Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 1644 The big monster breaks through the domain! 1 more

It is the center of Wanyu! It was also the location of the Ji family, so he swept in this direction, even if some spiritual senses scanned him, he didn't notice any problems.

What's more, Patriarch Ji deliberately concealed it, so naturally he didn't leave any loopholes. He just kept walking towards the destination, even though he already knew from Sheng Wuming's memory that there was no other exit from the entire demon realm.

Although logically speaking, Rong Mo and others would definitely not be able to get out, but he didn't want any accidents.

After more than an hour...


Under Bai Fengchun's swipe of his sleeves, Rong Mo and the others fell to the foot of the Demon Mountain. Because there are restrictions on the mountain, it's okay to go out, but if you want to go in, you can't rush.

Even if Bai Fengchun's power is strong, he can't guarantee that in the face of such a restriction, he can safely deliver so many people with him to the Demon Palace.

What's more, Rong Mo didn't want to break the restrictions on the Demon Mountain. After all, this place is not suitable for people to approach, so these restrictions in the mountain are the best way to keep people away.

"Climb the mountain carefully." Rong Mo gave a warning, and took Ye Qianli to take a step ahead. After all, they walked through it once, so they are more familiar with each other.

Ye Wuji wanted to carry Xiao Yi'er away, but the little one disagreed and insisted on leaving alone! He also dragged his little fourth uncle and ran to the front together.

"Yi'er..." Ye Qianli was afraid that Rong Xi, who had just recovered, would be injured again, and wanted to ask Xiao Yi'er to follow behind at a leisurely pace, but the two disappeared without a trace.

"It's okay." Rong Mo squeezed the soft hand in his palm to reassure her, and he strengthened the restrictions along the way, trying to keep people from getting close to the demon hall, and it is best to stop the pure blood king demon.

It's a pity that the eyes of the main formation were damaged, and all the restraining power of Yaomo Mountain has been reduced. It is difficult to make up for it. It is very difficult to hinder the powerhouse of the pure blood Wang Yao.

Fortunately, the pure blood king demon must not have recovered yet, and in a short time, it can prevent him from going up the mountain. Of course, if he had already gone up the mountain, it would be even better if he could catch a turtle in the urn this time.

But Rong Mo knew very well that since the pure blood king demon had run away, he would definitely not return before he recovered half of his strength, and he was definitely not here now.

Afterwards, the empty Demon Palace also confirmed Rong Mo's conjecture, but Ye Qianli at the side saw sharp-eyed, her Yi'er seemed to be smiling a bit too much?

"Yi'er, what's the fun? Why don't you share it with your mother?" Ye Qianli couldn't help asking teasingly. She rarely saw the little guy laughing so happily, and she couldn't care less about being reserved. Got to show his teeth.

"Hee~" Xiao Yi'er said with curved eyebrows, "Uncle said, grandpa has a lot of hair, a lot!" So he will definitely not be bald in the future!

"Pfft!" Ye Qianli couldn't hold back her laughter, and hugged the little guy in a funny and affectionate way and said, "That's natural, if your grandfather has the gene of baldness, even if your father is not bald, he must be bald." Not so much, such good hair."

"Yes!" Xiao Yi'er became more and more confident, almost bubbling with joy.

"Hahaha..." Ye Wuji laughed in a great mood when he saw it, and he was very greedy to hug this cute little guy.

Ye Batian also wanted to tease his grandson, but he was called to work by Rong Mo, so he could only look enviously, and Ye Wuji, who was teasing the baby, gave the empress a loving look.

The empress pretended she didn't see it, and knelt down to talk to Xiao Yi'er.

As for Rong Xi, he naturally couldn't escape being a coolie.

"Grandpa, you and mother will take care of Yi'er, and Lao Bai and I will also go down to have a look." Whether Ye Qianli was worried, she brought Bai Fengchun to follow.

The ghost king was already concerned about the affairs here, but Ye Batian didn't invite him to go, so he couldn't help but "cough", showing his presence.

But Ye Batian glanced at Rong Mo, the latter knew what he meant, and nodded slightly, Ye Batian recruited the ghost king and said, "You also come down together."

"Yes! Hades." The ghost king immediately responded.

A group of people then sneaked into the ground, Xiao Yier saw that everyone was gone, and wanted to follow! Then he stretched out his arms towards Ye Wuji and said, "Grandfather, hug me down."

"Ouch! It's no problem, of course it's fine." Ye Wuji hugged the little one flattered, and explained to the empress again, asking him to take the boys and stay on top.

Although Zhu Yunwen and the others were curious, they also had a sense of propriety, knowing that with their cultivation level, they were definitely going to cause trouble if they babbled to follow, so it was better to stay honest.

As soon as Ye Qianli and the others arrived at the domain wall, they were naturally shocked by the sight in front of them. Ye Qianli frowned and found that the domain wall was cracking faster than the magic box expected.

"If this continues, within three to five days, the vanguard army of the big demon over there will be able to fight over." The magic box said solemnly.

Ye Qianli's face sank like water, and Rong Mo also opened his mouth to conclude, "We can't let the domain wall crack like this."

"Brother, can you seal it back?" Rong Xi asked expectantly, and then said worriedly: "Even though elder brother has a deep research on the formation, I'm afraid it will be difficult. Restoring the domain wall, except for dad, few people can do it."

"At least I can't." Bai Fengchun said very self-aware, even if he knew the formation, but he couldn't do Yubi's repair.

"What should we do?" The ghost king was in a hurry, he was not worried about the region and the people, he was afraid that there would be no room for him to settle down, and the pure-blooded monster race is a vile animal! The land they occupy will not survive the next Myriad Realm creature.

But people like Bai Fengchun who are at least as strong as Sheng Wuming can't help it! Isn't the Yaoyu, or even the Wanyu, going to end?

"Son-in-law, is there a way?" Ye Batian still asked Rong Mo.

The ghost king was a little taken aback. Although he knew Rong Mo's identity, Rong Mo at the moment seemed to be a domain lord. How could a domain lord do such a thing that even a super domain king could not do anything about? Even if the identity of the domain owner is extraordinary.

Rong Mo really thought about it without responding. With his current strength, it is indeed impossible to repair the domain wall, and the obstacles he set up a little before seem to be useless now.

But it will take time for him to return to Wanyu City, and it will also take time to absorb the divine power of the four elephants. It will take at least half a month in total, and Yubi obviously can't afford to wait.



"Call me!" From the other side of the domain wall, there was a cruel roar, which was faintly transmitted, making everyone who heard it feel chills down their spines.

The pure-blooded big monster clan is clearly trying their best to compete with this domain wall! Let the magic box couldn't help but said in frustration, "The momentum over there is so fierce, I'm afraid it won't take three or five days, but only two or three days, and they will be able to rush over."



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