Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 1595 Sacrifice! 3 more


At this moment, the extremely bulky gate of the Demon Palace slowly let out an ear-piercing rubbing sound that made people feel anxious, and the "crack"-like gap also opened up with the sound.

"..." |

The four people in front of the demon hall, as well as Gui Jianchou and Arab who just came from behind, were all stunned to see it! The gate of the demon hall was opened unexpectedly.


It was actually opened!

Since the temple! The gate of the demon hall, which had never been opened before, was completely opened at this moment, and the person who opened it.


Yao Ming.


"The protector of the underworld is powerful." Tian Yaozi said in a strange voice, and his eyes also revealed a bizarre and unbelievable meaning. If he hadn't been wearing a mask, his expression would have been as exciting as Ji Wushuang and others.

But compared to the bystanders, Yao Ming's face! It was far more exciting than anyone else, and he couldn't believe it. He just touched the door, and the door opened by itself.

This made him subconsciously think! There's something strange about it, he doesn't even dare to go in...

"Thank you!" After thanking Rong Xi, he took the lead in entering the hall without saying a word, and walked towards the inner hall with big strides, walking very fast! It's just windy.

Seeing that Yao Ming almost stared out of his eyes, Tian Yaozi had already become the second person to walk into the palace with the wind, and he had no scruples at all.

"You..." Yao Ming felt that he was about to explode his lungs again, but this time he hastened to follow him in, he couldn't be the one who opened the door! Turns out he was the last one to enter.

Ji Wushuang took a look, and saw that the three people who entered hadn't used their cultivation, and there was no other difference, so she quickly followed.

"We, shall we also go in and have a look?" Gui Jianchou, who had no friendship, looked at Arabo and walked towards the main hall tacitly, but was cut off by the blood devil and rushed in first.

"Hey! You wait for me—" Ye Wuji, who rushed over quickly, saw that everyone was gone, so he quickly jumped into the hall, fearing that he would be locked out of the door.

And his worries really paid off! Because he had just jumped in, the dark hall door slammed shut, and it shut itself.

"Damn it!" Pusong, who was rushing over, kicked the door quickly, trying to open the door, but it hurt so much, he himself let out an "ouch" first, and felt that his ankle was about to crack.

But before he goes "ouch!" He seemed to see a ray of light, and rushed to him in front of him, as if it was a person?

Pu Song didn't see it clearly, the only thing he knew was that the gate of the palace was closed! He still didn't catch up.


And at that time, after Rong Mo used the demon order, the road was unimpeded! Ye Qianli and Xiao Yi'er who returned to the inner hall, they have already seen Rong Mo who was sent in.

"Father!" Xiao Yi'er jumped straight onto his father's shoulder, and hugged his father's neck tightly, his big eyes were still shining purple.

Although he didn't witness the scene of Rong Mo breaking the formation with his own eyes, this little guy could feel it! Just now he and his mother were able to get out of trouble because of their father's movement.

So the little one admired him very much, "Father is amazing! Yi likes it."

Rong Mo patted his son on the back with satisfaction, then strode towards the daughter-in-law in front of him, then pulled him into his arms and asked, "How is it?"

"It's okay." Ye Qianli shook her head, but said with a frown, "Do you think it's weird that this place is so quiet?"

Just now there were dangers everywhere! All of a sudden, everything came to an end. She ran all the way and didn't even touch a single tentacles, which was too strange.

"En." Rong Mo nodded his head in sympathy, but his expression was still a lot more relaxed, and he subconsciously hugged the person in his arms a little tighter.

Ye Qianli also wrapped her arms around his narrow waist in response, but her spiritual consciousness scattered around vigilantly, except for the real silence! She can't feel anything.

The same is true for Rong Mo...

"Your Highness?" Ye Qianli hugged Rong Mo's narrow waist more and more worriedly, and wanted to hide Xiao Yi'er in the ancient battlefield first, but she hadn't had time to do so.


The entire dark inner hall suddenly lit up! That eye-shaped formation, as expected, silently reappeared in front of Ye Qianli at this moment.

However, Ye Qianli breathed a sigh of relief, feeling a little relieved that it was indeed the case.

But Rong Mo narrowed his eyes slightly, and hugged the person in his arms even tighter! Because he didn't notice the pure-blood king demon's aura that should have been strong.

Although this possibility may be due to the fact that the pure blood king demon has been weakened after being swallowed by the demon beads, Rong Mo thinks that! It shouldn't be.


"Om!" A breath of formation that Rong Mo didn't think was unfamiliar, it really happened at this moment! Floating above the eye-shaped formation.

Immediately afterwards——


Ye Qianli saw it with wide eyes! An old man with white hair and silver eyebrows and a handsome face like a young man made her almost immediately think that this was the real body of the pure-blooded demon king.

But this thought was immediately dispelled by her, because she found out! The aura emitted by the other party was exactly the same as that of the holy old monster who had captured them before.


"Holy monster?!" Ye Qianli said in disbelief.

And at this moment, let alone Ye Qianli couldn't believe it, even the magic box was stunned, "How could he come here? Isn't he trapped in the temple by the rules and can't come out?"

"I underestimated you." Rong Mo didn't expect it either, but he had already accepted the fact that he knew that the other party had copied his formation.

"Heh..." Sheng Wuming smiled, "We are each other." He also underestimated the son of King Sumeru, but he was suddenly grateful for this underestimation.

Otherwise, if this young son of King Sumeru died outside just now, who will help him achieve his great cause! Ten thousand years of vision.

Thinking of this, Sheng Wuming smiled more sincerely, but Xiao Yi'er and Ye Qianli instinctively felt malicious! And subconsciously frowned.

Rong Mo was also the first time! He protected his wife and children behind him, and exuded the brand-new breath of power he obtained in the Tiandao hunting ground.


"Come on, help me break the formation." Sheng Wuming raised his hand, and with one move, Rong Mo was smashed! And Ye Qianli and Xiao Yi'er directly recruited on the eyes of the blood-filled black pupil.

That's not even counting...


Sheng Wuming, whose cultivation level surpassed that of the domain king, did not give Rong Mo's family any chance to resist at all! He put this family directly into the eyes of the formation, and sacrificed to the formation.


"Gulu! Gulu,..."

A series of "swallowing" sounds, at this moment! Clearly accompanied by the disappearance of Rong Mo's family, it appeared in the eyes of Rong Xi, Ye Wuji and his group.

They just came in! They saw this scene.


Juegen powder: Where are my rotten eggs? Come on! I want to smash even my stepmother!

Lian Jue: Say what? Bad signal, didn't hear it! I am my mother...


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