box, also said in a mourning barrage, "Second idiot, I'm afraid you and the little monster are really going to die now. If I'm not wrong, these strange lights should be captured by King Sumeru. The one that grants the power of life and death—the ruling god.

In this front hall, I am afraid that the Nine-Turn Saint Judgment Formation was arranged. The ruling rule urged by the Nine-Turn Holy Judgment Formation comes from the same source as the power of the Judgment Saint Beast, but it is even better, and can destroy the formation Any creature within range. "

Ye Qianli...

She knew that Magic Box's funeral report was correct this time! Because her intuition told her so, she believed that as long as these strange lights made trouble, she and Xiao Yi'er would definitely die.

Even though she has Taiyi source spirit! I'm afraid it's too late to save her.

Even if her child possesses the divine body of Siyuan! This time, it was not immune to difficulties.

So she dare not move...

But the breath of death did not show any signs of disappearing because of her "docileness", and it even became more and more intense! It made Ye Qianli feel like she was waiting to die.

This made the holy old monster who knew the situation of the demon hall after going through the formation, suddenly feel like "there is nowhere to find it, and it doesn't take much effort to get it".

"Heh..." the holy old monster couldn't help but sneered, "Rong Mo, if you don't come in, you will collect the corpses of your wife and children. Oh, no, I'm afraid there are no bones left. The nine-turn holy tribunal really deserves its reputation. "

As soon as this statement came out...


Rong Mo, who heard the words "Nine Turns Saint Tribunal", immediately raised his eyes and stared at the small hole! There is a dim light floating in and out of his eyes, like a deep evening cloud, extremely gloomy and bleak.

Because he has already sensed the aura of the Nine-Turn Holy Tribunal, but he has not yet confirmed it, or dare not confirm it, now...


"Buzz! Hum..." The aura of the Nine-Turn Sacred Judgment Formation completely launched from the front hall of the Demon Palace has spread to the gate of the hall, and is about to move the pattern on the gate of the hall to form the Nine-Turn Sacred Judgment Extermination Formation.

This is the ultimate formation stretching across the front hall, the gate, and the mountain path of the demon hall, and it can destroy all living beings here! The ultimate extermination formation is also the ultimate killing formation that the holy old monster wants Rong Mo to touch.

"Heh..." The old monster really laughed, he never expected that even though Rong Mo restrained himself! This formation is still fully activated.

"Brother..." Rong Xi's childish voice also revealed a strong sense of confusion because of the strange light floating on the palace door again.

Even though he had prepared for the worst! But the problems that arise now are still far beyond his expectations. He doesn't even seem to be able to take his elder brother away quickly?

Rong Xi also felt it because of these strange lights that continuously emerged! As long as he dares to move, he will be wiped out immediately, and this intuition...

Rong Xi had never experienced it before! It really scared him a little.

But the holy old monster couldn't help but continued, "I really want to know how King Sumeru would feel if he knew that the nine-turn Holy Judgment Annihilation Formation he set up would end up exterminating his own heirs? "

However, just after he finished his expectant words, Rong Mo moved! Although he moved very slightly, he only moved his consciousness a little and fluctuated his mental power.



Thousands of dense taboo blue lights suddenly appeared on the gate of the demon hall, causing the holy old monster to widen his sharp eyes and reveal an inconceivable expression.

But what makes him even more incredible is! When these taboo blue lights erupted, the extraordinary light of judgment from the Nine-Turn Holy Judgment Formation did not destroy Rong Mo in an all-round way.

That's not even counting...


Almost in the blink of an eye! Thousands of taboo blue lights, together with the looming light of judgment, were extinguished on the dark palace gate.

This still doesn't count...

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