Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 1667 Parents, I'm Back

This was even more embarrassing for Zhulong, it suddenly regretted, why didn't it directly recognize the master like the judgment of the holy beast! Would it be too snobbish to recognize the Lord now?

But it really wanted to go to Mount Sumeru, so it couldn't help but said, "If you are worried about accidents, I will pledge my allegiance to the Lord and have no second thoughts."

Ye Qianli was slightly surprised, but she didn't show it on her face, so as not to embarrass Zhulong.

But Rong Mo looked at Zhulong indifferently and said, "If my wife is willing to take you in, I have no objection." The implication is that whether you can follow depends on what my wife says.

"Little lady, Zhulong is willing to be loyal to you! There is no second heart." Zhulong immediately bowed, and said with deep shame, "Before this, it was because Zhulong had eyes that didn't know gold and jade, and he still hoped that my lady Haihan .”

How arrogant it used to be, how embarrassing it is now.


It really wants to visit Mount Sumeru.

It also never expected that the couple would improve so quickly. It thought that when they came for the second time, it could decide whether to be loyal or not depending on the situation.

I didn't expect such an embarrassing result, and I felt that I was really stupid and didn't have the slightest foresight! It's not as good-sighted as a little ruling holy beast.

"Senior Zhulong has such a heart, but Qianli is naturally disrespectful, but my husband and I are going to Mount Sumeru, we can't be negligent, we can only invite..." Ye Qianli didn't continue to say the following.

Candle Dragon has already understood its meaning! He swore a blood oath directly, "I, Zhulong, swear with the blood of my heart that from today onwards, I will be loyal to Ye Qianli. If I violate this oath, my cultivation base will be exhausted and I will not enter reincarnation."

"Senior Zhulong, please hurry up." Ye Qianli accepted the offer of allegiance sent to her door, and asked, "Senior, don't you need to guard the ancestral hall?"

"Master Cangwang only asked me to guard the divine pattern of character creation. Now that the divine pattern of character creation has been discovered by you, it no longer has any inheritance, so there is no need to guard it anymore." Zhulong said.

Only then did Ye Qianli feel relieved, so she included Candle Dragon in the ancient battlefield. Once the latter entered the ancient battlefield, she felt more and more! It was really short-sighted before, and it actually picked up Joe instead of following such a blessed genius.

Fortunately, its owner is not a narrow-minded person, otherwise it will really regret it, and I am afraid it will be humiliated. It is such an old face that I don't know where to put it.

"Let's go, let's go." Ye Qianli looked at the ancient ancestral hall, filled with emotion in her heart, but she walked away without any hesitation.

Rong Mo was originally there to accompany him for a stroll, so naturally he wouldn't miss it, but on the way out, he didn't rush to stop Ren'er's waist, "It's been a long time since I've been free, let's go slowly, don't worry."

Only then did Ye Qianli slow down, "Uncle Dragon Emperor..."

"It's not in a hurry, if it's in a hurry, it would have already been called." Rong Mo knew it in his heart.

"What about you?" Ye Qianli stopped and hugged him beside him, "Aren't you in a hurry to go back to see your parents?"

Rong Mo heard her call "father and mother" naturally instead of "father-in-law and mother-in-law", and hugged her very happily, "Of course it's urgent, but it's not in a hurry. I've been waiting for so many years."

"Are you timid because of the closeness to your hometown?" Ye Qianli asked with a smile.

Rong Mo hugged her and didn't answer, in his heart... Naturally, he was a little timid.

Xiao Yi'er looked at his father and his mother, feeling deeply "lost" again, and immediately tried his best to create a sense of existence! Putting one arm on the other and saying, "What are you afraid of! You Yi."

"Pfft!" Ye Qianli laughed immediately, kissed her son's bald head again, and said, "That's right, with Mengyi here, it's not a problem to be close to home and be timid."

"That's right!" Xiao Yi'er gave his father a proud look.

Rong Mo pinched his little chubby face, which was getting better and better in the hands, and touched the waist of the leopard in his arms, the timidity in his heart dissipated a lot.

It's just that he was really not in a hurry, but he felt that there must be something wrong with Mount Sumeru, otherwise his father wouldn't say anything, and his mother would definitely come to see him directly.

Thinking of this, Rong Mo was suddenly worried, but said anxiously, "Then let's go after we arrange the people."

"Yeah." Ye Qianli climbed into his arms and let him arrange it.


As for the empress and others who had been waiting for half a day, they were still a little worried about Ye Qianli's family, but they were completely relieved when they saw that they had all come out in full length.

When Ye Qianli talked about Longshan, the Empress was amazed, but she was willing to go to Longshan to practice. Ye Batian was willing to accompany her, so naturally she was ten thousand willing.

The high priest, the little old man, refused. He still had to preside over important events in the Hui clan, and his cultivation was not much worse than that of Bai Fengchun, so he didn't need to go to Longshan to practice.

"Before parting, let's have a meal." Ye Wuji turned around and wanted to go back to Zhitianguan, only thinking of the big family, reunited together.

"Okay." Rong Mo responded directly.

The gatekeeper laughed immediately, "The old man will arrange it now."


After the reunion dinner, in Longshan.

Because she didn't know when she would be able to see her again, the Empress felt a strong reluctance in her heart, and she couldn't help but think of the situation when she personally sent her daughter's family to the Heaven Realm in the Nine Realms.

The difference is that the daughter's family at that time had a long way to go, but this time, they are going home.

"When you arrive, if you can, send a letter first." Although the empress knew that there was a hidden danger in the domain wall, her daughter's family would not go for too long, but she still wanted to get good news sooner.

"Okay." Ye Qianli couldn't bear to part with her mother, the Empress, so she hugged her tightly.

Ye Batian looked at the mother and daughter, and wanted to hold them together in his arms, but he didn't know if it was suitable, but he couldn't help it, so he reached out and touched the heads of the mother and daughter, "Li'er, take good care of yourself."

The empress froze, but before she could react, Ye Qianli stretched out her hand to hug Ye Batian, so...

Ye Batian naturally hugged both mother and daughter, but resisted not looking at the empress, only looked at her daughter lovingly, grateful in his heart, and urged him more and more earnestly, "Father and your mother are waiting for you."

"Yeah." Ye Qianli hugged her parents tightly, and wanted to take them along, but since Longshan appeared, it was the best place for her empress mother to practice.

What's more, going to Mount Sumeru is not necessarily without danger, so...

Ye Qianli still endured her reluctance, and hugged her grandfather again.

"Be good, even if you don't leave, grandpa will go back to Zhitian Temple for retreat, always have to separate, if you get tired of being together, kid Rong will despise me as a bad old man, look how much he despises Yi'er." Ye Wuji It's much more open-minded.

"Hmph!" Xiao Yi'er was very upset when he was poked at a sore spot.

Rong Xi couldn't help laughing, thinking about this journey, he was also the one who was rejected.

"Grandpa..." Ye Qianli was a little embarrassed after all.

"Okay, let's go, let's settle the matter of Mount Sumeru as soon as possible, and then take grandpa to Mount Sumeru to see it." Ye Wuji drove away directly.

Rong Mo put his arms around his wife and children, said goodbye to everyone, and then dragged his silly brother away.

Mount Sumeru.

father, mother.

He is coming back.


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