Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 1654 Ji Dog! This young master takes your life 2 more

Except for the last mouthful of energy he swallowed! Even the energy that he had devoured and basically digested through the devouring array before was overflowing continuously.

Damn it!

What's happening here? !

Patriarch Ji wanted to kill someone!

How can this be!

The energy that was obviously digested by him, is going to be backlashed?


How can there be such a reason! ?

"Rong Mo! Little bastard, don't you think it's shameful to wait for the formation to dissipate and we'll compete fairly in this way?" Patriarch Ji was furious.

But what he said...

He doesn't blush himself, but everyone in the Ji family blushes a little.

Chicken crowing dog thief? ? ?

This is not the way your Ancestor Ji used it himself! ?

fair play? ? ?

This is the power of Rong Mo, okay?

"Heh..." Tai Yihong and the others laughed back angrily, only thinking that this old dog Ji had double standards! The point where they can't look directly.

But they didn't laugh too loudly. After all, they didn't want to be punching bags. They had to prevent Ji Laozu from jumping over the wall in a hurry and using them to make a living.

Fortunately, Patriarch Ji didn't think of this at all, he was thinking about it! It is better to keep the energy of the four images swallowed into the mouth.

"No, no, this ancestor will never let you succeed!" Ancestor Ji suppressed his panic and fear, and made up his mind to digest the power in his body more thoroughly. He didn't believe it! If he fully digested it, Rong Mo could take it back.


After an hour passed.

Patriarch Ji became more and more restless! With trembling eyelids, he discovered that even the energy he had completely absorbed was constantly overflowing from his limbs.

He can't control it at all!

"No! No—" Patriarch Ji couldn't accept such a result, he clearly digested it completely! How can the energy that has become a part of his body be taken away?

To put it more vividly, this was clearly digested by him! It is his to turn into his flesh and blood and nourishment, and it should not be withdrawn at all.

But the fact is, it will!

And this energy overflows, and it overflows quite purely! Without taking away even a trace, Patriarch Ji's original strength seemed to disdain to be tarnished.

"Damn it! Damn it!..." Patriarch Ji was really panicked, and couldn't help cursing frequently, making the onlookers and those who came out of the Tiandao hunting ground one after another feel quite embarrassed. For dazed.

Although Old Ancestor Ji's unfavorable situation has lasted for an hour, many people still haven't recovered from it. Who would have thought that Old Ancestor Ji, who was so high-spirited and invincible just now, would turn out like this in a blink of an eye?


how to say.

Such Ji Patriarch seems to be quite miserable.

If you haven't gotten it, then forget it.

But he got it! But the current facts are proving step by step that it's useless for him to get it. Whoever owns the four-element divine energy celestial body still belongs to him.

Even if it is stolen!

Even if it is digested!

no use...

This feeling is the same as winning the first lottery and receiving the money, only to be told that there was an error in the operation, the first lottery was cancelled, and please return the money. It is the same feeling!

The point is, a lot of the money from winning the lottery has been spent, but even if it is spent, the debt has to be borrowed and repaid! This is worse than "missing".

If Rong Mo was here, someone might not be able to resist asking him if he did it on purpose.


Under the sympathetic eyes of people, Patriarch Ji kept "drawing out" energy, and even his cultivation base, in the process, appeared to regress.

"No—" Patriarch Ji couldn't stand it! He was so frightened that he desperately wanted to hold on, this peak feeling full of power, but he couldn't hold back anything.

Ancestor Ji's human-god body, after all, is at the same time as his cultivation is regressing! Shrunk from a giant to a small giant, and even the scales on his snake tail gradually faded from the colorful luster.


"A pheasant is a pheasant after all! Still trying to become a phoenix? It's ridiculous." Leng Qingshan made a very pertinent comment with a cold sneer. He didn't feel any sympathy for Patriarch Ji's end, he only felt that he deserved it.

"How come..." Patriarch Ji, however, kept collapsing in the process! Cracks appeared in Dao Xin, he never thought that he would fetch water from a bamboo basket in vain.

But facts are facts! No matter how he struggled, how he suppressed, how he stopped, it was useless, he still fell back to his original state after all.

The pinnacle feeling of being in control of everything is gone.

As if the feeling he had before was nothing but Zhuang Zhou's dream of a butterfly!

"How could it be..." Patriarch Ji looked at his hands stupidly, looking at the hands that were no longer overflowing with black mist, and was still immersed in despair.

Speaking of which, a person like Patriarch Ji shouldn't be so weak-minded, but he just experienced great joy! He was infused with great compassion again.

Even though he has an extraordinary mind! He couldn't bear such a blow, and he didn't directly collapse to the point of madness, which is already considered extraordinary in his mind.

not to mention……


The entire Wanyu is still at this moment! It seems that there is a dragon turning over, which makes all regions tremble.

Such movements...


Soon there was a deafening dragon howl! Xiongba swept.

Whether it is the domain king, domain master, or ordinary people in the entire Ten Thousand Territories, they all heard this earth-shattering! The mysterious dragon roar that resounds through the world.

Rong Mo...

He is at this moment!

Advance to become king.


All over the world! The dragon cries in the sky, evil and domineering, and the invisible supreme divine power makes everyone in the world subconsciously admire it!

Not to mention...


After Long Xiao! There is also the sound of crouching tigers in the air, the long neighing of Suzaku, and Xuanwu Zhengshi.

Wave after wave of celestial phenomena and sounds! The shock of the universe was a movement that could not be blocked by Suoyuan's death formation, so everyone in Wanyu City heard this movement.

"Rong Mo, you have become a king!" Leng Qingshan looked at the void with affirmation, and could still feel that this is not an ordinary king, maybe it is wrong! At this moment, Rong Mo already possessed the combat power of Patriarch Ji.

No, it's not that it can't be done well! It must be.


"Ji Gou!" Rong Mo's voice had already been heard from across the air at this moment, and it was extremely clear! The verdict was issued, "Your life, this young master will come and take it."

Ji dog!

Ji dog! ...

This is an angry rebuke! Like Tianyin's divine roar, it shook Patriarch Ji's five internal organs, and was also locked in the formation. The 50,000 troops of the Ji family who could not break free from the formation trembled.

"No! No, no..." Patriarch Ji's face was pale, but he recovered from the brink of collapse. After all, no matter how strong the strength is, the life of a dog is also very important.

So the moment Ji Patriarch regained his senses, he rushed to the formation even more desperately! He tried everything to escape, but he couldn't get out no matter what, instead he collided! Many of Ji's elite troops died in vain.

Ji Xihe couldn't help but said, "Old Ancestor! The effective time of the formation is coming soon, you might as well wait a little longer, and don't do any more useless work."

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