Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 1598 Rong Xiaosi explodes! 3 more

"I just don't know what happened to the king?" The only thing Yao Zhan had in mind was this, so he subconsciously glanced at the top of Yao Mo Mountain, and his eyes were glued to the dark ancient temple.

And in the inner hall of this palace, except for the one who is still peeling off the cocoon! Rong Xi, who was studying the formation, had gloomy expressions on the faces of the others.

"Can I just sit and wait for death?" As the next successor of Guiyao Valley, Gui Jianchou's complexion was a little paler than usual, with a terrifying ghostly aura, like a dead ghost without any life.

"Otherwise?" Arab asked back with a pale face. They tried their best in the past three days, but they couldn't find any way out in this dark temple, which made people despair.

"He must have a solution!" Gui Jianchou couldn't help but stare at Rong Xi, whose back was facing them, with a pair of dark ghost eyes.

Although Gui Jianchou didn't know about the relationship between Rong Xi and Rong Mo, what Rong Xi showed in the past few days was that he understood the opponent! Let him subconsciously have this guess.

It's not just ghosts, but other people actually have this kind of thinking, so at this moment, everyone subconsciously focuses on Rong Xi, with serious eyes.

For them, the safety of Rong Mo's family is not in their consideration, as long as they get out of this ghostly place, they will die here without gaining any benefits.

"Idiot." Yaoming sneered coldly, attracting many people's attention, but he had already stood up and walked towards Rongxi and the other three, startled Tian Yaozi and Ye Wuji who were guarding vigilantly, immediately stopped him.

Yao Ming didn't force her to get closer and asked, "What's the matter? There is a way to solve it!" He was getting impatient with waiting, the most important thing is! He had an intuition that something might be wrong, and he felt a little restless in his heart.

This kind of irritability is also entrenched in Ji Wushuang's heart at this moment, making her subconsciously stare at the back of Xiuxian. Seeing that this young man has been busy for three days, she seems to have some clues.

Rong Xi did have some clues, his face sank, and he said without any concealment, "The formation laid down by the holy old monster not only blocked the escape route of Young Master Rong's family, but also hid other mysteries. I'm afraid it's to absorb the power of the pure-blooded demon king."

"What?!" Leng Shisan's face changed slightly, but Yaoming showed a thoughtful look, "It's interesting." He really didn't expect that the old monster would have such ambitions.

"Is there a way to crack it?" Ji Fengtian asked immediately! What he thought of was, if this holy old man really succeeded, where would Wanyu still have a foothold for the super clan? Ji's, who bears the brunt, may not be able to please him even more.

In this way...

However, the atmosphere in the hall has changed. After all, the news about Rong Xi is not bad news for the people in Yaoyu, so they don't want to crack it.

But Rong Xi raised his voice again, "I see that there are ten blood grooves in the formation, and the aura of the ten people I wait for is just what I need, so when the pure blood king demon breaks the formation, it is when I wait for the sacrifice formation."

"What!?" All the people in the hall changed their expressions in unison, even if the blood devil and the others were devout towards the temple! But in the end, he hasn't reached the level where he is willing to sacrifice his life.

"How to crack it?" Yao Ming asked directly! There was an invisible Taoze in his eyes, flickering slightly, but because of his slightly drooping long eyelashes, no one could see the clue.

"That depends on whether you are willing to cooperate." Rong Xi responded lightly, but he was carefully thinking about the deduction of the entire formation in his mind, and he was still calculating where the best chance of winning was to crack.

He knows he doesn't have much time! The aura of the pure-blood king demon has recovered quite a bit, and it won't be long before this monster will explode.

In fact...

He also underestimated the pure blood king demon!


"Gulu! Gulu,..." In the eyes of the dense blood bubbles, the breath of the pure blood king demon is already recovering! Rong Xi's face changed slightly.

"How to cooperate?" Ji Wushuang asked decisively.

"Don't resist my power, let me control you, if one person can't do it, everyone will die together." Rong Xi said calmly.

"You put it lightly! How can we trust you?" Gui Jianchou retorted immediately, anyway, he would not give his wealth and life to this child.

"Whatever you want." Rong Xi became more calm, "I am an immortal reincarnation body, even if I am here, I can still be reborn at the initial stage."

"Undead reincarnation body?!" Several people's faces changed again! There was disbelief in his eyes, and although Ji Wushuang was surprised, he said without doubt, "No wonder you are so young, and your parents are willing to let you out to take risks."

Rong Xi glanced at him lightly, then held Ye Wuji's hand, a little hesitant to speak, he really didn't have much confidence in these people, but in order to save his elder brother! He had to trust these people, otherwise he had absolutely nothing to do.

But in this way, sister-in-law's grandfather may die for it! By then...

"Just do this, Grandpa believes in you." Ye Wuji's old eyes flashed, and he patted the back of the young man's hand with his backhand, comforting him: "Grandpa is old, even if he dies, he has no regrets, let alone a chance to survive. "

"Jie——" the voice of the pure blood king demon, but at this moment! Floating under the seal, she expressed unspeakable joy, "What kind of luck is this master, 'waking up' has everything ready."

It's about to happen! On the contrary, Rong Xi's expression became calmer. He could feel that the formation under his feet had been affected. He only glanced at the other eight people, but didn't say a word.

"..." Ji Wushuang and the others, whose face was as heavy as water, felt stunned, but they all knew it! They had no choice but stood behind Rong Xi without saying anything.

"Heh..." The pure blood king demon laughed, "That old tortoise Sheng Wuming actually wanted to plot against me, but his formation is very clever."

As a pure-blood king demon who can be immortalized by King Sumeru, his mind is naturally not inferior to Sheng Wuming, so how can he fail to see the latter's design.

But he doesn't care! So he was about to touch his claws and stab into those trapped in his formation! In the body of Rong Mo who had been unconscious for a long time, in an instant——

"Om!" The demon hall suddenly shook! There was a terrible suction force, and the ten people of Rong Xi were sucked into the formation in an orderly manner. Countless tentacles emitting blood-colored fluorescent light immediately boarded ten people.

Rong Xi's whole body scattered! The supreme Sumeru power, and his slightly childish voice, also unquestionably said at this moment, "Dismiss the defense! God belongs to me."

Ji Wushuang and the others took a deep breath! But they all gritted their teeth and let go of their guard, letting the terrifying suction force suck their vitality without hindrance.

at the same time--

"Reincarnation! Sumi is exhausted, great thousand turns! Universal life." Rong Xi's voice, which was as clear as it was childish, diffused into everyone's ears at this moment, and turned their spiritual consciousness! Overbearing control.

That's not even counting...


ps: Regarding the Xiaoxiang directory, the new method I got now is to refresh it several times. There are reverse order and forward order marks in the upper right corner. You don’t need to turn to the bottom, and reading in order is no problem.

Regarding the issue of the announcement after turning the page in the last chapter, this is the same for everyone. There is no charge for the announcement, so don’t read the announcement~

Finally, there is still the question of being ducked?

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