Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 1619 Number one in the world! 3 more

Long Hengxuan's cultivation! Amidst the shock and anger that filled the entire hall, it slowly dissipated, and his life also withered, as if he couldn't bear it anymore.

The dragon's spine and dragon tendons are the lifeblood of the dragon clan. The reason why Long Hengxuan is not dead is only because his cultivation is not weak, so he can barely support it.


He whose cultivation base has been abolished! Naturally, I can't hold it anymore, and I don't want to hold it anymore.

It's all useless, what else is there to survive?

For practitioners, cultivation is more important than life.

What's more, since he was revealed to be good at Longyang, his status in the Monster Dragon Clan has not been as good as before. If his mother clan hadn't been prominent and helped him to support him, he would have been abolished as a young master long ago.


That's all.

fair enough.

As he was dying, Long Hengxuan didn't feel that he had any regrets in this life, but unconsciously appeared in his mind, the one he hated to the bone! Ye Qianli's face.

He is a little envious, envious that she can have a true love, and envious that even though she is not in the Limenghui, the weak members of the Limenghui are still proud and proud of her.

And him?

He has nothing.

Maybe that's why he's doing it.

He envied her and yearned for her, like being in the dark, yearning for the light.


Long Hengxuan smiled lightly, like mockery, but he didn't realize that the whole hall had become unbelievably quiet, his cultivation hadn't dissipated, and his vitality was recovering rapidly.

On the contrary, Zipeng's vitality has quickly disappeared and disappeared along with the long sword piercing through his chest.

"This..." Zipeng stared at the sharp and cold sword on his chest in astonishment, but he was speechless. When he opened his mouth, only blood gushed out, and his words were out of tune.

Ye Qianli, who made the shot, drew back his long sword, kicked Zipeng away, and popped a pill into Long Hengxuan's mouth to help him regain his scattered cultivation.

Although she came a step late and didn't know the inside story, the expressions of the members of the Limenghui let her know that she should rescue Long Hengxuan.

"You..." Zipeng looked at Ye Qianli in astonishment, but couldn't say anything, and could only die with regret! He stared at Ye Qianli's silhouette.

"..." |

The scene was sluggish.

Because Ye Qianli's appearance was so sudden, and she didn't seem to use any strength, and she ended Zipeng's tricks with a single sword, which is really surprising.

No matter what Zipeng said, he was also a peak domain master! Could it be that……

"Is she also a half-step domain king?" Qin Banruo was the first to guess, but he found that he couldn't perceive Ye Qianli's accurate cultivation at all.

But even for an existence like Qi Tiandao, he can perceive and guess that Qi Tiandao is a middle-level half-step domain king, but he is completely uncertain about Ye Qianli's realm?

Not only was Qin Banruo uncertain, but Zhu Xiaowen and Qi Tiandao also couldn't perceive what state Ye Qianli had reached at this moment.

This made Zhu Xiaowen frowned subconsciously. After all, not long ago, when he was recruited into the castle, he could still tell that Ye Qianli was only at the peak realm of a domain master.

Could it be that in less than half an hour, Ye Qianli advanced to the Domain King Realm?



If the Domain King Realm was so easy to advance to, there wouldn't be only a few domain kings in Wanyu.

But if he hadn't advanced to Chengyu King, why wouldn't he be able to perceive Ye Qianli's cultivation level?

Could it be...

"Is it because of the crown?!" Zhu Xiaowen's eyebrows flashed, and he thought of the throne, the crown on the throne, and what the old man in white had said.

And Qi Tiandao, who also thought of these things, ordered with a sullen face, "Ye Qianli, hand over the crown! You are not worthy to be the master of the ancient king city."

"Presumptuous!" The white-clothed old man came out with cold eyes, and Qi Tiandao knelt on the ground on the spot, his complexion was extremely pale.

"Bastard!" Qilin Hui was furious all over, and wanted to attack the white-clothed old man one after another, but none of them could move, only feeling as if they were trapped by chains.

"Hmph." The old man in white sneered, "Overestimating one's abilities."

"Senior! It's not what you said, isn't this woman worthy to be the master of the ancient king's city?" Qi Tiandao asked angrily, not understanding how the old man backed down and helped Ye Qianli.

"Shut up!" The white-clothed old man's face was quite ugly, and he scolded as if he had been poked in a sore spot, "The master has inherited the crown, and he is the master of my Bai Fengchun. How can you wait for Xiao Xiao to question it."

"I..." Qi Tiandao blushed, but he knew it! With the old man in white helping Ye Qianli, he will definitely not be able to take back the ancient king city.


He refuses to accept it!

A feeling of shame and anger at being teased made him feel as if he was being bitten by ants, and his whole body was extremely uncomfortable.



In the hall, it is still at this moment! It was derived from the Hongmeng List, which originally only appeared in the maze, and the number one on the list has also passed away from Qi Tiandao! It was changed to - Ye Qianli.

It's her again!

Ye Qianli, who was the top of the list in the past, made the list again because of her reappearance, and as soon as she made it! It's still the first, and it still occupies the top position.

Such a Hongmeng list! Undoubtedly, it was a slap, which slapped Qi Tiandao hard on the face, making him, who was second in the list, look blue and red intertwined, very colorful.

"I don't accept it!" Qi Tiandao roared angrily, and stared at Ye Qianli sharply, "Unless you defeat me, you will only be humiliated today, and I, Qi Tiandao, will definitely take it back a hundred times."

"You..." The old man in white was about to reprimand, but Ye Qianli withdrew her hand and swung him down, while she looked at Qi Tiandao who stood up immediately.

When I saw Qi Tiandao for the first time, he defeated Ji Fengtian, his combat strength was beyond the reach of her at that time, but today...

"What's the matter with the first battle." Ye Qianli retracted the long sword in his hand, and the seven-colored divine light went out, and the old man in white's old eyes flickered, so he was sure of it! Why was he, the new master, able to conquer the ancient king city so quickly.

It turned out to be it!

Hongmeng Magic Box!

The painstaking work of the old city lord was already in the hands of Ye Qianli, no wonder the crown did not resist! Compared with the Hongmeng's Magic Box, the crown is nothing to say.

I see……

Ye Qianli, who wanted to let the old man in white see clearly, glanced at the stunned and enlightened eyes in his eyes, and then turned to Qi Tiandao, who was already ready to go.

"Roar!" Qi Tiandao, who burst out of Qilin's body in anger, trampled out of the space with one foot, and trampled out the thick and regular power! But with all his strength, the temple was about to collapse completely.


"Come down." Ye Qianli transformed the basic rules of the nine elements with one palm, but silently disintegrated all the attacks of Qi Tiandao! Do not waste effort.

Rules under her control! The resulting empty palm also easily dragged Qi Tiandao off the ground and fell into the hall, shaking out a riot.


The whole hall was dead silent.

one move……

Just one move!

Qi Tiandao, who was originally at the top of the Hongmeng list, was dragged off the altar by Ye Qianli, who was again at the top of the Hongmeng list, and stood up and down! It is astonishing.

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