Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 1652 Wake up! The Lord is here! 3 more

same moment!

In Wanyu City, Ji Patriarch had devoured the four celestial bodies until only a faint speck remained, and as soon as Rong Mo was sent to Wanyu, he seemed to have a feeling and exploded with all his strength, trying to unleash it. The last celestial body god can swallow it in one gulp.



The devouring formation set up by Patriarch Ji showed signs of collapse. Although the power of the large formation he arranged hastily was not weak, Taiyichen's self-destruct did cause some damage to the formation.

Coupled with the fact that Patriarch Ji devoured it too ferociously, this formation finally couldn't stand it, and it was about to collapse, so Patriarch Ji glared and roared angrily! Khan burst out.

But no matter how anxious Patriarch Ji was, the formation still completely collapsed in an irreversible phenomenon! Patriarch Ji couldn't swallow it any longer.

"It's a good collapse!" Seeing this, people from the Taiyi and Feng clans clenched their fists and said secretly, but they didn't dare to say it out loud. They all knew that if they annoyed Patriarch Ji at this moment, he would be able to do it with a single divine sense. kill them.

Although Old Ancestor Ji might not have time to meet them, they didn't want to die in vain at the hands of this old bastard, so they all endured it.

"Bastard!" Ji Patriarch, who was furious, really didn't have time to talk to others, he desperately wanted to stabilize the formation, he obviously only needed a few more breaths, it was enough!

But in the last few breaths, this formation couldn't hold on! How can he be content?

Patriarch Ji knew very clearly that although he devoured most of the four elephants' divine powers, he had already gained a lot!

But the difference between devouring most of it and devouring all of it is a world of difference! So Patriarch Ji didn't want to miss this last breath of strength.

But the formation is unstable! After all, it was the fact that Patriarch Ji couldn't change even if he was in a hurry. The entire formation completely disappeared in his agitation.

"Damn it!" Patriarch Ji wanted to vomit blood, and knew that there was no time for him to rearrange his formation. Now he can only, can only...

"I just swallowed you!" Patriarch Ji mobilized all his strength and devoured the remaining four-element celestial body, ferocious and greedy!

"Buzz!" At this moment, the Tiandao Hunting Ground experienced unusual fluctuations, and many figures with strong auras "spurted" out of the ground.

"What?" Patriarch Ji was caught off guard. He didn't expect such a situation to happen, and he couldn't say anything, because the energy below was too turbulent.

Moreover, the regular power emanating from the Tiandao hunting ground also made Patriarch Ji intuit that it is best not to force it at this time, otherwise he may be the one who is unlucky.

"It's the people from the half-step domain king who came out!" Leng Qingshan, the king of Leng's domain, brightened his eyes, and was happy to see this scene, but the group of people from the half-step domain king seemed to come out a little too quickly.

According to ancient records, it usually takes decades to enter the Tiandao hunting ground to cultivate, and the group of domain masters came out early because of "something wrong".

Could it be that the Banbuyu King and his group were also uneasy, committed crimes, and became angry at the Tiandao hunting ground?

Leng Qingshan didn't know, but he was happy to see that the movements of the Tiandao hunting ground could stop Patriarch Ji! He also didn't want to see Patriarch Ji succeed completely.

And I don't know if it's an illusion, Leng Qingshan felt that the speed at which the half-step domain king was teleported out was much slower than the speed at which the previous domain masters came out.

"Mountain King." After being sent out, a half-step domain king of the Leng clan paid his respects to Leng Qingshan immediately, and then several other strong men of the Leng clan were sent out.

Taiyihong of the Taiyi tribe and other half-step domain kings also stepped out of the Tiandao hunting ground one after another, and rushed towards the three thousand strong men of the Taiyi tribe, all of them looked energetic and complacent.

Many people from other forces who paid attention to Taiyihong and others before could also sense that the half-step domain kings of the Taiyi clan have gained a lot, and I am afraid that the lost King Chen will be able to make up for it soon.

"Did Lao Chen not come?" But Tai Yihong, who stepped back in front of the tribe, didn't know that Tai Yichen was dead, and he subconsciously asked with a smile, because he knew that the high priest must be too lazy to greet them. Only Tai Yichen can come to deal with internal affairs.

But Taiyihong's questioning succeeded in motivating tears, and the eyes of the three thousand Taiyi strongmen who had finally stabilized their emotions were red again.

"What's wrong?" Tai Yihong's heart skipped a beat, his intuition was already bad!

But at this moment——


Patriarch Ji suddenly ignored it! He rushed towards the empty four-element celestial body, because he could already sense that Rong Mo was coming.

And at this very moment!


Rong Mo and the others, who were teleported to a region in Wanyu, are indeed down-to-earth! After stepping on the land of Wanyu, Rong Mo clearly sensed the power that belongs to him! It has been swallowed seven or eight.

Rong Mo's face sank to the extreme! He knew that even with Bai Fengchun, he would be too late to reach Wanyu City from his current position.

"What's the matter?" Seeing Rong Mo's expression, Ye Wuji hurriedly stepped forward and asked, knowing that something might really be wrong! But Rong Mo didn't say anything, he just put the person in his arms firmly into Ye Wuji's arms.

As for Ye Qianli at this moment, she is still in a coma, but the crown on her head is looming! A steady stream of power is being integrated into her body from the crown.

But Rong Mo just handed him over, and he sensed his last strength in a flurry of breath! was swallowed.

at the same time--


He swallowed it whole without hesitation, the patriarch Ji who was a four-element supernatural being, he even swallowed the strong ones including a half-step domain king of the Ji clan by the way.

"He's crazy!" Leng Qingshan's expression completely changed.

"Bang—" The rules of the Tiandao Hunting Ground! It also shook Patriarch Ji away, causing cracks to crack in his extremely hard human and divine body.


"Hahahaha! I succeeded!" Patriarch Ji didn't feel any pain at all! Laughing wildly, he finally swallowed all the power that should belong to Rong Mo.

What a shit son of King Sumi! The mighty Rong family is all scum, hahahaha...

from now on! He, Ji Zu, is the number one powerhouse in the Ten Thousand Territories, unrivaled! No one can step on, incomparable, everyone must surrender to him!

"Hahaha..." Patriarch Ji laughed wildly as he thought about it! He didn't care about the little injury on his body, but felt that the pain could make him feel more refreshed.

Leng Qingshan and other high-ranking figures in the power, but their faces were like water! His face was as black as ink, and he stared at the almost crazy Ji Patriarch, feeling cold inside.

Patriarch Ji, he really wants to lead the Ji family! Dominate all domains.


Director Jue: Click! Ji Zuozuo, stop laughing and come down to get the lunch box.

Ji Zuozuo, who was performing with both voice and emotion: Huh? ? ?

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